Scaling Changes for Corruption Effects

Fairly sure they’re talking about more ST buffs, since the spec is pretty laughable when it comes to pure ST (boss damage), which based on logs has both spriests and WW as the worst specs (without an alternative dps spec).

But we’ll see where things end up going, corruption is such a big thing and more and more people will eventually get their BiS corruptions as time goes by.

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They nerfed proc rates cause it was doing too much damage.

I’m not sure why you have to change scaling effects when the majority of players (probably LFR) don’t even have access to the raid. Do you really have sample size to change so early in this patch? I was enjoying the tentacle effect and its dps. Now I have the effect to deal with and tremendously reduced dps, even though it carries 60 corruption on the item, when it would seem your parses are from all the mythic players and people in some initial raid groups. Why do you jump the gun on the nerfs?

Corruption is designed to punish players unless they grind, grind, and grind. I do not like this design for a MMORPG like WoW.


Can I be the first to say thank you for writting that out fully!
I get so tired of people saying “remove the GCD” and “GCD is ruining the game” and all the garbage that uniformed players keep saying.

It’s refreshing to see someone address it correctly and relevent to the state of the game instead of just a blank statement.

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Or maybe realize that this whole system is bad for the game and that it needs to die in a fire

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They are buying time knowing that the problem will be worse. They are merely trying to reduce backlash now because it will be worse come reset day in less than 72 hours.

I was just thinking about that this morning. I agree 100%

Naw just got resto or brew

Yes, I agree. Another pointless bothering mechanic. You can’t even control it with any skill because if you manage your corruption below the worst effects, blizzard has put in enemies and effects that drop more corruption on you, so that the “thing from beyond” can get you no matter what you do. I just love having 8 stacks of corruption on me from something in Uldum, that lasts for 30 minutes so that while I do my quests, the thing from beyond can attack me repeatedly while the worm zaps me every second while I walk on the ground underneath it. What fun! Does Blizzard even play its game anymore?

BIG B S! SO What!!! If they are set to A-power and S-power. You did it, Stand by your creations for ONCE Blizzard, Stand up! It was not that out of balance. What happened? A cry baby elitist complain that they Lost a PVP battle by A player who put the time in and geared, Played and ground to get the piece??? I bet thats what happened. Probably a big dollar youtuber too. Just saying.