Save enhancement! (pvp)

As an enhance pvpr, the most frustrating things in this game are:

1-Ride the lightning since it was mixed with forked lightning, a talent every shaman in the world said was a horrible design that shouldn’t exist since legion. Meanwhile every shaman in the world adored the old ride the lightning and wished they could use it in pve. Way to turn our most loved talent into the least loved one for no reason when removing forked lightning from the game would have been the perfect hotfix after BFA S1.

2-mana/survivability problems

3- no reliable cc/stun.

It really is in that order though, remove forked lightning from the game and give us back original ride the lightning.


As someone who watches you play on Bahjeera’s Stream (wtb Enhance Shaman PvP streamers, please consider?), I support this message.

Remove Forked lightning.
Fix our Mana.
Fix Ethereal Form (nobody uses it, remake it into something useful).
Remove Static Charge - replace it with Static Burst (stuns everyone around you for 3 seconds)
Nature’s Guardian baseline, replaced with Stoneclaw Totem: Totem taunts every mob around it every 5 seconds, lasts 15 seconds. Gives a shield to all your currently placed totems equal to 30% of Shaman’s total health. Not on GCD.

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Shaman will never get Stoneclaw Totem back.

It was redesigned as Statue of the Ox for Brewmaster and given actual health so it didn’t fall over in 3 hits.


Cheers bud. I stream for friends on discord sometimes but I doubt I’ll get into twitch unless I ever quit my job. There 100% is a spot for any gladiator enhance on twitch though. I’d watch :slight_smile: .


Dang, I know what you mean man, but yea if at least you’d post some vods on youtube that would be awesome, lol

I got 5/50 glad wins this season but dropped insanely past couple of days - got magerogued or magewarlocked bad - so I don’t think there’ll be enough time for me to join the select Glad enhance group (all 5ish of you haha) this season. Feelsbad


they should remove gcd from bloodlust also


Yeeeeep, let’s be real. When they announced that most cooldowns with no on-use effect would be removed from the gcd, we all hoped for the best but fully expected blizz to forget pvp bloodlust and ascendance in general.

With enough backlash they added on-use effects to ele and enhance ascendance… WHY NOT JUST REMOVE FROM GCD…


WHY ARE TOTEMS on GCD makes no sense i believe they used to not be on gcd and we were able to use them while silenced too. Now when we get kicked we just are useless. Seems to me like shaman always gets the worst of everything which is super annoying after so many years =(


Ion said #savethegcd. They have it in their mind that the gcd and everything being on it is a good thing and begrudgingly removed some stuff from the gcd. But Ion and the rest actually believe that gcd is a good thing.

Bumpity to the top


Bumpity bump bump to the top :smile:


Bump Bump Bump! :slight_smile:

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I am but a simple on and off again shaman over the years as my tastes change, so forgive the silliness and or ignorance in this inquiry: what happened to shamanistic rage? Wouldn’t that alone help with mitigation and mana issues? Was astral shift a poor replacement? I wonder if the two of them would make enh life feel less harsh

Edit: oooh phone…

They should change feral spirit by removing it completely and integrate it into feral lunge. You’ll be one of the 3 wolves at random for lunge and you also ‘drop’ target when cast. That way its a neat minor defensive while also removing the gcd needed for wolves.

everything upto 15 is fine, but pushing past 20, its hard to get invited

Just a bump


There was shamanism change in new build. Did they remove gcd?

Nope. Shamanism seems to be the same as before.

I’m here for the bump!

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bumpity bumpkin

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Looks like all they did was remove Bloodlust/Sated from the wording? Surely they aren’t going to make it Heroism across the board that would just be wrong. Which means that is exactly what they’re going to do I bet.