SAS is going back to the basics

you just send me money and i decide what your money is worth


most people just order variety boxes from me because disc priests know what you want. you only have to tell me if you’re allergic to anything, and i’ll do my best to NOT accommodate it and poison you anyways


Jokes on you.

I’m only allergic to gold and diamonds.

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i do like to fill wedding cakes with stolen diamonds…

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I don’t/didn’t post any screenshots because the details aren’t anyone else’s business. Particularly, not the business of the trolls that camp the forums.

You mean the ones who have no life other than WoW. Gotcha.

I shut it down specifically because of all the drama from some of the people you are referring to. Thought we already covered this.

Never lied at all. I said that I was taking a break, which meant from discord as well. So, I didn’t see any of those messages until I came back. Some of those people that you’re talking about have my personal number, same as Oca. So no, they didn’t reach out to me.

You’re making assumptions. Don’t talk about things that you know absolutely nothing about.

Seriously? You have no room to say anything about people getting banned. As I recall, you have a multitude of bans both on the forums & in game. Why is that, Bepples? Could it be because of your homicidal anger issues? I can’t even begin to say how many people you ran off because of your insane outbursts.

Wouldn’t have accepted you anyway. Especially, since you were booted from one of those communities & should have been from the other. But I gave you a 2nd, 3rd & a 4th chance. Shame on me for trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.

That really is the pot calling the kettle black, now isn’t it? smh



Yet you seem to be pivoting towards the people who caused all the drama… except for the alleged behinds-the-scenes drama we never see because it’s “not our business”.

Whether or not this is true, and I have no reason to believe it is, discounting all attempted contacts via discord is arbitrary.

People will make assumptions when you keep them in the dark and tell them it’s not their business.

Homicidal :crazy_face:

I’ve had outbursts, for sure. And I’m sorry to anyone I’ve upset. That’s why I step away when things are going badly, and I don’t do rated. However, I sure have never been permabanned, or caused a community-splitting drama, or end up on a do-not-heal list, etc…

You seem to be talking up Oca lately. I’ve heard from many in AVM that they stopped queueing at certain times or even left entirely because of Oca and crew trying to transform SAS into something a lot more “hardcore” (as far as epic BGs can be hardcore). And of course, when they didn’t get their way, they jumped ship and you later disbanded the community on their behalf. So in terms of an uncountable list of people driven away, you, OCA, and crew probably have me beat.

You mean the time you kicked me from WGE after getting duped by an obviously faked “screenshot” conversation and then invited me back a few minutes later after realising that not only was it faked but I was on the Shadowlands beta streaming for hours when this incident supposedly happened?

I never disbanded a community.

If I had a nickel for every Oca-associated person who disbanded a community entirely, I would have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it happened twice.


Perhaps. But if you want screenshots, I have plenty. I even have audio! Of you & your “outbursts”. I could post some of those if you want. Actually, I have more class than that. I don’t think it’s appropriate to blast people with screenshots of what was a private conversation. And, honestly, I don’t have to prove myself to you or anyone else.

I pivot towards people I enjoy playing with. It’s my sub & I’ll play with whoever I damn well please. Just because you may not agree doesn’t make you right. Just saying.

Do you even realize how pathetic this statement is?

100% false statement

Once again, you are talking about something that you don’t have all the facts on. Regardless, it was my community and I did what I deemed what I thought was necessary. Your thoughts & opinions are completely irrelevant.

I wouldn’t really say duped. It wasn’t like it was completely out of the realm of possibilities. It sounded exactly like something you would have said. And, no, I wasn’t talking about that time. I was referring to another time (or two) that you were kicked by both Gov & I.

You’d have to have one first. But, then, who would actually join that?


Disbanding the community and vowing to GY farm your former community members was a very public reaction to a supposedly private drama.

Then go ahead and say you’d prefer to go Alliance and leave it at that. Don’t spin up this story about drama and harassment, disband the community, and act like a betrayed victim when people move on after that.

Who knows, it’s none of my business apparently.

I’ve never had a problem with our healers.

Who knows, it’s none of my business apparently.

I’ve had outbursts over times I felt people played selfishly, haven’t played as a team, threw an easily winnable battleground, etc. I’ve never obsessed over killing blows and ranted about people stealing them, which was the context of the “screenshot”. In fact I usually focus on objectives that mean I don’t get killing blows, such as stealth to north bunker, WG backcapping, and, considering the “screenshot” was also about IOC: camping quarry. So, yes, a supposed conversation where I chastised someone for “taking my killing blows” is out of character to say the least. Not to mention the messages in the screenshot are several times over the WoW character limit and I was streaming a different game at the time it allegedly took place.

In any case this is just more deflection. I’m not the one that disbanded the whole community


Actually, that was said in MY private discord channel. Sooooo, wrong again.

Really has nothing to do with Horde or Alliance. Just happens that the people I enjoy playing with are Alliance atm. It’s not really any of your business anyway.


You may have never had a problem with them, but they certainly have had problems with you.


Haha. Pot <–>Kettle

I AM!!! And would do it again if put in the same situation. What you fail to understand is, that while I am sorry that things went down the way they did, I do not regret what I did. It needed to happen. If only to finally be rid of players like you.
Now, run along little boy. Your mom’s calling you. It’s way past your bedtime.


All i will say is after SaS disbanded and certain individuals went to BSG not only have the Horde Communities come together and been having drama free fun but we are even getting along with the Alliance communities…best time ever. Wargames going off without trash talk, people complimenting each other from each side after some of the hardest best matches fought yet. So i hope you all stay together for a seriously long time. I can only thank you for doing what you set out to do, getting rid of the drama…or at least packing it into one spot we can all avoid.


have u seen how this fish rotates


I saw screen savers in the 90’s cooler than that fish Elise

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a moment of silence for pipes

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idk the fish is pretty badass

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Can the sturgeon do a flip?

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Sing it with me!

Like a sturgeon
Spawning for the very first time.
Like a stur-ur-ur-urgeon.
Making caviar
Is my line.


my favorite cocoa powder to bake with is called Droste. it’s from Netherlands, so you may be able to locate it at a World Market nearby.

i hope this helps this thread.

If you read the title of the thread, then skip all the way down to your posts, it makes it look like SAS has retired from epic battlegrounds and has now started a show on the Food Network.


lmao. well that IS what this is about!

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I knew those rumors about them going Alliance were wrong. They simply changed their armor and weapons in for aprons and rolling pins!