San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Blood Hunter…

It does. Feels like I posted just a day or so ago :thinking::frowning:

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Our queen!


LOL How bout’ no?

You just bunch of twilight fanbois OMEGALUL how cringey

Nah i’m joking :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

For the San’layn! For the horde! Long undeath to our blood kings and queens!


I was so happy when I saw this! Thanks for sharing and stamping <3 It looks so good. Even if we only saw Lana’thel for a brief moment, it’s exciting. Also, I don’t remember “Enslaving ancient powers” being a thing that was actually said. This might be the first time I’m actually seeing this, can you believe it? But it does indicate that the blood curse’s origins are indeed much older than I had thought… Hmm…

You had me going there, for a second! Accurate reaction gif to when I read the first part:

:stuck_out_tongue: Long undeath the Kings and Queens! Raise a goblet in hope that we get to meet a new one soon. Wings crossed!


Np ^w^

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Sword do a float.


I like this theme, but yeah … I do think that the “Grab-Bag” Style undead elf faction might be the best way to go with this sort of concept. It could give a bit of direction to the Forsaken NEs; a means of salvation for the San’layn; and a life-raft for those Dark Rangers with enough self-awareness to get off the sinking Sylvie ship. Set em up like the Mag’har and give em a Zandalari style racial option for the choice between the three factions and they’d be good to go.


Yep I even elaborated on my ideas here:

Pretty much exactly what you said! :smiley: Anyway, so you brought up forsaken NE, and I’m wondering if that’s plausible, to be honest. Are their culture different enough, realistically, than Night Elves to join the Horde? I guess they could be the “void elves” of the Horde, in that effect, whereas the culture change is so drastically recent but they still make it as a race regardless, of which would be included in this grab-bag. However, in Mah’gar’s case, they don’t actually use different models. Whereas for the night elves, they would be using different models… hmm. That would be a rough case, to be honest.

Then, we get into the whole: “Well, wait a minute. Suppose Blizzard would want them to be added, then how could these other racial spell skins apply to the night elves and vice versa?” Well… if the night elves can also be inflicted by the Blood Curse, we have a variety of four in our grab bag (we have no idea if they can, but let’s assume).

  1. Blood Elf Banshee
  2. Blood elf Vampyr
  3. Night elf Banshee
  4. Night Elf vampyr

That’s four ‘clans’ if you will, and the racial spellskins would work out in any scenario in that case, I think.

Though… I don’t know what people’s reaction would be to undead night elves on the Horde. Would there be an outrage? There wasn’t much of one for NB, I guess, and the Alliance already have the Blood Elf model via void elves. I suppose in that case it could work out.


Depends on their roles I suppose? Sylvanas is likely gone no matter what by the end of BfA (she wont die, but she wont be Horde) … so what Blizz decides to actually DO with the Forsaken NEs is a mystery. However, I do have this suspicion that IF (big IF) we see a brand of Calia brand Undead AR for the Alliance; and a Undead Elven Faction for the Horde … we are at a greater risk of a MOSTLY Faction Exclusive continents scenario (so outrage will be real anyway).

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People know I’m pretty outspoken against LFU, but if they actually accompanied San’layn or our general ‘grab-bag’ idea, I would have 0 room to complain at all. Though, I think Forsaken players should be thrown a ‘bone’, persay (:P) and be given something like a skeleton customization, or the Chinese version available in the US. Or getting rid of a hunch, or all of the above. People might be more ok with it in that case, though I’d still not enjoy it, at least we’d get an undead AR along with that of which would actually appeal to those that like undead and the concepts surrounding them :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, so I shared this on another thread for void elf ideas (not my art) but then I got thinking, look at this:

What if this was some options for San’layn? Really on the monstrous side. Or if we did have some sort of ‘monster form’, if we saw varying degrees of things like this? It’s fleshcrafting and the very dark side of blood magic. So rather than a withered or giant bat…we’d get this monstrosity. Personally I think it would look Awesome.


many teeth to munch gnomes with


Its been a while since I have seen the San’layn thread. Still really love how much effort is put into the Mega Thread initial posts as well as how Constructive and Civil the AR Communities (At least most of those involved) are.

I feel like the best chance we have to get San’layn is while Sylvanas is still Warchief. I honestly believe its going to be short lived, so hopefully they become a thing before there is an opportunity for her to be deposed.


I think an Alliance Based Undead Faction might work under ONE circumstance only.

If Before the Storm showed us anything, there is a range of identity within the Forsaken. There are those that would absolutely try to reclaim and exercise their identities they had while alive if allowed (as citizens of Lordaeron); and there are those that have thoroughly adopted their new Forsaken identities (and some spread within the middle). Faol and Bartholomew would be among the first group; Blightcaller and Voss would be among the second.

IF a Calia/Faol led Undead Faction were to pop up on the Alliance, if that split occurred down that line of identity (with group A still being able to be considered “Calia’s People”; and Group B having moved on from that life) … I would be rather accepting of such a concept (even IF Blizz decides to differentiate the two aesthetically with a “Light” theme).

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In thinking about the San’layn being former Blood Elves, I was thinking that it would be neat to have some of the Alliance’s mistreatment of them back in the day, when they were alive, have some role. I’ll use my Dreven to try to set up an example:

Jaina: All of you are nothing but monsters that should be destroyed!

Dreven: Monsters? (laughs) Monsters?! Funny you mention that, sailor, because I distinctly remember being left for dead with my kin in Northrend. Having been on an expedition there with your Alliance, and what happened? The lot of you left us to fend for ourselves against the scourge. No warning, no offer for us to come back. Just fodder for the undead that I oh-so have so many fun memories being a slave to your former lover-boy!

Jaina: You’re lying! The Alliance would never abandon its allies!

Dreven: OH REALLY?! Need I remind you of what happened to your OTHER lover-boy and his Blood Elves? Or perhaps the Nightborne being kicked to the curb because your tree-hugging, love-struck friend, Tyrande decided to pout and have a tantrum? Oh, and don’t get me started on the numerous Forsaken that tried to reconnect with their living loved ones…only to be slaughtered without a moment’s thought. Oh! But they DO get to be a part of your Alliance now that the boy-king is in charge! But! And this is a very important but, so listen. ONLY if they (air fingers and talks in a mocking voice) “are redeemed by the light” can they just be a part of your “wonderful” Alliance.

Anduin: That is far from the truth! You know that we-

Dreven: You speak words, little cub, but I know better than to listen to your sanctimonious prattle! You don’t seem to under that that the Horde exists BECAUSE of your Alliance. Because WE got tired of you deciding that you were the definitive power of the world and that WE needed to be slain for the “betterment” of some notion of what is “good!” But you’re as virtuous as a dung-beetle, because that is all you do. Spreading your filth around and making homes out of it. But know this, little cub. We San’layn will fight to the bitter end…and we won’t rest until your Alliance is destroyed! For my people. For the San’layn. (he glares at the Alliance members in front of him) For the Horde!

As usual, my writings aren’t perfect, but it should help set a bit of why Dreven despises the Alliance and is so hostile towards them, as most San’layn likely would be as well.

At any rate, hope people enjoyed it. I’m halfway done with my Summer class, so I should be able to do more writing, including what I promised for this megathread. ^^


Hi, good evening I hope this is not a bad time. I got an shipment of 800,000,000,000,000 barrels empowered Gnome Blood (Reserve) for a … Miss. Fallynn? . . . May you sign here please . . . Thank you . . . Have a nice night!

Bubble Hearths


I had an idea today and not sure if it was mentioned in a previous post. I was trying to get a couple of mounts I haven’t had luck with and did the Eye (?) and realized that one of Kael’thas Sunstrider’s advisors is named Lord Sanguinar. Was wondering if he is related to the awesome Valeera Sanguinar? Then I remembered that it was suggested that Kael’thas Sunstrider could be the San’layn’s leader. So here’s the idea I came up with.

Maybe the Sanguinar bloodline has vampire roots. Would be rather awesome to find out that Valeera Sanguinar is a vampire BE or that she somehow gets turned into one and becomes our leader or at least our liaison with Kael’thas. I mean come on, with a name like Sanguinar she should be a vampire.

It’s not a very good thought but I figured I throw that out there before I forget it, lol.


Sweet Light, I never knew I wanted one of these until I stumbled upon your absolutely majestic post, Fall!


This looks pretty awesome.