
I’m sure most of us have heard the glowing reviews for dragon riding so far. Among alpha testers, Dragon Riding has been referred to as the best feature this game has seen in years. This sentiment has been pretty much unanimous.

Unfortunately, the most recent alpha build seems to have changed dragon riding in pretty significant ways. The new talent system and cosmetic unlock system seem to be good and generally positively received. The other changes though, not so much:

  • Dracthyr’s soar racial has been nerfed by 30%, making it significantly slower. Additionally; it keeps it’s very long 5 minute cooldown.

  • Dragon Riding itself has been made more clunky in an attempt to make it feel more “weighty” and “realistic”. Unfortunately, this results in a delay in input when attempting to maneuver your dragon. I know everyone has opinions on Taliesin and Evitel, but in this video Taliesin goes into pretty good depth as to why the new changes are bad.

TLDR; Dragon riding appears to have been significantly nerfed in the newest alpha build AFTER receiving glowing feedback from pretty much everyone who tried it; going against the feedback . Please don’t pull a Torghast on us again Blizzard. Keep this system as something awesome and enjoyable; don’t ruin this by making it clunky.


It is just alpha, they are literally testing.

they just went a little over board in this first test of the weighted system.

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And that is exactly why I am leaving this feedback here now. They need to hear we don’t like the changes to know that they need to make further changes.


These are changes in the wrong direction.
I’ll accept that Soar may have needed a speed reduction, but the most important thing it has been needing is a CD removal/reduction. This is even more needed now, as compensation for the new speed reduction.


Fun detected. Fun eliminated.



You have taken something, that everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, every single content creator i watched and interacted with had nothing but RAVING POSITIVITY for the initial iteration of Dragonriding.

You have taken it, and made it objectively, demonstrably and unarguably worse in every way with the slow pitching and turning.

There is only a net loss here, your obsession with realism is idiotic in this case. The change has taken away fun on a system that should only ever be fun.

Dragonriding is NOT A TARGET FOR YOU TO BALANCE like spell damage numbers, leave it alone and revert it to what it was.

Revert it or you will lose what little faith you gained from its initial implementation.


This is the part that really gets me about it. You had everyone in support of this. Everyone that usually disagrees with each other all agreed it was fun. You had a very much needed win in the bag. Why throw it away?


I think the blame here is on some of the people in the community who claimed they want realism and physics in Dragon Flying tbh. They should’ve known that something like this would happen, because adding weight will make it less responsive.

I don’t think discounting the people who had concerns, or didn’t like it, is everybody. Unless you mean everybody who liked it.

Maybe they found some problems with it, and trying to solve whatever they can? Why exactly were instantaneously going to “Oh no it’s ruinned!!” instead of finding out why? It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. :man_shrugging:

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Yeah weight to me would feel more like handling a heavy two-handed swing, instead of input lag. This just is gonna be like your internet blipped.


the realism debate in WoW has always FLOORED me

We want real world physics sometimes but have no problem with mages turning disparate matter in to items.


I will be honest… The turn speed in this game for vehicles are AWFUL. Oh my GOD. It’s the kind of thing where you’re driving like one of those big commercial jets in GTA, but for something that might as well be a size of a SPOON in comparison.

Legit. It’s a reason why half of Blizzard’s Vehicles are awful to control. If they had a turn limit, it would at least be somewhat tolerable to handle. I can handle being limited to 45 degree turns. Not so much with crap turn speed.

As much the Dragon Flying did unimpressed me, i don’t want it to be worse. I want it to control better. I want everything to control better because Gameplay is important.


Remove the CD.
Give Dragonriding functionality to Soar.
Add Dragonriding to Azeroth.


Right, this would’ve been Way better, and let everyone have fun. Instead they nerfed the fun aspect of one race so others wouldn’t feel left out?


I know there was the very small percentage of people who had concerns. I think they should give normal riding too for those people but they shouldn’t make dragon riding and soar less fun for the people who liked it. Which I’m going to keep it 100% real; I have been watching a lot of alpha streams from different people and reading wowhead and the forums a lot. I haven’t seen many people who dislike the system at all. Like almost nobody.

I stated in the original post what their “why” for it was. They missed the mark. They should fix it.

I don’t know mate, it’s not a majority, but it’s not really something that is insignificant either. Especially if there were changes, which definitionally implies that flying isn’t exactly as perfect as some has said.

Which is what some of the people in that group were saying. And they were written off, or dismissed as “hater”, “trolling” or told that they should try it, etc…

I don’t think anybody who ever said they dislike it, said to make it less fun.

Even if it’s “almost nobody” as you put it, that’s still not “everybody loves it”.

There are more reasons then simply them not meeting up your expectations.

This wouldn’t be as bad of a change if realistic physics were implemented into the game’s movement in the first place imo, but the fact that WoW has always had snap movement is what makes this change very strange.

I personally am indifferent from having realistic physics in the Griffon (and most mounts) in GW2 and the horse in BDO but the way it reacts to your mouse is honestly pretty naff at best.

I get they’re trying to do something different but this ain’t it chief.

Neither is the Soar speed reduction. Fun detected, yikes.


What are you even trying to argue though? Just that not everyone liked it? Like okay? I don’t like raiding/fishing; they shouldn’t alter it because it’s not for me. The problem isn’t that they addressed the concerns of the people who didn’t like it. They made it clunky for no reason. It doesn’t work more similar to old flying; it actually feels even more different.

There is literally zero rationale for making turning have a one second delay before you start to turn. It’s not fun; it’s unresponsive.

I’m trying to say, the people who didn’t like it, or had concerns with it, are dismissed, discredited, treated as if there’s something wrong with them, or in some cases, threatened with a report.

You think there’s no reason. I can think of plenty of reasons why they would do that.

One of them being listening to requests from people who liked it to make it more realistic even.

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I have been pretty neutral to the dragon riding system.

But if they are going to nerf every aspect down to the ground I think I will stick with the OG which is flying.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

There is never a good reason to make gameplay feel clunky and unresponsive.

Well yeah, obviously people should be able to share their opinion on the system, even if it is an unpopular one. I just want the system to be good; according to most testers, they have made it feel worse.

In my opinion, trading smooth gameplay for realism is almost always a bad decision.