Scammers and compensation

Guess it’s best I’m not a Blizz rep…

I’d ban the both of you, seller and buyer.

It’s not that I’d oppose boost carries for gold, but a higher majority has made it against the TOS.

I might tend to look away from deals under the table, but you put it on the table. As the great gump has said, stupid is as stupid does.

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as the saying goes a fool and his money are soon parted


No he didn’t. He didn’t even advertise them. Peddling this lie helps no one.

Mike Ybarra is always selling carries for gold on stream.


Participating =/= Selling
Telling folks that he’s going to be doing a carry run with his guild =/= advertising.

He. Sells. The. Runs.


No. He. Does. Not.

There is zero evidence that he sells the runs. All this BS comes from that one tweet where he tells people who follow him on Twitter that he’s going to be streaming a carry that the guild he is in, happens to be running. That’s it. End of story.

Okay. You have never watched his stream.

“If we get 100 more followers the next run is only 25k a slot!”

Yeah, I have actually.

I follow the dude on Twitch. At no point has he ever ‘sold’ a carry to anyone. He doesn’t advertise for it, he doesn’t take gold for them. You’re simply peddling a BS narrative.

He sells the run for gold.

Again, he doesn’t. But let’s assume that your BS narrative is correct and he’s actually selling these runs in person. What business is it of yours? That’s right. None.

What Mike Ybarra chooses to do in his own time, when he’s not working, is none of your business.

If he was doing this on the clock, during work hours, that would be a different matter entirely.

I don’t care what he does, but don’t sit here like you know everything. I’ve watched his stream many times and he talk about his carry for gold runs. What don’t you understand? I’m simply telling you the facts. I don’t care if he sells them, but you are wrong. Everything in this world is my business if I so make it my business.

I think El Presidente has undermined this somewhat. :wink:

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Unsupported transactions should be banned from the game.
Blizzard is basically playing both sides selling tokens for cash that people use to buy carries.
Instead $20 and 200k(or $40 and 400k in this case) just lost to the player forever who got scammed, meanwhile the scammer just starts up a new dummy account and keeps scamming.

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You are clearly having an episode. Take some of your medication and sleep it off for tonight.


Are you telling me to take drugs?


They’re not against ToS according to the blue post. They’re just unsupported.

These kinds of trades are entirely unsupported, but they aren’t against our policies. So we allow them, but they are at your own risk.

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Look, carries are fine, they have been a part of the game from its literal beginnings. If you want to buy a carry run, mythic + or raid, with whatever variables added on, then you do it via a known group, or one of the big guilds who are known for selling runs.
Guilds sell raid spots to fund the next raid tier. Consumables, gear and vantus are expensive.

Its like getting your roof fixed tho. You can book in with a qualified, proven trades company, or you can book the job with some random off craigs list. If the random runs off with your money and leaves you with nothing, only kind of have yourself to blame.

If all discussion about the transaction was in game (they dont care nor should they about what was discussed in messenger or voice coms) then you can report it and they will have the gold removed and likely punished. But ive never seen them return the gold.

Get into the habit of only partially paying up front, or not paying until the carry is done. Or…learn your class and do the content yourself, heroic and 15-18 keys have been easily puggable for months now.


What any Blizz employee does on or off the clock, does matter if it’s a violation of the TOS…

Perhaps it’s time for some zero tolerance, instead of this turning the blind eye…

Again… it’s not against the rules. I linked you a direct quote from a blue.