Scammers and compensation

How many times do you have to be told that it’s not a violation of the TOS for you to understand that it’s not a violation of the TOS?

Unsupported =/= Illegal.

Blizzard’s stance on carries has always been the same since they first started back in vanilla WoW. You can do them, you can pay for them with gold (not real $$), but the transaction is unsupported, meaning that if you get scammed, Blizzard won’t give you your gold back.

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Look at it this way, OP. This is actually a win win situation.

They got the gold.

You got a valuable life lesson.


That is a horrible lesson. The bad guys always win is all that says.

“i’d ban both of you” lol what a dork.

If you choose to use the gold for a boost and decide to go to some sticky orc in an alley with a trench coat that’s on you :man_shrugging:


I feel like things like this are minor examples of Darwin’s survival of the fittest. I always say to remove the warning labels and let nature take its course.


You need to research that it is a reputable guild/group of people, who actually wish to have a good reputation, and read reviews by other players saying that they are great.

Then there is LESS of a chance of you getting scammed but still not supported.

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I think the nicest way I can say this is that you don’t want to just let people get wiped out for no reason as there are a range of jobs that need to be done in this world and the jobs Darwin award winners would do may not be appealing to those remaining :slight_smile:

I’m fairly sure I have only one post in this thread, and I don’t care how many of ya think rude proves your point…

I said IF it’s a violation… how many times will you people read IF before you comprehend it doesn’t matter if he Blizz or not, on the clock or not.

That’s not what I was getting at. Not at all.

Was going more for an “Exercise common sense and keep in mind the sheer greed and callous disregard for others” sort of position regarding unsupported transactions.

Why do you play Alliance then?

Telling you that it’s not a violation of the ToS isn’t being rude.

No… you did not. Your very first post:

And by the way, you have more than one in here.

Thanks Thalia, I stand semi corrected, the first post started with an IF condition, I’m not a Blizz rep…

And yeah, it’s getting late here, past my expiration date it seems.

Niters all.

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I hear Blizz CEO is a member of a guild that sells carries. Go find that one and do business with them.

I love these forums. :sweat_smile:

They won’t refund you the gold, they may remove the gold from the scammer and punish him but by now he has already laundered the gold anyways. They have been clear that they do not support buying carries and you do so at your own risk.

I’m sorry you were scammed Op, but there’s really nothing Blizzard can do. The only options you have are to really just accept this as a valuable lesson. We’ve all had our butts handed to us in this game at one point or another.


:thinking: Maybe you shouldn’t be trying to pay people to play the game for you?


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I do too mate.

The whole concept of boosting from the top down is a plague on the integrity of the game. I’d they would just make Boosting against the ToS, the game would be much better for it.

Back when I used to play WoTLK, some guy ninja looted gear from the last boss and Blizz was able to remove the items he ninja’d, all the items he stole were taken back. Perhaps message Customer Service, maybe they can help.

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