Scammers and compensation

If you can’t put the item in the trade window then it’s an unsupported transaction.


Linking the AOTC acheiv saying selling this is linking an technically linking

You can’t put a carry or service in the window. It is not a tangeble thing. It is an agreement between players.

You can put a stack of cloth in the window and gold in the other window. That is supported. You can even put a stack of mats in the window and gold along with in-game text agreement to craft X. That can be reported and recovered.

Services and loans though, are not supported and never have been.

If Blizz wants to support such services they would make a board where you list your service, a person pays, and if you don’t complete the service the gold is refunded and a negative mark is set against them. All auto tracked.

That opens up the whole “is boosting, carries, etc even good for the game?”


Blizzard does not accept any outside files or logs when it comes to proof. They use only their own logs for things - things that are supported.

Again, scamming you may get them a suspension or ban and gold removed, but you won’t get it back. If you report, be sure to give Blizz the name, server, chat channel, date, and time of the chat and transactions so they can see if at least the scammer can be actioned.

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Linking something is not the same as putting an item in the trade window. You took a chance doing an unsupported transaction and now you’re stuck with the consequences.

When someone says it has to go in the trade window they mean the right click trade interface that pops up. It has a space on each side for players to put items and at the bottom, gold. Then each clicks Accept when they are happy with the trade. Any attempt to change the items or gold resets the approval. Hard to scam that way. You can’t put a service there.

Again, you can report the scammer but you won’t get the gold back.


Actually your post is still flagged and hidden.


iirc transactions like these, so long as they are done within the game are something blizzard enforces. ie: if i offered a reputation carry or some such for a certain agreed upon price in the games chat channels, if i went back on my word i’d be subject to punishment and they’d refund the person i scammed.

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But they do nothing about people spamming all day “Carry for gold”

Blizzard: Do this but don’t do it

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this company just gets worse and worse the more you hear about it, they let people spam trade chat with this and say it isn’t “supported” take the gold from the scammer and instead of giving it back they just sell more tokens. Blizzard has turned into the new EA games.


That is still not supported. You might get punished for scamming, but the person would not get refunded.

BUT at least having it in game means the scammer may see the gold taken away from them.

I don’t ever participate in such things because very often they are scams and I know I won’t get my gold back.

Blizzard is long gone. This is Activision now.

Because it isn’t against the rules it just isn’t supported. It’s use at your own risk.

This is how Blizzard has handled unsupported transactions for 17 years. People would come to the forums upset that they loaned someone gold for a mount and it was not paid back. That they paid gold for a raid run and got kicked before the last boss they wanted a loot chance on. That they got denied loot and kicked from raid, etc.

All those are not things Blizz gets involved in. Never has. Personal deals you make are at your own risk…


blizzard is pretty much saying “Thanks for playing and getting the community to help you via ingame currency and we will let it happen but when you get scammed our eyes are shut” they cant say it isnt supported if they let it happen over and over again. like the logic isnt there.

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That is not true at all, and I have videos to prove it

Sure you do. :ok_hand:

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Maybe next time don’t do dumb stuff like buy carries from a boosting community and you won’t get scammed. This isn’t the company’s fault.

If you want a blue post on this matter, then make a thread in the Customer Support forum.


This isn’t the company’s fault. You were scammed.

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You can go to YouTube and look them up.