SAS is going back to the basics

If they don’t like the way I run my ship, they can leave. :wink:

i did my job i healed everyone at roc you guys were the premade so thats on you dear

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and all the other nights?

you poor thing :sob: :dracthyr_tea:

We see a lot of references to this “betrayal” and “toxicity” yet never any concrete examples e.g. screenshots whatsoever. That’s a problem because this alleged toxicity sure as hell wasn’t public, unlike from a certain community. It’s also supposedly coming from people who were long-term members of the community even before SAS, back into WGE days. Meanwhile the newer community members, who are let’s just say more dedicated to WoW than other things in life, spread the most open and directed toxicity wherever possible, and also jumped ship first, are apparently innocent victims.

Needless to say, I don’t buy it.

It holds most of the SAS players you abandoned who didn’t want to switch to alliance, and it seems to run pretty well and without drama. Just like SAS before you shut it down.

It got toxic primarily because of the people you sided with, as well as one person so radioactive that they managed to get themselves ostracized from every community (who, not coincidentally, can’t even post here due to a permanent ban).

You openly bragged about your intention to farm the people you used to play with in the discord and then immediately restricted all replies before deleting the channel entirely.

It was in the same post where you openly lied about no one other than Oca bothering to contact you while you were gone, when in fact multiple people including the so-called “mean girls” tried to check up on you as you ghosted them.

On the topic of deleting channels, I did notice that while you were rampaging through the SAS discord and deleting everything you took some time to decide whether to maintain the class to not delete Baxxer’s suicide memorial channel before ultimately deciding to remove it anyway. So thanks for at least exercising restraint for a few hours, I guess.

Well here’s one former WGE and SAS member who won’t join, because you seem intent on burning as many bridges as possible while stacking a new community with all the most colourful and dysfunctional egos you can find. It will probably just end up with another community-splitting drama a while down the road.


That got deleted?

Is it possible to restore? Or it’s gone forever?


I don’t play Horde but one name does come to mind. Is this person also known to create fake accounts every few months just to get his name back on the forums?

If it’s been deleted, then it’s gone forever. In the unlikely case where it was just hidden from everyone else, it’s still there.

i go play darktide and bake cookies for halloween and you’re all over here putzing around like a bunch of clowns still. do something useful like order cookies from me!!! megbakes :dotted_line_face: com


All of those bakes legit look amazing! Keep up the good work!

maybe i’m reading between the lines but does one cookie = one less death grip? cuz i can send you a whole box for xmas!

<3 thanks


Haha! We might be able to work out a deal. I mean the cookies obviously look delish. Hell, the bread and pizza look fire as well!

bread is my non-pastry specialty : ) if you like carbs come find me

That website forwards me to an Instagram account with pictures of delicious baked treats.

How do I submit an order?

i must run your background check to make sure you are a worthy paladin… (you can also DM me on IG or my discord username is boofprincess). OR i can just send a package to the postman labeled “give to holycow” and they will also find you.

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I can’t believe you’d do this to me.

“Order my cookies!”

Shows pictures of amazing bakery.

“No online sales!”

LMAO, it’s really just used as a picture portfolio bc clients tend to eat with their eyes. way better than offering a menu. i’m so tired of these people using eyes to eat!

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I use my mouth!


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okay blizz wants to make this really hard so lets see if you can figure this email address out…

orders @ megbakes :dotted_line_face: com


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What can I order if there’s no menu?

Is this like a baker’s version of omakase? I give you money, and you send whatever you think is appropriate?