Save enhancement! (pvp)

I’m gonna give my two cents.

I’ll start off by saying I agree with the premise, Enh needs more utility/defensives. I play around @2.2k-2.3k mmr, which is low but it’s my first season of actually trying to pvp - and I have much of the same issues you do.

We need another defensive (and we’ll get on in SL via Rocky giving us a boost of health, but that’s a 5 min cooldown for a 20% health boost, kinda of meh) but we also need utility. Elemental can do everything we can (burst damage, short CD long range kick, purge, grounding, offheals) only better. They also have Lasso, which is absolutely powerful, not to mention they don’t have to waste a pvp talent with RTL - a gargabe mandatory pvp talent that breaks CC but gimps your damage if you don’t pick it. They also get improved pets, which come with a Rocky that provides an extra wall and a stun.

We need a signature spell, Shamanism isn’t cutting it. We need “our Lasso”. Something that makes it so that if you pick enhance for your comp you aren’t basically playing with a gimped Elemental.

I’m not quite sure what it could be. I’ve thought about “Wind Wall”, something like a DK’s Anti-magic zone, but that has a 50% chance to reflect the spells back to the caster, or someting like a “Tornado”, that knocks targets to the air similar to what Arcane mages can do only a little higher. Just ideas.

What I hate about our current iteration is that we are 100% dependant on numbers, and that makes it super hard to tune. If we depend on our heals to survive, they are either too strong (Season 1 BFA) or too weak (Season 4 BFA).

We need more people to play enhance on beta and give feedback. Look how fast they reverted Dark Transformation changes for DK. We need that kind of attention for enhance, but it seems none of the big names play our spec.

Hopefully they’ll give us something to create our own niche, as right now in BFA choosing to play Turbo over DH/war, Thunder, TSG or WLP is just bad for the warrior.

Edit: I like your suggestions for incap totem and totem health in general. Vesper totem is super strong it seems but it’ll be just another thing for enemies to right click, you’re 100% right.


Yeah this is a massive problem. It actually ruins the comps we can run with or the tools that other classes can use for cc such as hunter trap, repentance incap, poly etc. It definitely needs to go 100%. I forgot to mention that.


Enhance is a classic spec of Warcraft. Thrall is Enhancement for Christs sake. I don’t get why Blizzard continually GIMPS us. I switched to WW monk because If i’m gonna play a magic/melee spec it might as well be the one that actually works.


What I want to see is SR returned and used while stunned, and Healing wolves returned and actually healing us like they used to also usable while stun.
Also increase the damage lighting shield does to our attackers.

This would help out so much in pvp.


Yes! Shamanistic rage would be insane because we are a mana based class now would be awsome to help regen our mana and to use in stuns as well. WWould be even better if it had the clease all magic effects that it used to have in cata as well.


-Sham rage returning.
-feral spirit doing healing again.
-healing stream totem healing for 110% of our SP or whatever instead of 47%
-Spirit wolf talent should stack twice as fast and spectral recovery should be baseline.
-Our healing surge right now looks to cost like 500 mana in SL and heal for 750hp… It should cost 120 mana and heal for 1000 minimum




TBH our Feral spirits are a joke. The literally are a 2 mins CD and hit the target for 1.5k when ppl have 500k health and dissapear in 5 seconds generating us like 2 rockbitters worth of maelstrom. 2 MINS CD! LOL need to be completely reworked or heavily buffed. The old feral spirits not only hit hard but also healed us ALOT. This new version is never going to be close and its not even fun or rewarding to use unless you talent it. But even then it doesn’t compare to the old version.


i hope they change it since maelstrom isnt a resource anymore. I want the old bursty ones back with healing.


It generates 6 MSW stacks on beta (1 on use +1/3 sec). Still does negligible damage though. Mainly useful to briefly help a little bit with MSW stack generation the way current wolves generate a little bit of maelstrom.

Still pretty much a joke if this is supposed to be our big baseline DPS CD although the MSW stack generation is at least useful unlike the maelstrom generation on live.


They could make feral lunge or whatever that talent is baseline and work like warriors leap, or remain a talent but work like leap. That would be handy to get out of trouble or stay on our target as is now. A talent to cause lightning shield to proc I forget the name of it sorry, but our damage reducing talent. That could make a good PVP talent.


BUMP! Bumperella!




Sadly Zezu when Mist of Gutdaria happened blizzard stated that the entire reason Feral spirit is so awful now is because they didn’t want Enhancement to be a “pet class”.

Wolves would be an easy fix though just buff the damage a bit, make them scale of Mastery, and do “Elemental” damage.

Edit: I would to point that this hypocrisy also occured during the expansion that gave us Primal Elementalist which turned our “guardian” elementals into “pet” elementals that could be manually controlled.

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My conclusion for enhancement over all is the synergy between the cd times, the amount of stats needed to even be semi relevant outside our “burst window”, and the complete lack of defensive which I think you covered perfectly is the biggest issue.
We literally have nothing but a garbage insta 40% damage reduction. Healing surge? Sure. Three cast and the mana is gone and that three casts literally heals for 105k total hp if its not insta globaled by nearly anything.

I know we are supposed to stack gushing for pvp but that would then gimp anything else for pve. With that said though, the ONLY time I have felt good this entire expansion as enhancement is when I stacked enough 12% haste corruption to help bridge the gap between burst cd’s and regular tool kit. The corruption is supposed to help you be better or a notch above what gear and BIS essences are supposed to do and all I found it to do was basically bring me to par. Sad really.


google wowmeta and look at the dps charts for SL

Enhance is looking to be in a bad position even with a turbo comp. I’ve brought up complaints about the down time in the rotation I’ve experienced on the ptr and offered a solution to deal with it’s down time by reintroducing rock biter as a filler that restores mana.

i also offered other ideas to help with defensive’s and utilities i thought would be extremely beneficial to both pvp and pve. I have to say was kind of shocked at the push back from others I’ve received.

i was extremely hyped over the changes because i played shaman back in Bc and was actually considering picking up enhance as my main for SL, but after experiencing things on the ptr and seeing the graphs it’s a let down;

if there aren’t any changes before 9.1 im not touching my shaman at all, and i would advise other who want to progress in high tier content to consider alting your shaman unless you have good friends who are willing to carry you through it all.


Never, ever, in your entire life, do this.

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Let’s bump this up again shall we?!


Great post!

I’ve played enhance since WoD.
Glad in WoD, R1 in both Legion and BFA.

Our beloved melee battlemage class fantasy has progressively turned worse and worse and pretty much into a meme over the last 2 xpacs.

It’s almost like blizzard wants shamans to play ele or resto since the release of the most hated/toxic class in the game Demon Hunters.

When comparing toolkits between all melee specs in PVE, we are already behind the pack and completely ignored in general. In PVP, there is an even more pronounced gap in toolkits since

A) 2 of our biggest tools/defensives have 0 use in arena (Reincarnation and Earth Elemental)

B) Reliable Crowd Control and Stuns are the most sought after tools in PVP and we are the ONLY MELEE IN THE GAME without instant CC. Our incap is an interuptable hex and our stun doesn’t exist since every player kills our stun totem.

C) Our healing and mana regeneration are ridiculously overnerfed in pvp so already being the most susceptible to dying melee, we also get kicked while we’re down with these nerfs.

Please Blizzard give us a single reason to not all reroll ele or another melee class.


Let’s just compare that to other melee stuns… mighty bash (talented) 5 sec stun 50 sec CD
maim 1-5 sec stun 20sec CD
cheap shot 4 sec stun no CD requires stealth
Kidney shot 1-5 sec stun 20 sec CD
Hammer of justice 6 sec stun 1 min CD
Asphyxiate (talented) 5 sec stun 45 sec CD
Fel eruption 4 sec stun 30 sec CD
Leg sweep aoe 3 sec stun 1 min CD
Storm bolt (talented) 4 sec stun 30 sec CD
cap totem 2 second delay aoe 3 sec stun 1 min CD that can be avoided or destroyed.

This is just stuns not including other cc that classes have. Just looking at that they could bring it in line with the others and make it instant stun and bring the CD in line with the others, we have the longest CD with the worst stun AT 3 SECONDS!!! Leg sweep is aoe stun with 3 seconds but is A. Instant and B. Uninterruptible. At least make it comparable. That’s all…

Edit: thanks for the correction Zezu. Cap totem at 1 min, my bad on that one