Save enhancement! (pvp)

I don’t agree Blizzard doesn’t care about PvP. They do, they just seem to take the “lesser of two evils” approach.

So say Enhance is too weak, but its system is based around things that cannot be fixed without being overtuned, they are ok with that because in their minds, Shamans can play Ele/Resto. “It’s all Shaman” for them, even though in my mind Ele/Enhance are two different classes. I rather play another melee than play a dress-and-shield caster that makes no sense (to me).

That’s why we need our CORE KIT to be decent without being overtuned. Raw numbers get changed around all the time, well designed spells stay.

That’s why its also a joke in my opinion that all our covenant abilities are straight up damage/healing tools. We needed something like warrior bastion spear, that gave us utility, not some instant double one shot Chain Harvest (or soon to be instant double tickle).

I also don’t think there’s enough time to change things other than numbers, which means we’ll go live with the current iteration that is probably going to suck after they nerf Chain Harvest/Fae Transfusion.


I usually play enh on live and i generally don’t mind the play style and I do very well in pvp. Shaman in pvp on the PTR feels like the squishiest wet paper bag class I’ve ever played. We desperately need some damage tuning and something done with our defensives. They’ve created a really cool play style for Enh in shadowlands and I’d hate to have to roll warrior or something because I feel so under powered.

Make MSW bonus damage only apply to damage abilities, Healing Surge is always 100% but only benefits from cast time reduction from MSW?

You are still limited by MSW generation. Assuming 5 MSW per 10 seconds (which may be slightly generous) and a base heal of 15%, that’s about 1.5% / s on average. So basically Spectral Recovery baseline for your ‘normal’ sustain at the cost of damage. That’s sort of okay, but not that great or really any better than where we are now unless other defensives are added to address burst (basically MSW = Ysera’s Gift for a cross class comparison with Feral and that’s the extent of our combat healing??). With MSW’s 100% boost, 3% / s might be noticeable, but a 30% instant heal, or even hard casts, will never fly (nearing execute range to full health in 2 instant casts every 20 seconds if you just learn to pool MSW for healing instead of Lightning Bolt).

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TBH i actually think thats absolutely fine. As i mentioned in my original post above, we have 0 forms of instant cc, and 0 forms of map traversing mobility to disengage the enemies in pvp and we have the worst actual defensive capability tied to just 1 wall in the game. I think its very balanced if the tradeoff is we heal the most out of every other dps spec in the game to make up for it. Its actually fair if we can heal 30% of our health in one global especially when we can only pop out like 4-5 with mana and that’s not considering heal cuts applied by other classes.


I’m on the fence here to be honest. I’d prefer a well rounded defensive package instead of a one trick pony, but if the hefty mana costs and lack of new defensives are here to stay, then the healing should reflect that.

Normally, I see Shamans being between Druid and Paladin in terms of heals and a little ahead in burst damage. Paladins having more burst healing or damage when they need it but on longer cycles while Feral is the usual endurance healer of the lot and susceptible to purges. Monks being the other melee with a cast time heal make up for it via mobility and various other defenses similar to paladins between bursts. Shamans having access to a mix of moderate instant heals, HoTs, mobility, and defensives sounds about right to me, but the reality is anything but that; they typically fall short in most areas.


can i ask what gives you the impression that they care about pvp? legit question too. In my experience, the amount of time they seem to spend on it WITH care has dramatically dropped off over the years. whether it’s releasing unfun BG’s and forcing them on us, or leaving terribly unbalanced mechanics in with the idea of “deal with it” as they have so many other things going wrong. Oh, and esp with BofA, not allowing us to gear through it pretty much at all is a big F you. There should be some foresight when making crap like corruption but there never is. Once people spaz, things might be done but they don’t listen to videos (as they said) and they don’t read the forums so our voices are pretty muffled.
i see what you’re saying about the shaman being considered by its whole class rather than its specs though. as of about 2 weeks ago, everyone poo’ed on each spec in the beta so what did they do? Over tuned the dps specs like mad and heals is still junk! Now, just like you said, we will play them only to get nerfed shortly after and we will probably have to reroll. This isn’t fun anymore. Silence isn’t fun, apathy isn’t fun, and paying them monthly for this is for sure not fun . I believe the dev’s care about the game but i don’t know how much they care about the players as i’m sure they’ve taken a heck of a beating over the years (which i understand if they are sour towards us). I know for sure that Activision doesn’t care about much more than their bottom line. All in all i agree with a lot of your points here, just curious about the PvP thing. and just in case this doesn’t read well, none of this is an attack on you or hostile, purely frustration with the state of things.

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Cast time reduction + 1 tick of 10-20% of the initial heal as a HoT per stack spent up to 5. Can be purged so it’s not OP, this gives the opponent an opportunity to prevent some healing since the initial heal can be instant cast by the Shaman but the extra healing from the HoT can be removed if the team isn’t dragging their feet.


For every stack of of MW spent on a heal you get an absorb or damage reduction applied for X seconds based on stacks. If healing is poor, tie some mitigation to it forcing the shaman to take chances on building to 5 stacks or hard casting and not getting the reduction/shield or whatever. This adds some decision making to the heal rather than just spamming a mediocre heal at 5 stacks.


When things go “BUMP” in the night… :sweat_smile:
Bump Bump!


It’s weird, I’m seeing changes to the beta just no good ones.



Honestly the easiest thing they can do rn is to make earthen wall totem available to all specs. And increase the CD for enh/ele to 2 mins or like 1.5 mins. Its an already existing defensive and its not much work to make it available to the other specs.


Actually the easiest thing they could do is return SR and have it useable in stun, return healing wolves again useable in stun and add defensives to the 3 shields (lighting shield, water shield, earth shield).

That would fix a lot of our pvp problems.

Bumpity bumpity bumpity


Love your post, I too would like some changes for ENHANCEMENT for pvp, I tire of bringing my teammates to the bottom of the dead sea with this anchor of a spec.


Hey so I played classic elemental for pvp and it owned, its pretty op

so I came into retail to play ele, didnt really like it too much. I played enhancement, liked it more, but its really bad.

I dont really have anything constructive to say other than it just feels really bad to play enhancment in pvp or high key mythics


What level mythic keys were you doing?


Going up up up!


love the post ,real thing is nothing is going to be done fix this class.

blizzard is content on keeping the meta as it is .
rogue & mage insert class / healer
rogue & insert class/healer
mage & insert class healer
Every year in area these 2 classes are at top or top pick.
The only way we will see anything meaning full in pvp in changes , That’s if blizzard decides to changes the meta or does a whole class shake down once in there life.


Yeah this has gone on way too long. the funny thing is ride the lightning prevents us from playing with either of these specs too so we cant even play with them =(


How was ride the lightning ever allowed to be crafted into this abomination of a talent in the first place and why does blizzard persist in keeping it?

They just fixed chain harvest to not hit CC’d targets. Can’t they at least do the same for ride if they insist on keeping it?


It’s mind blowing how much they are ignoring this. Keeping it for the entirety of BFA was bad enough, but simply not addressing it going into SL is a horrible oversight.