San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Huh okay, I don’t mind NSFW stuff! I will have to check it out sometime. Gore and intimacy don’t bother me. I just didn’t like the book at all, but it likely will translate better in show form, I reckon. Whereas Vampire Diaries didn’t in my personal opinion >.>

This is something I need drilled into my head because I get baited way too easily and wish I could stop, because I’ll get myself all riled up, and for what? I’m not going to change anyone’s opinion so why do I bother? (Arguing, I mean). It’s a nasty, nasty habit.

Yeah, and I will be on this thread anyhow, sharing art & ideas, discussing vampire shows/books/movies/lore. I think it’s constructive to get ideas in general of what people like in vampires. Ideally there would be multiple types of playable vampires, but I know that is far too much to ask.

Me too. You do say I am nicer which is great but I do end up eventually snapping like I did tonight. You can even visibly see the post where it happened, too. Let my temper get the better of me but eh. What’s done is done. I also didn’t say anything remotely bannable, you can just tell my tone is very nasty.


I still think you should give Midnight Mass a watch though idk what to call it, it just seems fitting very on brand spooky


Oh yeah, I need to check that out still ^^ Augh I’ve had so much on my plate lately which prevents me from reading and watching. I hope work calms down soon so I can rest my mind and do so.

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It happens to us all sometimes, trust me I know all too well because of how many times I have and I do argue with people and it gets out of hand whether it’s personal attacks directed at me, defending friends or arguing my stances it can escalate quickly, however I’m never ashamed to stand by my thoughts, feelings or emotions and you shouldn’t be either even if they were a bit snappy. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Oh my goodness, I have never seen this thread before. That second pic of the waving woman is killing me. She is perfection. I am an Alliance diehard, but dang that is stunning.


Darn we can’t share mp4s from imugur.

Ah well, I made this of my San’layn OCs, enjoy.

Edit: Wait… it worked! Neat! Okay the credit is in the album itself :slight_smile:

Okay in that case I’m obligated to share more then, of my OCs :stuck_out_tongue:


Fallyn is so nice, hope she gets her wishes.


I am out of likes but thank you for the kind words! Appreciate it. I hope for those who really want San’layn as an AR or Blood Elf customization/forsaken toggle that someday the ideas we share will be implemented.


though i dont begrudge you your request for san’layn, and though i know you would be done forever with wow were the devs to make them playable on the alliance, i must admit that would certainly begin to make alliance seem edgier, which apparently is the issue for some, et. al:

alliance is boring in that its primarily a human based faction. i would argue that it isnt primarily human in that we have goat people from other planets, cyborgs, werewolves, dwarves, gnomes and elves, as well.

the issue seems rather to be that alliance is lawful good or sees itself as lawful good, and that is a constraint for storytelling that people who prefer chaos/evil/edgy content, don’t enjoy. it does dampen creativity and put restraints on potential interesting playable races. but i kinda like that its more wholesome. sure its not as exciting, but its heartwarming and relaxing. and i like that.

The alliance could be more edgy without taking a Horde request though, like actually expanding void customization beyond tentacle hair. Or giving them Arakkoa, I think, or doing more with worgen lore!

To be completely honest, I do sincerely hate the faction barrier and feel it’s blocking the game’s progress. I don’t know why my characters can’t be neutral since they literally don’t care about a war they don’t feel like fighting and are on “sides” because they’re a certain race. It boggles my mind. I just wish we had the option to go neutral and ignore faction war stuff like we can pvp and like 90% of people ignore rp.


i agree, except arakkoa. lol they arent edgy.

On the subject of Arakkoa, could I ask that the Arakkoa megathread get added to the megathread index post, please?

Arakkoa fans have been trying to get that megathread going for awhile, and since I know they’ve been a popular requested race for many years, I wanted to make it more likely that Arakkoa fans would be able to find it and help support it. :bird:


Alliance has dark options. I have yet to see a dark iron thread, that’s one of my favorite alliance races. I am excited to see what will they get, been waiting for people make threads.

The void elves are also naturally evil, traitor race. Eldritch options there is obvious.

The Kultirans can pull wicker thenes as well as pirate nation themes.

Lightforged could pull Inquisition, corrupt religion sort of things but with holy vibes. If you study religions many holy gods do evil things

Mechagnomes are also cyborgs, there is also mad scientists vibes they can pull there. As well as adding weaponry.
One of the things I want for mechagnomes is a new casting animation where there hand turns into a hand cannon/gun and you shoot your spells from there like megaman/cyborg from the dc universe.

The base races also have unique themes to darken up. Worgen are werewolves.

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No, I 100% disagree with this. They are not naturally evil. They use magic for their faction and to help Azeroth. It’s all dependent on the person, not the magic. That’s like saying anyone who plays San’layn will need to play their character as evil, or forsaken, or DK. There’s nuance in all of those situations, and there’s nuance in void elves too.

I can 100% say none of my void elf characters are “naturally evil”.

Also dark/edgy = / = evil, I hate having to explain that to people on a regular basis :confused:


which ones? tbc or wod? the wod ones were cool. tbc, eh, not so much.

make a notepad .txt file, list down alignments and how they fit into wow. save it to desktop and then just copy/paste when clarification is needed.

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Might have to do that, though it’s as simple as this quiz:

  1. Do they generally have good morals and seek to protect the innocent?
  2. Do they use their powers for ‘good’?

If yes to both, then guess what, they aren’t evil regardless of what they are or what magic they use.

Evil is a point of View Fallyn, to us they are evil. We can add nuance to it but to the horde they are evil. Especially for the stuff they did in BFA with our dinos!

The story of wow of course makes us heroes. But wow likes to take normally evil tropes and put some good and evil characters in both that I like. I said naturally evil meaning there themes. There is also that theory that we have had propoganda against the void all this time. But at least in the comics void elves are constantly fighting off voices in there heads to do all sorts of things.

There is no ‘us’, I hate the Alliance and the Horde. The Horde is a trash pile who burned a bunch of innocent civilians. The Alliance doesn’t take responsibility for any of its crimes. Both have sticks up their butts against the other for literally no reason at this point given we need to actually fight FOR azeroth together, and there shouldn’t have been a faction conflict at all after Legion, but Blizzard had to pull out garbage writing to appeal to the ‘but mah faction war’ people when they quite literally could have had separate storylines for those who don’t bloody care about a war we feel is stupid.

So no, to me, the void elves did what they were going to do, and besides, those were again individual void elves. Not every single void elf on Azeroth was involved in that conflict, so them ‘being a void elf’ and ‘because some void elves did [x] means they are all evil’ doesn’t cut it.

I’m someone of the Ebon Blade who just wants to play my characters to protect Azeroth and fight against those who are actually evil, not these petty faction conflicts.

The only reason I argue so hard for San’layn on Horde as opposed to neutral is because I know Blizzard will never add neutral options no matter how much I want it, and I dislike the alliance slightly more than the horde, so play on this faction (plus like the races which are STUPIDLY FACTION RESTRICTED). Not to mention, if factions have to be intact forever without any neutral options, San’layn fit better on the horde by far in my opinion than the Alliance for reasons I mentioned before.

“Evil” isn’t a theme though, that’s the thing. Also if hearing voices in your head means you’re evil, every single PC is evil given Xe’ra or whatever that windchime’s name is screamed in our heads for gods knows how long until she was rightfully turned into shattered glass.


this is dependent on how often and to what end.
for example, a spy ring spies on others outside the confines of law, under the umbrella of protecting citizens. fast forward, eventually that level of illegality is exploited by nefarious actors, who then use it against citizens. its original excuse to exist, et. al, protecting the country, is gone and now its full on rogue, still operating under the umbrella of safety when it is anything but.

both of those are illegal, meaning not lawful good. but one means well,and the other means evil.