Scaling Changes for Corruption Effects

They have stars upon thars

Mages can go two other damage specs, windwalkers cant.

Nerfs to Corruption bonuses, specifically Infinite Stars, aren’t even remotely a surprise. In fact, they were very reliably predicted. Don’t worry, they’ll get around to those other outliers soon as well.

I initially thought that the positive Corruption effects were intentionally too powerful to tempt players into suffering through the negative Corruption effects and dealing with more deaths in content because of them, therefore slowing down content consumption. While the devs may view that as an added bonus of the design, I no longer think that. Imagine being level 119, and someone gives you an item level 460 weapon that requires level 120… do you sell/DE it or keep it for when you can use it? You save it of course. That’s what I believe they’ve essentially done to us with Corruption gear. Long after people have cleared Ny’alotha, there will be players still pushing to upgrade their cloak so they can eventually use that tier 3 Infinite Stars item with 75 Corruption on it, if not more than one. They’ve intentionally front loaded gear acquisition ahead of when we can use it - so I believe they’re balancing NOW for that time in the future - a future date they can reliably predict since advancement on the cloak is gated with a set schedule. If I’m right, the devs didn’t need to balance them on the PTR. Sure, you could technically run a lot of Corruption now, but that time you spend moving out of range of the eye or dealing with the Thing from Beyond is lost dps… even if it doesn’t kill you, it WILL slow you down and therefore slow consumption of the content.

I’m not defending this by any means. To the contrary, it’s wretched and underhanded, and intentionally leads players into a “No Win” situation. No matter what course of action Blizzard takes at this point it will leave a bad experience for players - for those that game Corruption or hold onto the items, that effort isn’t going to be rewarded with further nerfs. For those that cleanse the item to use right away, even though the nerfs won’t effect them, they’re going to constantly worry about the positive effect they’ve given up - one they might have to hope drops later once their cloak has reached a sufficient level of Corruption resistance. If they don’t nerf, then the game is broken and people will be carrying these effects deep into Shadowlands.

This never should have even been contemplated, much less gone live.


Its almost like letting top end guilds be your testers intentionally let stuff like this slip by so they can get an advantage.

But thats just a conspiracy right?


It was also possible to cleanse corrupted gear free of charge on the ptr. People who hadn’t gone to the new content yet could continue to gear up rather than getting gear they couldn’t use.

Good direction but not enough. You gotta go back to drawing board again since there are too many memes going on in the first week of the rated PVP season due to the twisted corruption effects. And ofc they will make mythic race much more rng-dependent.

Please disable your horribly designed corruption crap in rated pvp, thanks.


Anyone else experiencing 0 procs post this nerf. My twilight devastation item still procs as normal, but across over 10 pulls on Heroic Ra-den last night, and countless 5 minute trials on dummies, I’ve had 0 procs since this hotfix went live. It appears to have gone live sometime around 11PM EST last night, between pulls while my guild was raiding.

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Meanwhile everyone who rolls void ritual immediately flips a table because its a complete waste of mementos

After the change went live last night nobody in my raid had any procs from twisted appendage on boss fights so I’m wondering if they perhaps overnerfed all the proc rates.

It’s not just an overnerf. I’ve spent over an hour on dummies, with no procs on my Infinite Stars weapon. Swapped to Twilight devastation and it procs at the same rate as before. There’s a bug, just waiting on a response to my ticket.

According to GC a key component of design is to allow everyone to be a wrecking ball. That’s the fantasy they’re fulfilling.

Monks aren’t really that bad based on the logs.

There are two mages spec right near the bottom though and two hunter specs below monks.

I was kind of thinking the same lol. Maybe they’re just buying time for an actual fix, I’d probably do the same if it’s just a temporary thing.

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Feels fantastic man!!!

Infinite Stars doesn’t proc on target dummies. Never has.

I think the idea is great. The balance is horribly off though. I’m fine with something like infinite stars being good in ST or twilight dev being good in AoE. The issue is that even in their “bad” scenarios they are ridiculously far ahead and still make up an absurd % of people’s damage.

These effects should have all been about the weight of an extra trinket slot which is usually in the 5-10% category with 10% being on the higher end (maybe infinite stars in pure st). Instead we are seeing it being top 3 damage sources at like 15-20% in some cases.

Blizzard just needs to actually do heavyhanded balance changes for once instead of this -25% meme they keep doing to infinite stars.

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Thats assuming they have a QA team…

Kotaku’s sources say that across Blizzard, layoffs occurred largely within support teams, IT, and QA

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I agree 100% there is going to be way more rng now because I assume it’ll do the same dps you just have to have the luck to get it on high item level piece