Scariest class in real life?

Rogues would be the scariest melee class IRL. There isn’t even a close second. Rogues.

Warlocks would be the scariest casters. They would be absolutely terrifying.

Mind control you to walk across said highway*

Edit: Could you imagine the fun you could have with MC in real life? Even with a 1 minute time limit. Grab someone you really hate, make them slap a cop, etc.

A president with dementia

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Rogues, obviously. They can live in your house, eat your food, and stare at you while you sleep without you ever knowing.

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A Vengeance DH that can drain your soul into fragments in order to heal themselves is at least a little frightening, methinks.

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Rogues is a good runner for first place purely because they can turn invisible and the amount of mind screwing they could do with that would be astronomical.

DK is the clear winner in my book. Not only can they kill you agonizingly slowly and canonically are compelled to, if it all possible, make it a slow and torturous death, but they are then fully capable of raising your husk of a corpse into any manner of mindless undead creatures to hurt those you loved and/or died to protect. For someone like me, not only is the thought of dying and my loved ones remaining to suffering already a nightmare, but then add on to that being forced to be the instrument of their suffering and death is much worse.

On top of that, they could also raise you to be a DK and damn your soul to unending torment and suffering in addition to making you an instrument used to hurt the ones you love and all that jazz. Sure other classes can do a ton of things to mess you the eff up, but none really can have the entire package deal to not only make your own personal demise the most hellish nightmare imaginable, but then can force you to inflict that on your own loved ones too and to ENJOY it and need it.

I’d say Feral Druids would be pretty horrifying.

They aren’t simply killing you, they’re violently ripping you to shreds with absolutely brutal attacks.

They’re a stealth class – so they could be lurking around any corner… stalking you for days… or even weeks until you’re too paranoid to sleep.

They’re faster than you, experts at hit and run… even if you put up a fight and it runs off – you’re going to bleed out… while it just heals up and comes back for more when you’re in an even weaker state.

Haven’t heard anyone talk about an arcane druid flapping itself towards you while harnessing the power of the moon to drop a star on your head, while you get swatted with moonbeams til’ it arrives.

Scariest class alone would be Sorcerer.
Notable Sorcerers include: Illidan, Jaina, Helya, Queen Azshara, Medivh.

If that is true then lightning would vaporize the surrounding area whenever it strikes, which it doesn’t…

This was the weirdest thing you could have said.

Priest hands down, dude says “pain” and you feel pain, says “death” and well… yeah.

can’t eat in stealth tho

Haha yeah I’d just wear a mask and /point and /lol at the dk, he’d be powerless

Faster than me?

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Maybe not more mobile than a DH… but Ferals be zoomin’

Yes. Absolutely terrifying!!!

The answer is clearly mage!