Scarcity of Artisan's Acuity - What's the Purpose?

I don’t even equip them because they will always show up while crafting something. I hate them. I’ve already spoken to that npc, but they still show up while crafting, they just don’t hang around after crafting.

You get more acuity completing those patron quests , if ppl really wanted they would have gotten all the skill point from it , within two weeks .

Inorder to do that either you buy the mats from the Ah or grind it yourself.

But I think this is more Hyberbole as you don’t a need token worth of gold to get those mats for acuity .

Mettle was tied to creating the mini skill boost insight orbs that would eventually be replaced by concentration in tww.

If you knew what to do with it, you could make considerable gold depending on the profession.

I suspect blizz found that very few people interacted with artisan mettle in a meaningful way after the early stages if crafting and decided to shift its functions to concentration which would be easier to understand while fulfilling the same purpose.

The time gatey nature of acuity is absolutely intended. It’s meant to facilitate situations of meaningful choice in gameplay and patron orders are a subtle gold sink as they pull resources out of the open market and essentially remove value in exchange for skill point gains.

I’ve accrued over 1500 acuity since the expansion launched on this character with blacksmithing alone. All three of my BS slots are blue, on top of an additional tool I crafted by mistake. That’s about 375 acuity per week, and I’m not even accounting for what I’ve earned via enchanting.

The trick is patron orders. I’ve been incredibly lucky with them offering 30 acuity for green profession tools or other stupidly cheap recipes. It’s random what you get offered, and if the reward isn’t worth the material cost I just don’t do it.

It’s down to RNG, but it is possible.

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not trying to be mean or anything when I say this but we have like 6 more month of just S1.

If TWW lasts 2 years, I think we going to have plenty of time to get aa and professions leveled up.

Might not be in the first month or so of S1 starting but it will happen.

This is true, but the knowledge point gain is probably a signficant negative to player perspective when approaching professions.

Assuming you dont miss anything, knowledge points come in at a rate of 11 points per week after all first craft bonuses are obtained. Looking at a profession like blacksmithing with a staggering 825 knowledge point tree, even if we give a generous 150 points from unique treasures and first craft bonuses, you’re still staring down a near 65 week grind to max out a profession, something that historically wow players could accomplish in a day.

One could argue that this gives long lasting content, but I suspect that more people will call this a vicious kind of time gating and anti player design, even if it was made with good intentions (allowing many crafters to thrive through differentiating skill trees).

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You just pointed out why specializing matters now :slight_smile:

assuming 2year expac, everyone will be capped for all trees in about a year and a half using your math.

Specialization hasn’t mattered yet because we all could cap all trees in a couple months if not less.

also for thefirst time reining herbs and ore matters.

I see lots of positive changes for professions.

edit: also assuming there will be no increase in KP gains over the course of the expac.

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It’s more than that.

That makes so much more sense. Thank you for noting this. Maybe I’ve just been unlucky with patron order rolls. I spent a little more time on my alts this week, and double crafters obviously have more orders and get more acuity than my gatherer/crafter does. I think it really is a “mileage will vary greatly” situation, and I forgot to factor RNG into the production of which patron orders we get.

Not just choices but the consequences of those choices and chooosing to blame someone else for the choices they made.

Yeah, my husband is a blacksmith and we compared his trees to my inscription and my tailoring ones. It was crazy how much more investment of KP is needed between them. The difference was not small, with I think well over 100 extra KP required.

Except then you cannot hit the skill level required for r5 plus embellishments (which most people want) unless you burn concentration or one of the rare and very expensive +10, +20 skill items. And while that doesn’t bother me in theory, when the game demands like 300-500 concentration for 10 points, it’s an issue.

You haven’t touched on the worst part of this system: the “please craft my order with some or no mats that cost you about 5-50k gold for 10 acuity” patron orders. Or my personal favorite: the “please craft this item at rank 3 or 4 the first month of the expansion, oh you can’t? Guess you lose out” ones.


Technically, you only have to spend 600 if you find a tailor that’s willing to give up 100 of their acuity, cause for some reason, the Algari Weaverline is the only Acuity-using item that does not require the person making the order to provide it.

That said, I don’t like how scarce Acuity is for characters that have one, or worse yet, two gathering professions. You don’t get the ability to do patron orders for additional acuity/KP, so you end up quickly falling behind in acuity generation compared to someone with two crafting professions, or the absolute madlads that ‘profession shuffle’ (train up a profession, do patron orders, drop profession for another, repeat until all this is done with all crafting professions) every three days to get acuity/KP from all the patron orders for each crafting profession.


Yeah, and I’m a bit upset that they banned a bunch of people for double dipping on rep exploits, but they’re apparently a-okay with the double-dipping on acuity exploits (and shuffling IS an exploit b/c it’s obviously not supposed to work that way and has a straight-line direct affect on player power).

I wouldn’t dare try the shuffling business because it’s a clear exploit and I don’t want to get banned if they ever decide to finally crack down on it (after it’s already too late to put the cat back in the bag, but whatever).

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Exactly this. I really like the idea of it until I really started getting into it then realised just how time gated and grindy it is!


I had to level alts in the same profession just to help my main because I can’t focus on enough stuff to make what I need alone. Not without waiting months. Just the needed sparks gate the system. Why did Acuity need this much gating?


it’s waht separates the good crafters from the so-so’s.

I find it really funny that WoW introduced quality tiers on reagents at the exact same time that FFXIV was removing it for QOL because they realized it was taking up way too much space in players’ inventories.