I’m seriously over SoD if they kill my server like this. Horrible news.
How did Blizzard “KILL” chaos bolt? What would you suggest? They ban streamers from specific servers just to cater to you??
Your mock rage is comical.
Provide more insight on what you think they can do to ensure the server doesn’t “die” instead of pointing fingers.
This seems to be the highlight of your thread.
As a former Chaos Bolt player who rerolled to Crusader Strike, seems to be (as much as I dislike him) Asmongold is doing the server a favor in bringing more players.
the biggest failure of SoD is how everyone is, now at least, sequestered to mega servers where a true sense of community can’t develop. Instead we’re left to rot in discords ran by libertarian-capitalists and illegal substance that im not allowed to name chemists.
Truly an awful outcome and I hope in the future blizz devs try more to manage server populations at a healthy level.
They locked character creation and opened free xfers off of it, all the server can do now is shrink and die. It was fine and now it is consigned to death
You spelt Lava Lash wrong, however, I’m sorry this is happening to you, it really bites.
By stopping the creation of new characters and then offering free transfers to another realm???
How about merging servers like they did in era???
Not sure who’s call this was but they should revert it ASAP.
Server transfers are nice, but locking character creation is just forced killing of the server. Not everyone wants to play on a streamer server, Chaos Bolt wasn’t some dog that needed to be put down. It will be with this change but damn this seems like a dumb move.
When you make a thread like this…say what you’re talking about. What did Blizz do?
Except it wasn’t until Blizzard provided the plank to jump off of. Blizzard has ensured Chaos Bolts demise.
Give us other server options. We literally rolled here to avoid crusader strike’s toxic streamer base and login queues.
I don’t agree with this decision by Blizzard.
I don’t think it needed to happen until Phase 4 at the earliest tbh.
But… welcome to Crusader Strike I guess.
Blizzard has opened up FREE transfers from Chaos Bolt to Crusader Strike.
They’ve effectively said “yo your server is dead, go to the bigger server please.”
RIP Chaos Bolt. Missed most of part 2, but part 1 was fun! Won’t be rolling on a streamer server, so I guess I’m done with SoD.
Yeah I’m reading. They’re also disabling new character creation on Chaos Bolt.
This company is run by idiots.
Why on earth wouldn’t they open it in the other direction.
CB was fine, no issues finding groups or RP. Now we’re all gonna watch a friggin queue on a streamer server.
Dimwits running this project.
Wait, what? What happened? Not trolling.
They are closing CB to new characters and opened free character xfers out.
Oh guess what if you have ally characters on CS and u transfer horde
You literally cant log on
Enlighten me on where the OP said this anywhere in their thread? I’ll wait.
I know reading passed the first sentence is difficult, but maybe you missed the part where I said I was a former CB player?
The only people who would be aware of this sudden decision from Blizz would be the active players from the server. So, let’s not pretend the statements made by the OP indicated this in any fashion.
This being said … I hope they make it so we can have both factions on a server. Cause I rerolled Alliance to Horde on CS. Shifting my characters over right now, but I don’t have high hopes for it to work.
Throwing in my vote for saving Chaos Bolt! I played Vanilla back in the day and I tried Crusader Strike in P1 on an alt. CS feels nothing like Vanilla servers did. Chaos bolt does! Seeing the same people out in the world builds relationships on both sides! I’ve got Alliance that I love seeing out there and Alliance that I love fighting out there. I don’t understand why CS wasn’t locked for new characters and transfers offered TO Chaos Bolt.