Scariest class in real life?

My professor for that had us “teach ourselves”. Some kind of self-learning thing. Had workbooks and everything.

Worst thing ever.

I’d rather re-take biochemistry without a textbook, than suffer through organic chem again. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Shhh… the WoW devs don’t know about eldritch blast.

I loved organic chemistry. Must have been a bad teacher. It was way more… ahem… lively… than inorganic chemistry.

What in the heck. Sounds like an awful professor to me. I had a similar experience in my PolySci 101 class back in college, dude basically told us to research all major political events throughout the semester, he provided a list. I think he was trying to save us buying a textbook, but it led to a LOT of misunderstandings from people who only paid attention to major news sources instead of using neutral non-biased sources. Lots and LOTS of avoidable debates in that class. This was also back in 2018, so take your guess of how well that went over.

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actually mages are pretty scary you dismiss polymorph but I’m terrified of anything that can physically and forcibly change my form. a mage specializing way into the arcane could turn you into food and eat you, or into furniture and break you, which I’m pretty sure were torghast abilities

Its shaman. You cant trinket out of lava burst. And cloth is flammable.

I liked doing lab for it. Was an lab assistant for it, even, for a year. But, yeah, the professor never actually taught anything in class. We had groups, worked from workbooks and that was it. Awful experience.

When lava is involved, what ISN’T flammable?

Tungsten. Thats why the Firebats in Starcraft make their suits out of it.

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I feel like a warlock stealing your soul to fuel a spell would somehow be both horrifying and insulting.

So. Warlock gets my vote.

The super OP cantrip from D&D that scales with the player, does a crap ton of damage, can be modified to no end? The spell that is the reason for locks being coffee addicts? Seriously the Devs don’t know about it? Hmmm. Perhaps that’s for the best.

Don’t mention coffee lock!

I’m convinced most of them don’t play RPGs.

Rogues. Rogues sneaking around your house all the time, eating your stuff, watching you play WoW, judging you.

And Warlocks can summon a billion imps that throw fireballs at you and you don’t find that scarier?

Without a doubt, it would be double rhinoceros cleave spec of the zookeeper class.

If they were DnD type paladins I would be actually terrified.


The rogue is Batman. Has a tool for every occasion, the kryptonite for every class, and chooses when to engage (hint: it’s always on a smart rogues terms).

You wont see a rogue until it’s far too late.

Displaying the ability to turn your stolen soul into physical objects and ephemeral outbursts of intense power proves two things:

  1. The immortal soul exists.
  2. It can be taken away.

As if the literal curses and legions of actual, tangible demons weren’t bad enough.

Rogues because they always do it from behind.

Unholy death knight is a walking, talking extinction event. Darth vader, a pandemic and the zombie apocalypse rolled into one.

A wow character in the real world with their abilities? Remember, we have a modern military with bombs that can kill everything in a one-mile radius (MOAB) and not even talking nukes.

So, warriors, hunters, DH’s and any melee class is one sniper’s bullet away from death. This includes some caster classes like shaman.

One exception is death knight. Blood and unholy in particular. Both have diseases and blood DK can raise the dead into a zombie-like apocalypse. Imagine covid but with a 100% kill rate.

That brings my imagination to the type of character: undeath. In game, undead die like living characters do but I disagree. In pop culture, you need holy water or fire or a special ritual to permanently “kill” the undead. So an undead character can be shot with a gun a thousand times be won’t be killed.

The two classes that have the “scariest” powers is priest, mage and warlock.

Warlock that can summon an army of demons out of thin air would be hard to fight. But once modern humans figured out where the warlock is, carpet bomb the area, no more warlock.

Mages have the power of magic and most importantly, a teleport spell. Hard to lock on a target when that target can teleport anywhere on the planet in a couple of seconds.

Priest, imo, would be the hardest one to take out. 2 spells are OP in the real world.
Mind control: The leader of the country mind controlled by the priest. They would instantly have an entire modern military at their fingertips.
Raise dead. This spell is not exclusive to priest, so you could apply it to other classes, but it is iconic to the priest class. A character with heals and raise dead abilities would quickly become a religious figure and have an army of fervent believers do anything they would demand of them.

I could easily see how a character with those powers would create a new religion and take over the whole planet without them (personally) killing anyone.

The best way to conquer a nation is not by destroying or killing everyone, it’s by subverting the native population into making you their new leader.

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