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How much is the package that makes your server maintenance estimation actually be correct?

I have worked within Corporate IT for close to 30 years now, working my way up from a bench tech too the Director / VP Level, and we would never let this fly within the Company I work at. If their is downtime we would not be going for cash grabs as it is plan bad optics and poor marketing.

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The fact that people care this much about who finishes content first in a video game is simply amazing to me.

The content is here until the next expansion, yet the only thing people want to do it blast through it as quickly as possible so they can moan and complain for the next 18 months about how bored they are and how little there is to do.

You are paying to PLAY the game yourself, not to watch other people play. You don’t have to subscribe if you just want to watch people on Twitch.

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Refund me the cost of this expansion

I dont care who finishes it first, I just care about when I get to finish it.

Why are there no sales on server changes or free server changes. This expansion brought a lot of people back and a lot of people logging into their old chars from multiple expansions old servers are completely dead. I dont even know why servers are maintained when they are dead. just merge a lot of the dead servers and call it a day or offer free xfers off like you did in classic wow.

You’re entitled to your salty opinion, but three things:

The raiders who compete in this event work harder at this than you ever have at anything in your life

They have achieved more success through their efforts and skill than you ever will

Hating popular things doesn’t make you interesting

there literally just was a week ago… it was a 2 week sale lol.

Optics are everything and Blizzard only seems to care about that when they are losing money. It’d be much less expensive for them if they just…you know, tried to make themselves look better from the get-go.

Are you offering a new expansion that is only playable 50% of the time… think we already have it

Funny this was the straw that made me cancel. Everyday is bugs/dc/extended blahblah and the storyline for this expac is lame and lazy.

-2 Subs but they won’t care. I’m sure ill get bored again sometime in the future. Prob not this expac tho

There was before the Season started. Was up for 2 weeks.

Looks like someone forgot to push up the scheduler from the FIRST maintenance extension to the new UPDATED one.

I guess if you want maximum attention of an ad in the forums, posting it while everyone’s viewing downtime threads is pretty brilliant. When the servers go back up, ppl won’t remember they were mad, but they’ll remember the ad, lol.

I think you’re just looking at it the wrong way…It’s a challenge run for people to see how fast they can overcome the hardest content in the game first based on skill.
I’m not interested in watching it and never have been but that’s just what it is. They’re getting paid to do it and people want to see it so just let people enjoy it.


Good deals. Bad timing.

Get used to them pushing more and more microtransactions now that Microsoft has taken over, they have seen just how much money can be made with a game like D4 and will now be heavily pushing them here as well.

you really have your nerve trying to ask for money when your game is constantly broken

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Considering how much they pull in on token sales during the RWF rush every season. I think they are doing fine in that department.