Scammers and compensation

Unfortunately, while in-game services for gold is not currently prohibited, it is unsupported. Blizzard does not enforce agreements between individuals for borrowing gold, using told for boosts, dungeon/raid access, etc.

They never have. IF you opt to engage in those you do so at your own risk.

They only support scams/fraud using the in-game trade window or the AH - which are pretty fool proof.

Because it is not something they encourage you to do. They have no formal services for what you were doing. Depending on where the scam chat took place, they may not even be able to do anything to the person. Blizz does not use third party chat like Discord as a source.

Thallia is right with the Blue quotes.


Unsupported transaction. You do so at your own risk. No one at Blizz is giving anyone gold back, so that person can turn around and do the transaction again. Let’s use some logic here. And read the blue post explanation.

But since you can’t have an actual conversation and just want a childish “nuh-uh, yeah-huh” waste of time, I’ll let you continue to troll on your own. Unsupported conversation. :slightly_smiling_face:


Just lazy Blizzard. That is all


They have never given gold back, for any reason. Loot disputes, no items are handed out. (The only time this happened was “Hey, I looted this and didn’t realize it was BOP. I wanted my friend to have it. Can you take it away from me and give it to them?”)

The moment they give the gold back, it becomes a supported transaction. If the transaction cannot fit in a Trade window, it’s not supported. (And you can’t fit a SOD carry into the Trade window. So…)


Yes, they did.


your not going to find any sympathy on the forums.


I wouldn’t waste your time. He doesn’t even have a counter argument.


Well, much like some political or religious debates, the goal isn’t to convince the other person, but rather the listeners/readers. :slight_smile:


Yeah he’s just trolling.

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So true, so very true

If it is a common drop they don’t do any loot swaps even then. They don’t want to encourage people to ticket for the loot disputes.

The rare times they step in involve very very rare drops and the person who has it needs to ticket to give it to someone else.

The 2 hour timer was put in originally to avoid loot mistakes with master looter. Blizz did not want GMs involved, but did give us some tools to help ourselves.

No, they have never given gold back for unsupported transactions in the entire history of the game. You only get gold back if you get hacked and it is proven based on the access and game logs. The only supported transactions are ones through the trade window and in-game chat, or AH.

Personal chat agreements for gold have never been supported.


Purposely changing someone’s quotes is against the rules here.


You realize we can all see you changed the quote text to something a person did not say right?


Yes, they did.

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Yes, I know that

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apparently yes, though that is certainly a dick move.

i bought tokens to get it.

Just stupid players. How much were you scammed out of champ?

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Wouldn’t it just be easier to put in somewhat of an effort to actually learn your class or encounters and never have to worry about this risk?


420k. bought 2 tokens for it… havent been on in 8 months cause of personal issues and come back thats the first thing that happens.