San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Dropping in for some snakey support!



I wonder what a San’layn Halloween party would be like…?


A bloody good time?


I was thinking more like a Dracula / Vampire ballroom dancing, with various powers on display for those lucky enough to develop them and try to teach others. Basically it would seem to me to be a yearly meeting, where those that have been cutting new ground proverbially for the race show up and reveal their findings and discuss their next endeavors.

Also, the Van Hellsing movie where there’s the utterly huge vampire ball kinda comes to mind, just without the visit of a certain vampire hunter.

Still, the half living side of this would make it truly amazing, as there’s FAR more options, along with the chance for the Halloween / All Hallow’s Eve style theme to be in VASTLY more well defined and displayed a state than the rest of the world.


Posting to bump this thread, also you may want to include the images posted on the Belf thread related to the “tear marks” and eyebags done for the Reforged version of the Dark Rangers.

As fellow undead the San´layn could do with those too, me thinks.


Sure! I will quote directly from the thread for you ^^

I think that looks super cool! I think some options were shown in the video too of red-tear-stain-like markings, which people really loved as well.

Also, I finally do have art of my characters more!


Just look at those chompers! This is on my vampire OC, Goliath, from a book I wrote. Shows the lore I was going for - blade-like teeth with sharper, larger canines, likely retractable. This would be cool for our San’layn as well, I’ve always liked the idea of more-than-two fangs. Not to mention, the masks on the 'layn indicate there might be more.

Bonus shirtless male vampire art

This is Jasper, another OC, by Good demonstration of full body scars and the slightest hint of blade-like teeth.


I always love that you add this. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Scarlet Witch isn’t an anti-hero. The MCU might have made it seem like so. But she was a hero and Avenger for over 50 years. Lead two teams as well.


Have to give some eye candy to those who like gothic vampire men :grin: I’m glad I don’t get screamed at for that. Especially since tons of people post scantily clad women and no one bats an eye. It’s equal opportunity time!


She is an anti-hero in certain regards and arcs. Slyvannas too was a hero for so long before she went to tragic hero/villain. I always wanted her to be more of an anti-hero so I always saw her story through that lense. As of now in the MCU scarlet witch is basically an anti-hero. She did start of as a villain too in the mcu too.

Her chaos magic is and often associated with bad things. She does use them to do good, but she also messes up and does bad. Her being this powerful multidimensional being tied to chaos magics and what she does makes her more of an anti-hero. As her magics are tied to evil forces.

To the top!

San’layn with Gargoyle / Bat wings and a glide could be fun, might be a racial where they retract to avoid too much attention as well, maybe…


No she really wasn’t. For most of comics history. The only time she was in HoM and it was such a bad hack of the character. But is not different than Cap being possessed by Red Skull, twice. Cyclops by the Phoenix Force, Vision by ISAAC, Tony Stark by Kang, Green Lantern via the paralax monster or Superman via Darkseid. It’s a common comics trope to have heroes suddenly possessed. Wanda was possessed by the Life Force.

She started out somewhat as a villain in comics too but quickly learned she was on the wrong side when Magneto wanted her to kill the X-Men. She was a hero from the time she joined the Avengers on.

Chaos magic is dark magic but the whole point of the character is she was using the powers of a demon elder god to do good. Like with Raven from DC. Btw, Doctor Strange has used chaos magic.

She doesn’t mess up and do bad. She learned to take control of her powers back in the 70s via traditional magic taught by Agatha. In most writings of the character she uses chaos magic and bends it to her will. It’s not a detriment.

She was never an anti-hero. What the MCU has the character as isn’t most of her publication history.


Well I referring to her in the MCU, not her extensive comic history. Since those are from different multiverses. Yet as a multidimensional being her lore is somewhat consistant. In the MCU she is mostly an anti-hero, or at least former villain. The use of the word witch and her using demonic magics could be seen as something not so heroic. She uses bad magics to do good, for the most part. Much like the warlocks in this game would be anti-heroes.

I think in the MCU they are trying to replicate (somewhat rather badly) her early years of not being in control of her powers. And not knowing what they are. I think Strange will help her understand her powers. They also turned Agatha and Sharon Carter into villains for some strange reason.

Wanda started off as a villain in Hydra, then she saw the evil in Hydra and went with the avengers eventually.

Strange may help her out. Agatha tutors her in the comics. Those tropes may switch up. Currently Agatha is being saved incase she will be relevant again in the plot, I think she will be since she seems like a good character. Antiheroes have some really popular followings. Deadpool for one; great character. There motives may be questionable but they make for good entertainment. I need to catch up on some of the mcu. But I know more antiheroes are cominig along. One of my favorites (Venom) is said to maybe be relevant in the future mcu!

Agatha has so much depth to her. I hope they go into it. And just make her a complicated character instead of outright villain. She never deserved that. She was a nanny for the F4 that ended up being this old witch that taught Wanda how to control her powers. She had this area she lived in that was called New Salem. Which was in the Colorado mountains but looked like this old town. And her son Nicolas Scratch was a huge villain and leader of this team called the Salem Seven. There is so much there.

I like some of the stuff they are coming up with and think they’ll start teasing the X-Men in Eternals. It was the Celestials that created the X-gene.

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I still think a class skin of the demon hunters for San’layn would be fun.
Instead of fel, use the red spell effects/blood you see in revendreth.
Stoneborn tanking form, and a dreadlord dps form.

Could easily do a similar visual retheme for void elves. Go with void spell effects and make some cool void walker styled forms they turn into that match up with the demon form animation set. Void elves and demon hunters both have a bit in common…why not play off it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Be cool if they do, seems like her and the actress were pretty well received.


I still think my idea about them transforming into a cloud of bats makes a cooler flying mount form, but if the devs deffinitely want to procrastinate, putting a force field with blood red limits ala Renathal could be a good initial compromise for the San´layn aesthetics.

Also /bump


Gods yeah I became obsessed with the ‘cloud of bats’ notion after considering one of my all time favorite vampire movies, Dracula Untold.

He will often shift into a cloud of bats for movement in the movie as well. I just… argh that would be so cool. I know they can do it too, there’s already an animation with several bats flying around, et cetra. There’s also an item or toy that turns people into mist and lets them move around as that. They could turn that concept into a mount.

Speaking of that movie though, I still am salty that we’ll never get a modern-times sequel because I love it so much :frowning:


Hehehe… I´m an old lady, I was a kid back then but I think the cloud of bats was portrayed in Francis Ford Coppola´s Bram Stoker´s Dracula film.

The “funny” haircut seen in the male Venthyr sure as hell comes from that movie.

Even funnier how the historical inspiration is an irl hero for the slavic people while the west has obssesed into portraying him like a “monster” (shame for us westerners… we have even worse “monsters” in our history).