Save Chaos Bolt

There won’t be any queues, SoD doesn’t have queues.

But this does seem very poorly thought out by Blizzard. Especially since they’re letting Chaos Bolt players transfer Horde/Alliance over to Crusader Strike even if they have the opposite faction on Crusader Strike already, which is in turn resulting in those characters being locked.

What a mess.

That’s insane. I admit I haven’t been at SOD for a while… But that realm has been fine since the jump. My OG guild went Crusader strike, and I was locked out so went CB. I got the better end, but guess that’s over.

I don’t think this was a bad decision, but I do think this was a premature decision. As we increase the cap, more and more players will continue to fall off. Phase 5 could see the population of CB fall by nearly 30-40%. THAT would have been the time for this move, not now.

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Yeah I think Blizzard has run the numbers and decided they’re running Chaos Bolt at a loss or something? Because otherwise this is ridiculously premature.

Seems like they want to kill CB in Phase 3 so they can close it completely when Phase 4 rolls around.


Because Blizz loves their megaservers.


Cowards refusing to just merge us instead they want to make us suffer and bleed the realm out.


sucks for you guys, i lived thru this horrible thing in wotlk (Maladath)… that server was GREAT and bliz opened up free xfers off and killed it in less then 3 weeks I did a /who 1-60 on horde side and only 3 total people were on (and i was one)… the best thing that happened was I finally won the fishing tourney but than took the transfer after i claimed my 1st place fishing prize


For those who aren’t in the know:

  • Chaos Bolt is/was objectively healthy (active pop/economy/community)
  • Blizzard has opened up free transfers OFF Chaos Bolt TO Crusader Strike only
  • If you have chars of the opposite faction on Crusader Strike and transfer your Chaos Bolt characters to that realm, they will be locked. Blizz does not deny you transferring them despite the conflict.
  • New characters cannot be created on Chaos Bolt

We had a lovely community. Healthy pug scene, solid economy, recognizable names, rarely more than 1 layer. People who rolled Chaos Bolt and stayed on Chaos Bolt did so for a reason. We like what we have.


There were queues for over a week on release and then more queues when P2 dropped. If you think there won’t be queues on P3 drop day with a server close you are banking on a massive pop drain overall.

Most of us here specifically came here to avoid a streamer server full of non-Roleplaying dimwits zooming around bellowing and grunting like imbeciles after their streamer of choice.

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It’s not my problem you’re too inept to search the forum for the information on the topic that is being discussed.

Look buddy, I’m not here to hold your hand and I sure as hell don’t care who you are or what realm you rep.

Really? There’s a blue post pinned at the top of the SoD forums.

ohhhh you were talking about yourself.

No there weren’t. There were queues Day 1 of Phase 1 and then queues for maybe like 1-2 hours for a few days after. But Blizzard fixed their issues with dynamic layering and the queues vanished entirely.

EDIT: On top of that, Chaos Bolt is 10% the size of Crusader Strike. Even if you all transfer over to CS, your guys’ population will be a drop in our bucket. Your transfers will not cause us any queues.

I think the issue is this essentially will force us to go to CS and we will have to endure queues where we previously didn’t. Not that CS will have noticeably longer queues.

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… if it was the best, none would move out. We have a free transfer to North Korea, does anyone want to come there? People move out of CB, that means they can no longer wish to stay in CB. Don’t put your ego above others.

You can’t make characters on the server anymore, genius. Who wants to play on a server you can’t create new characters.

There were queues for over a week for alliance. I was still sitting in a queue occasionally in mid december. We had people weeks afterward unable to make toons on CS.

Really do not care what you think of our server pop. Over here it is thriving and busy. If we’re just 10% of CS then CS sounds even worse than when P1 dropped.

And yet, Blizzard making a decision for unknown reasons is likely due to someones ego putting their worth over others.

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To be clear, I think you guys were doing fine and shouldn’t be shut down like this.

I just also know you guys won’t cause us queues. Your population isn’t big enough.

Does anyone else see the irony of a toon named Alex Jones asking someone else to do the research before speaking?


Every moron who cried that CB was dead because it wasn’t CS, this is your fault, you did this. Entering into a community with absolutely no perspective and flopping around like a suffocating fish just to leave, and to take us out with you by your crying about it. A travesty


Sorry, I’m trying to remember who asked?