Scammers and compensation

oh god this is funny, its sorta like when i see a spacex rocket explode


I’m surprised people don’t get scammed out of their gold more often. Seems like an easy thing to do.


You get a big warning before accepting the trade, surely you thought it was sus at some point? Reminds me of those old RuneScape scams haha

Oh well. You won’t get your gold back, but I’ve hoped you’ve learnt.

I also see a lot of comments saying boosting is killing WoW; boosting is in every game. Not just WoW. Where there is high level content, boosting will always be a thing. A good example of this was new world- there was boosters in the 2nd day of launch selling for both gold and RMT.

how would you even support a trade like that?
how do you stop the person from running away with your gold?
how do you stop the player from running away without paying after the carry? Blizzard doesn’t care.
Blizzard seems to be encouraging the scams by not refunding the gold so they can keep the money you paid for tokens and let the in game gold disappear from the system.

Blizzard wins when players get scammed, OF COURSE they won’t refund your gold…

I know ppl hate Huokan, but if you go with some no-name boosting community, you’re much more likely to get scammed. What’s even worse is anybody can just pose as Huokan and scam you anyway.

Ninja looting isn’t really on the same level as scamming.

Although in both cases, Blizzard won’t return what was taken. They’ll take the items from the scammer/ninja, but they won’t return the items/gold to the players unless the scam happened as a result of items being traded through the trade window.

Some people get scammed for a lot more than video game currency for items that become worthless in a month. Be thankful it wasn’t something important and be more cautious in the future.

Gold transfers hands too fast. You buy at your own risk.

yeah I am doubtful this happened but this has never been a supported transaction. They only support transactions that both parts can be made in the trade window.

This why spammers and scammers exist in WoW. They can buy subs, stuff in shop, character services and boosts with no cost but a token with gold.

Another words they are getting free stuff with pixel money from players by making a business out of it.

I felt the same way you did until Mike Ybarra publicly stated he and his guild do carries for gold.

Now I kinda feel like if the leader of the company is going to publicly endorse carries for gold, the least he could do is set up a safe system for it, while making sure any scammed gold is returned in the meantime.


Sadly, this is a buyer beware situation. No one is going to compensate you.

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m8 take some responsibility here sheesh you are blaming blizzard becuase u were dumb enough to fall for a scam. This isnt even close to being blizzards fault m8.


I got a notification my post was hidden due to being an advertisement, I knew it was this post instantly, I omegalul’d

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bonks on noggin


That sucks and you can try reporting but it is also your fault. Not Blizzard’s fault you did this. That is a choice you made. Maybe next time look for guilds who do carries and make sure they are legit. If you were trading actual items for gold then I believe Blizzard will do something. But carries aren’t supported by Blizzard but not against the ToS. It is “Do at your own risk”.

I wonder if EU players get more protection in this type of situation where they spent real money to get the currency that was scammed.
OP basically got robbed of $40 courtesy of Blizzard and it’s obviously profitable stance on selling carries.

It’s not like it’s an item trade here people… you pay people with the expectation they can/will complete content. It’s dangerous because it’s built off of trust. Best bet is to stick with a reputable community like Huokan and don’t get scammed by fakes. Make a Discord account with us and join our official Discord channel. Any time you deal with a seller, verify them via our actual Discord.

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Don’t expect a whole lot of sympathy. Purchased carries have been a pariah on this game since the beginning and you just admitted to being part of the problem.