San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

San’layn Druid


… Thrall?

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Good guess, but I was referring to Kael’thas and what he had to endure under Garithos. ^^;

I wanted to reply to everyone yesterday but I’ve been sick suddenly. I’m finally sitting down to do so though and give some well-thought out responses. If anyone sees me therefore liking and not responding, it’s typically because I want to type out some well-thought out paragraphs in response. Sadly I can’t get to shortening the first post today. I think it’s some sort of flu. Which is unfortunate, all of my weekend plans are killed. I don’t have very much muse when my mind is cloudy and sick :sob:

Heya Byuck, thanks for stopping by to say hello, and thank you for the compliments. I really appreciate it. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m thinking that as well, but the big problem here is sadly unless there’s some sort of twist in which Sylvanas actually becomes a good warchief as opposed to the tyrant she is now, Forsaken, and as a consequence, San’layn, will be heavily looked down upon and seen only as her henchmen and tools.

Bagzak does a wonderful job in his writing of trying to paint scenarios in which there’s more depth to this struggle and how they don’t just flat out rely on her completely. She’d be the gateway into the Horde, but they’d be given a chance to prove themselves as a separate thinking entity other than just blindly following her. I feel like they’d be very offended at Sylv denying someone free will should they find out, and how she might just view them as tools.

In order for San’layn to work out, I think two things need to happen. One, that they will prove allies to the Horde and valuable assets that won’t betray their allies. Obviously, this comes to the table as a huge issue, if we look at Dreven’s actions. Now, I can say all I want “the actions of one don’t represent the entire race”. Look at how Forsaken work and all, yeah? But on that end, it’s entirely up to Blizzard if they want to adopt that picture for the San’layn as well. It’s a glaring problem with this race that does need addressing, and I’ve proposed ideas and solutions, but again–all up to Blizzard on what they think they can do with it.

The other thing that needs to occur with the San’layn is bringing in another aspect of “no mercy shown to enemies”. There would be no or very little concept of “honor” or “taboo” with this race, which is fine and would balance things out further. I’m not talking about slaughtering innocent people where they stand for the heck of it. I’m talking dark tactics in warfare, drinking blood and draining the power from enemies which is considered a big no-no, but they’re an enemy and going to die anyway so why not use them. Methods of torture, as they were former scourge, can also be used to rip information out of the enemies of the Horde. Obviously, with moderation, but this is a monster race, we don’t need to skip around how they’re going to have many dark sides to them.

Long response to you, I know. Sorry :stuck_out_tongue: But those are my thoughts. In summary, I agree with you, I just hope her being the “Gateway” doesn’t lead to the cliche “They’re sylv’s tools and can’t think for themselves.”

Fair enough, I think I could be accepting of it if Blizzard didn’t paint it to be “Mary-sue”. My primary issue with the concept is this: I worry that the general idea will be that “if you’re an undead creature and you refuse to go through this ritual, you’ll be seen as evil, that’s the only path to redemption, the light is pure and wonderful, otherwise you’re just a bad person.” Basically the extreme ‘human paladin’ mentality (not all human paladins! Just Scarlet Crusaders. Argent Crusaders are angels in my book <3)

But if they do paint it to have many parts to the story and add complexities, add issues and ways in which they are not in fact perfect, and that there’s downsides to this resurrection path just like there’s downsides to necromancy, I might be a bit more alright with it. Later down in this thread, Bagzak actually painted the idea beautifully with his dialogue ideas for his personality he made for Dreven. (We do that in this thread, in which we come up with scenarios or story ideas that Blizzard could possibly use in the future ^^).

But yeah, I can see things working out if my fears for this concept are proven untrue, and there’s more to it. I can be somewhat confident if they do in fact continue showing the light is neither evil nor pure and perfect, and it’s based on how you use it (just like with every magic type). They did it in Legion, and I simply loved it. It was nice to see, for a change, a story in which the light isn’t 100% perfect and the only ‘right’ path to take.

I love everything about this and like I said above, if this attitude was applied to LFU, I think I’d be somewhat more OK with it. The fact that many would have to go through it in order to see their families, otherwise they’re damned, but in reality it’s only means to be “accepted”. Otherwise, by no going through with it, you’re not welcome on the Alliance even if there’s consequences to this ritual or state.

Gods I love how snarky you make him, you’re truly great at building his snark here, once again I have to repeat myself and say I hope Blizzard does take a look at your writing and consider implementing it into his character or someone else if they do bring him back or create someone.

Wonderful! Simply amazing :clap::clap::clap:

My writings aren’t perfect either–no one’s is. I think you did an excellent job though, and I did enjoy it. It does paint a picture as to why he’d hate the Alliance so much, too. I can picture all of that happening in my head, and this right here is exactly what I’m talking about too, constantly.

Oh, cool, my order has finally arrived, thank you sir! Do you wanna stay and–darn it, he bubble-hearthed. Why do they always do that?! No one ever wants to get a bite to eat with us. Strange.

That’s neat, I never knew that! If the Blood Curse doesn’t actually kill right away, anyway, I can see it as possible. Or maybe a proto-form of the blood curse not making them as powerful due to not being undead, but still relying upon blood drinking. Also yeah, that name is so vampire like it’s unreal.

I just worry since she kinda is working with the Alliance that she wouldn’t fit into SL. I know some people propose that she could be turned or even be a prominent figure for the San’layn. A name like that is indeed perfect. I can see some big events and twists in story leading her to join us, though. After all, she’s not pure alliance, just kinda… somewhat working with them. I dunno, I don’t have the entire story.

Thanks very much! Glad you like it :slight_smile:

Glad you like it too! I’m happy some are stopping in to see, we put a lot of work into it. Even if some don’t like the ideas, it’s still fun to share ^^


I think … my general concern with a Alliance Undead AR doesn’t come from the Light nonsense (the Lightbound already show that Blizz is willing to explore the “darker” side of the light; just as the Void-Elves may show a positive side of the void). What concerns me is WHERE such an AR will setup.

Long story short, IF we see a “Lightforged” Undead Faction, they’re going to setup in Tirisfal Glades plane and simple. This decidedly leaves the Forsaken without a place to call home (not that I believed they could ever really take back their home by force already). If this is the case, then the likelyhood that the Night Elves will be allowed to keep their slowly reclaimed territories on Kalimdor also dwindles (especially if a Horde Undead Elf AR springs up in some form or another).

The “Mostly” Red Kalimdor and “Mostly” Blue EK is a concept that many rightly despise; and while personally I could absolutely see interesting avenues to explore within such a setting (especially with Northern EK where I believe the NEs would end up resettling if forced to) … that “Potential” for storytelling isn’t something I want coming at the expense of the NE and Forsaken players either…

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sends tummy wubs

Right just real fast, I was thinking of something. If we do get a unique dance for these folks, I think something like this would be really cool for females. I don’t know if/how it could be done. But.

Look at how positively ghostly it is? Could you imagine a dance in which it looks like they have a partner but they don’t? It aesthetically would be beautiful and ghostly, something that fits well.

Edit: Also P!nk is amazing <3


Hope you get well soon!


Feel better soon, Your Royal Highness/Blood Queen Fallynn!

I thought she was not of any faction. I thought she was kind of neutral? I don’t know her story either but if she is Alliance then totally forget that idea, lol. Horde or bust for San’layn imo.

So I just read that she is loyal to Varian and Anduin so forget her having anything to do with San’layn. But I also read that in Hearthstone she became a Death Knight, lol. Too bad Hearthstone can’t be part of WoW lore because their could be an option for her joining the Horde if that happened.

We can erase that idea off the board. Don’t know what to use if we don’t check every idea off the list. On to new ideas. :wink:

So basically what you’re saying is that you want more Elves?

No, we want hot vampires

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There are so many things from Hearthstone and TCG I wish were actually canon. And I still have no clarification about whether or not the blood prince card is canon or not… looking through the card images OK. These folks look awesome though. I haven’t seen this art before.

Here’s the one I’m talking about that is likely not canon:

^^Says it’s not canon.

Although if a Blue wants to come in here and confirm that, I wouldn’t mind :smiley: (Kidding, don’t kill me blizzard, I’d have a heart attack if a blue showed up here.)

Edit: Digging deeper, it appears there was a blatant tweet from a dev saying that TCG isn’t canon. Therefore, sadly, Blood Lord Vorath doesn’t exist. Ah well. At least we still have Theraldis and Atherann.


The best cure for any illness is some good, ole fashioned Dreven snark:

Dreven: You know, I think once everything is said and done, we should hog-tie the former zombie warchief and deliver her to that Bwonsamdi fellow. I’ll even tie a bow around her. What do you think, black bow? Or maybe hes more fond of something brighter? I personally like red, myself!


“Fan” art from people intensifies surely at that imagery

If this ever becomes a thing, you know he’d be shipped with Sylv faster than people ship her with Nathanos, hekhekhek.


Shipping Dreven with Sylvanas?

Dreven: I’d rather clean an Ogre outhouse…with my tongue!

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Blood King: Hah. That’ll tell her. This is why I like sitting back and watching sometimes. Dreven does all the necessary fang-baring for me.

:stuck_out_tongue: I imagine if Dreven is brought back, he could be the. Sanlayn embassy.


If San’layn are added, we need some sort of reocurring Van Helsing style character…human or maybe even worgen. Have him voiced by the same guy who does Soldier 76. (nod to Love, death, and Robots, but he also already works for Blizzard)

Maybe kinda like we had little questlines from Harrison Jones.


van howlsing the vampire hunter worgen


That name would be great =D