SAS is going back to the basics

WTF is Sas?

A dead premade. They barely ran for more than 1 expac

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which beat your team so severely monday night you are still salty about it.

Haha you mean BSG? Don’t pretend they’re the same. SAS was better. You and your friends were so toxic you rotted a good thing from the inside out

Y’all went 1-1 against us Monday


we let you have 1 win out of pity and look what it does to your head

Hahahahaha wow now literally no one will ever take you seriously here. If anyone does anymore


Been that way for a long, long time.


rich considering your meltdown over that loss is all over the forums.

You really couldn’t be any less self-aware could you?


yeah like this im not really worried hun :wink:

any reason you can’t just post that screenshot here?

oh i can def make a special disc for full ss if you think they are fake hun, as for the pvp one im not lvl 3 so no i cant post images yet .

no mean why do i have to open a new tab, just put the ss here:

you guys are only decent when you have all 39 or so in the same epic tbh . Esp from what ive witnessed multiple times . Sometimes you guys merc when things go south or you cant find any pugs left to beat up so .


oh no how dare i make you work for it i am so evil , wait dont get any ideas mr no kidnapping me anymore :roll_eyes:

reality is we have been following a policy of only taking pops of 20+, but lately that hasn’t been enough of a challenge so we are taking smaller and smaller pops. a while back it took only 5 of us to stop RUIN in AV and farm them for a win. but yeah, you go on thinking we need a full 40 man.

doubtful bcuz anytime yall get split q it goes south and or takes you a lot longer vs pugs . ive seen it 3x now with my own eyes on various alts i play andddddddd i have a ss from the ashran yall lost . so yea imma doubt esp without your core ppl that do most the dmg /healing . Nothing to really be scared of tbh . i feel bad for you guys hope itll get better for you here on out :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:

if every time you are there its a loss, perhaps you are the issue :stuck_out_tongue:

nah def not when you guys are supposed to b god tier in your eyes . Why cant you win when split ? thats not my problem lol .

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Everyone on the team is equally responsible for that one, even you.

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