Scammers and compensation

There is always a risk when you pay for a service like that. I think blizzard should ban them if provable, but don’t think they should refund anything. It would be too much research for them if peeps are constantly claiming cheats.

That’s actually exactly what they do. :slight_smile:

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thats when you make it that you may after the run or half before, half after

or just do a run normally and dont pay for it. it just makes mpre sellers and scamers. if someone like me can get kms in puggs for both seasons then anyone can

Strangely, if you bought a carry through one of the many, many real money services, you could have got the money back though PayPal.

I’m not encouraging or endorsing such things. Just pointing out how there is an actual good reason under the current rules to buy with cash over gold.

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you know what, thats my bad, ill admit i i used the wrong wording here, he wasnt selling them via twitter, he was advertising his stream… of the sales runs.

Whats the point of your post? The dude sells runs thats the point of mine soo your post doesnt change the point ive made peddling stupid corrections that change nothing helps no one.

you think he just goes along on them to help out and stream? when it comes time to split the pool he steps away quietly and donates his gold to the Orgrimar orphan program?

for all we know they roll the same kinda cheat software people who say cheat in TF2 do that when they’re targeted for a kick or ban the software throws some innocent person in the line of fire or whatever. I mean seriously though what’s the reason for playing a game if all they’re going to do is cheat and steal? I mean wow…they must have a very tiny self esteem that they think that’s the way to have fun…can’t have fun unless they’re making someone else suffer

Ninja looting is kinda rare now, back in the day it was very common, vanilla, tbc, wotlk

In-game pure gold scams are a blessing. The possibility of it happening passively dissuades people from paying for boosts, and then by extension putting a damper on turning the game into a pure services economy. Which is actively reinforced by blizzard being the middleman between the boosters (those who pay their sub in gold) and boostees. Boostees who then get gold from the token to then give to booster, thus completing the cycle.

There should honestly be more gold ripoff scams happening. These hypercentralized and bot automated boosting discords make the game worse for everyone not in them.

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Hey man I have a good idea of who they are, I took tons of screen shots because they mistakenly unblocked me and added me back to the discord. I got screen shots they’ve been scamming people since Feb 2022 and 50+ of them are doing so so there’s no telling how much gold they managed to rack up. Soon as i called the guy out he kicked me from discord and block me immediately. They scam using “Nerd rage” guilds name and always from level 1’s.


9 months later

also if you have proof of this, no one here can do anything, send it to blizzard.

How much gold was it?

Blizz could easily make an escrow (think this is the right term) middleman NPC where you make a contract with the other player for a boss death.

As soon as your character gets credit for killing that boss while the other player in the contract is in party with you, they get a vendorable contract for the full amount. (if the contract is not filled in 24 hours money goes back to the buyer)

It’d be so easy to do this, but blizzard is lazy and they’d rather throw up their hands DSP style

:pig_nose::pig:“That’s not my fawlt dood, thanks for the money dummy!” :pig: :pig_nose:

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While i have a hard time having too much sympathy for people that get ripped off like this, i can’t help but think that if Blizzard wants to profit from the serviced based economy they have created, then they should have something in place to deal with scammers and victims.

If you are going to do a deal with them never pay full amount up front you give them a deposit and then give them the rest later when it’s completed. Well,at least that’s what I did with mine for a mount.

so basically someone can just spam accounts scamm people , circulate the gold , swap to another disposable account and rinse and repeat , and blizz cant do anything , man what are people even doing ? easiest way to make gold .

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so if you put in a ticket they will tell you that their is nothing that you can do about it and then tell you how to do it and how to get way with it

Implementing an in-game services channel that come to find out basically exists only to allow players to get scammed while admitting players are being scammed and telling everyone that nothing in the services channel is supported after they get scammed and then not returning the gold has to be one of the grimiest moves ever implemented by a gaming company. Customer support must be spending an exorbitant amount of time dealing with scammers these days, one would have to imagine it is the bulk of their daily workload. Then, one can infer that Blizzard is making more money off whatever consequences are related to the gold transactions than they do with customer service they have decided it’s cheaper to continue allowing their players to get scammed than to start standing by what they admit openly is an actual problem. In conclusion, Blizzard is spending money on making sure you are able to be scammed continually without actually doing anything to address the problem or even properly warn its customers in advance. Surprise! We don’t support you.

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(I wanna preface this by saying it is against ToS and i DO NOT support it)
But blizzards stance on this encourages and is(i think) a big reason why theres so much Real world trading. If you buy a boost with your paypal and get scammed you can get your money back and possibly sue. Get scammed in game blizz is like “we COULD give you your gold back but we wont.” If blizz wants to stop it then they need to stop all boosting wether its with irl money or in game gold but they wont cause that would hurt their top guilds and blizz wont risk upsetting them.

That’s what you get for buying a carry.