Was in Green Crusade for a time. Then an all female guild.
Ringslayer was my deathknight.
I don’t remember my mages old name. I do still have her but just dont play it very often.
MooMooGuiPan was my cow druid.
Back then though I just power leveled my mage to 55, then made the DK. Which I loved. Still play it but I’ve long since transfered to a different server and switched from Horde. Long story short, my ex was crazy and I loved the game.
Jubes and Tahra both quit, haven’t seen them in a while. Fozec, Valyre and a couple others rerolled alliance on Aerie Peak. Miron is still around from time to time on SC
This Character, Enpol
Resto shammy from the start
Was in a few end game raiding guilds, Angst! Is the only name i can remember unfortunately. I was at the AQ gates opening!
Kimdreg, we still tell stories about the night that I asked you guys to stop making Kaind mad because I have to live with him, and you said ‘oh that’s right, we all get to log out, it never ends for you’.
Hey Dread (and a bunch of others). Glad to see you people still around… heads up x a pile of us are rolling horde on Grobbulus. Got a bunch of oldbies coming.