Save enhancement! (pvp)

Cap totem CD is 1 min.

How much would it help cap totem in pvp if totems in general just had alot more health (as has been suggested many times) so people could run out but it would be risky to try to kill it in 2 seconds? Like what if all totems had say 25% of shaman’s health?

Could make other totems like vesper and counterstrike more useful in pvp too.


It would be nice of counterstike totem wasn’t able to be killed, so people actually had to retreat from the team. Then not only would it be a powerful offensive ability, but also defensive, if your team needed to retreat.

Kind of like when a Destro lock drops infernal and teams just run and hide lol.


Wolves losing healing wasn’t as much of an issue in MoP, as Enhancement was still ridiculously good with burst, stone bulwark and other shennanigans. Once they started taking away our damage, the lack of healing on wolves became much more relevant.

if i remember correclty, in mop wolves could still heal, there was even a glyph that buffed their healing, being squishy is a thing when you have burst and or healing to compensate

one of the biggest flaws in bfa is that in season 1, both enhance damage and healing was crippled over necessary, yes damage was absurd but the pvp talents were the problems, nerfing mana regen and healing surge was just the final nail in the coffin

meanwhile, you have specs like assassin, havoc or fire mages, who have a lot of control , burst and survivability, thats a thing that is not healthy in pvp, you can’t have all of these tools and keep them for over 2 years, its the same thing with destruction warlocks who lack the mobility of the rogue/mage but his tankiness makes them so durable, they can sit on the middle of a map and be so oppressive

what i am really hoping in sl for enhance is a buff to mana regen and healing surge, each stack of maelstrom weapon should reduce mana cost by either 10 or 20% and surely, i hope the earth shield legendary won’t get nerfed


Some of you may think this might be overexaggerated but I promise you enhancement shaman has the worst defensive capabilities in the game and its by a LONG SHOT. WTF is Astral shift ? 40% dam reduction for 8 seconds – 1.5min CD.

I think making Astral Shift usable while stunned would help move it more in line with other melee class defensive abilities or at least one of them. It would be very similar to the Warlock’s Unending Resolve at a slightly shorter cooldown in this case; Though Restoration and Elemental would have access to this, I agree it’s nothing outlandish at all for a melee class.

How to fix this? Make CAP totem an INSTANT CHANNELED AOE STUN. So it would instantly stun all targets around it as soon as it is put down but ppl who are out of the cap stun range can still target the totem and break it to free their stunned party members. This is healthy design with interesting counterplay and would also benefit the shaman by giving them an instant cc.

Absolutely agree on the defensive and totem issues, capacitor totem in particular. This suggestion seem elegant, though I’d settle for just immediately stunning the one attacking the totem perhaps bumped to 6 seconds and single target only if attacked in range; the instant channel implementation would still be much more desirable however.

The Static Charge talent is also extremely underwhelming on this row. I would have liked to see it come with a damage debuff scaling inversely with targets following the 3 second stun. Something like -30% damage at 1 target for 5 seconds down to -15% at 4 targets to bring it in line with other class stuns and compensate for the 1 minute cooldown; it also opens up some PvE utility for difficult pulls.

The other talents on this row could really use some defensive improvements as well.

  • I’d love to see Spirit wolf front-load the damage mitigation (perhaps scaling up from 20% to 30% over 4 seconds) and compensate for the 100% damage loss with a damage bonus to the next few abilities based on how long you remain in ghost wolf form. This would provide a more interactive and readily available form of defense for predictable attacks (e.g. chaos bolt, Pyroblast, burst CDs, PvE, etc.) and encourage a jousting play-style that seems to fit the Enhancement shaman thematically.

Yeah I was thinking a mechanic where you consume all your shield charges to do damage/reduce damage and put your shield on CD would be interesting. Like u activate earthshield again and all charges are consumed and grant like 15% damage reduction for 15 secs and then it puts ES on cd for like 30 secs

  • Earth Shield is in a tough spot because it’s baseline for Restoration and there is now a legendary that scales the healing by 300% while under 50%; I don’t believe it is good class design for Enhancement to use a Restoration legendary to be survivable, but this might limit any sort of tuning to damage reduction as you mentioned. However, I’d like to see the numbers tuned and trigger frequency extended to 6 seconds while the number of charges consumed scale based on damage between triggers. The concentrated healing would have a 60 second cooldown and only trigger on more than 30% life lost. The idea is to actually make it a viable defensive option that deters burst. Ideally, you’d want to do slightly more than 30% damage to the shaman in 6 seconds once they pop Earth Shield or a large portion of your burst damage may be healed (e.g. up to 9 charges consumed healing for 45% if brought from 100% down to 40% as opposed to only 10% if the first 30% is drawn out over 6 seconds after first use).

Regarding Shadowlands, the inclusion of Ice Strike is interesting as a flexible talent choice, but I would have liked to see another defensive component built into it as well. Something like a 3 second root followed by a 6 second snare on expiration / dispel to help with disengagements / peel / dispel protection and a moderate uptime armor boost putting us at plate + shield levels on average. Melee is still extremely unforgiving for Enhancement and they can’t use a shield to compensate as Restoration or Elemental could; the trade-off of random burst for a mix of defensive and flexible utility on this row is more acceptable in PvP.

Earth Elemental could use some love too. As others have noted, there is a conduit for a 20-40% health boost though it may come at the cost of the healing surge potency conduit. Outside of Ascendance, we don’t really have a good burst cooldown. So I could see good synergy with the Earth Spike talent (which is still kind of underwhelming) by reducing the cooldown while greatly increasing damage to the Earth Spike target up to Fire Elemental levels. In general, I would also like to see a spirit link like effect among nearby party members and the elemental while near the Earth Spike target that forces enemies to separate the team from the elemental or kill it; it would also help improve raid representation beyond the one Enhancement shaman required for Windfury by supplying a moderate healing cooldown limited by the elemental life.


Bump bump



Gungarg you’re MVP fam <3


I love shaman. I love the enhancement playstyle and i want to be able to pvp as enhancement as well as pve.



Bump! Bump!

100% all agreed


Thanks for the reply saucerboy. Glad to know that high rated players like you also feel the same way.

yeah legion and bfa shaman iterations are absolutely horrid in pvp. I think we need instant 5x maelstrom hex back and maybe earthen wall totem across the board for all shamans with a higher CD or for ele/enh like 2 mins. Shamanistic rage should come back instead of astral shift as we are turning back to a mana class and it used to regen mana and the use in stun defensive was nice. and Feral lunge needa be base line or we need frozen power root back one or the other for sure.


I would love to see SR returned like it used to be and Healing wolves returned like they used to be. I also want grounding totem and counterstrike totem to be baseline.


Counterstrike Totem with a health buff for the totem would serve as a defensive as well. Give it like 25-50% of the health of the shaman so it cant be one shot and people would stop training a shaman with it down.


What I would like them to do is to take Counterstrike totem and give it a health buff, Make it so it heals us for the damage it does to our opponents or where they hit us we take no damage and they get 100% of the damage dealt. Make it baseline and useable in stun and give it a 40-60 yrd range. That would be a good defensive and hey we got a totem.


Bump Bump Bump



I just want to do damage again =/ Shamans use to have a lot of burst for when they got out of being stunned to death…or for when they had just that brief moment when they caught the kiting hunter…or mage… or for when that pally bubble is over…or for dpsing healers when you dont have MS…


Damage seems ok.

I’m more worried about other stuff.

I hate the 50% nerf to hard casts. Sometimes you need to spam heals or heal w/o msw stacks and the 50% nerf is awful. Healing dependent on first doing damage is not how off-healers should function. It also feels terrible to have to generate 10 msw stacks before you can cast stormkeeper. A 1 min Cd should not require that kind of ramp up. That would go away if they got rid of the msw damage/healing scaling and just had msw affect cast time and maybe mana cost.

I hate ride the lightning, I really wish they would fix or replace it. If they are going to keep it then at least make it always hit your actual target and not break cc. I wish they would just revert to old ride the lightning which always did chain lightning on stormstrike.

Mana regen seems like an issue. Need something - mana reduction for msw stacks, a mana regen ability, or reduction of mana costs. Like why does wf totem cost 12% of mana when you have to recast it every time you move and it’s only a 20% buff to auto attacks? Crash lightning is 5.5% mana but is expected to be used single target now. Etc…


I’m kind of concerned about the presence of covenant potency / defensive conduits related to healing (+40% on next 3 healing surges after dropping Healing Stream totem, +30% healing surge self cast, +40% hp for 1m with earth elemental out, +50% additional damage/healing from MSW) in conjunction with swelling waves PvP talent (effectively 1.5x total healing after 3s). That all adds up on top of MSW stacks to an effective multiplier of 4.8x the base healing. As long as they exist as ‘options’ for end game, we may never see proper tuning to the core spells or mechanics while being forced to sacrifice interesting potency conduits (2 defense + 1 potency conduits out of 4 taken for survivability with the 4th mostly fixed as Focused Lightning). If base Healing Surge is about 10% of your life, I am not sure how they can balance around the potential for a mini Lay on hands at 10 MSW every 30 seconds or so. I do think these might end up seeing another round of tuning as they are moving into this phase of development, so hopefully something balanced is achieved without gutting conduits either.

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Setting aside swelling waves, which competes for a pvp slot with stuff like shamanism and grounding totem, if you take the healing surge, healing stream totem and MSW conduits, your self heals at max conduit level after casting healing stream would be 50% x 250% for MSW = 125% x (100% +30% +40%) = 212% of normal healing surge or 227% if the healing stream and healing surge conduits are mutiplicative so it’s 1.25 x 1.3 x 1.4 - at the cost of 25% mana and 5 MSW stacks.

That’s a bit more than what a talented word of glory does for ret for the cost of 3 holy power and no mana. And ret can do that every 3 holy power forever and its not dependent on a 30 sec cd totem, not limited to 3 casts, can be used on others at equal effectiveness, and costs 0 conduit slots instead of 3. If they spend one conduit slot they get a shield for 30% of that amount. Same talent also lowers the CD of actual lay on hands by up to 60%.

The 50% nerf to baseline heals should be reverted and msw stacks should reduce mana costs.


your self heals at max conduit level after casting healing stream would be 50% x 250% for MSW = 125% x (100% +30% +40%) = 212% of normal healing surge.

I take it the first 50% multiplier above is the implied 50% reduction in baseline healing?

I agree the discrepancy in conduit slots required for similar healing relative to other classes is an issue and wouldn’t mind seeing the mana cost removed with MSW, but also think you can’t revert the base healing AND leave the conduits alone.

Even if Swelling Waves has opportunity cost, it will be abused if you can go from 20% to 100% in two casts semi regularly (even assuming something relatively week for the current hard cast mana costs like a 20% hp per cast at baseline with the earlier healing nerf reverted). I’m aware other classes can occasionally do this as well, but I’m just saying there has to be a balance; some of the power is likely going to have to be taken out of those potency / defensive conduits before we see the baseline heal reverted.


Ele shaman, btw heals for more than enhance. On beta, I created a premade 60. As enhance baseline healing surge is 1.4k. As ele it is 3k. So even at 5 MSW stacks, enhance is healing for 2.8k vs 3k as ele (ele gets a bigger aura buff to healing surge than enhance). And ele can hard cast for full effect, meaning they can actually get 3 cast benefit from the healing stream conduit w/o trying to build and spend 15 MSW stacks.

Ele also has the echoing shock talent for a double strength heal every 30 sec.

There’s also stuff like a potion that makes your first 4 spells mana free. So ele could hard cast 8 heals using that pot at full strength. Enhance just can’t do stuff like that because of the 50% nerf.