Scammers and compensation

I am wondering if reporting does anything at all. I’ve been reporting every single day and they still keep posting.

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It does nothing. Don’t even bother reporting.

Honestly this is just another example of Blizzard taking half action. They tip toe a line to play as many sides as they can. Simply put if the development team were in fact not in support of the sale if in game services for gold they would make it wholly against the terms of service.

With the way things are they let those with the ability to carry do it for gold, they let lazier or incapable players with gold to pay for services, they encourage barter for service transactions in game by not ruling against them, and this encourages several camps of player to participate in more gold collection via in game means OR by buying WoW tokens which has direct monetary benefit for the company.

That all being said this is why Blizzard in general has taken this stance. It is to pander to the most crowds while being of potentially monetary benefit. I wish the Devs would stand up and say “Hey these in game transactions are hurting the game more then helping” But that is unlike with the fact that it would upset a large crowd of people as well as potentially cut in to WoW token transactions.
Honestly I would hazard a guess that a number of WoW developers probably don’t like the fact that the policies allow these in game transactions as they undermine most in game accomplishments. The fact is them making a chance would help the games state of being but hurt the company in other aspects they are clearly not willing to consider.


I’m one of those people who are against boosting. The advise I gave you is all that I know of, sorry.

Yes and no. If Blizz can prove that a person scammed you in game using in-game chat, they punish the scammer. They don’t give you your gold back though to discourage you from doing that again. Sort of like dealing with folks selling stolen goods. Dude might get arrested, but you don’t get your money back. Grey markets are bad-ish.

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Lesson learned then I guess eh?


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My problem is Trade chat IN GAME shouldn’t even be close to a gray market.


Blizzard: Hey don’t do this but do it. #lazy

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They were using the ingame trade window… so whats the excuse there

I’ve seen it go both ways.

One friend was told when he bought pearls in a COD listed at “Righteous Orbs” (they use the same icon) that it was his own fault. I’ve seen another friend who DID that same scam be punished.
etc etc over 17 years.

It isn’t. At all. This has been explained by two people and a blue post already.

It is 100%

“Carrying the player through the instance” cannot be put into the trade window.

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“Don’t refund the gold. The player will buy another token.”

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Doesn’t hold up historically. Lol.

probably not.

You can’t put 10/10 H SoD carry in the trade window. :woman_facepalming:

i mean i have a screen recording and screen shot of the entire thing. so like yeah.

That is the idea tho.

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