San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

SHIKI oh how I love it!

10/10 recommend as the first and only horror anime I watched and enjoyed.


Should I stop bothering writing out my ideas for scenarios, by the way? I can’t draw and I can’t make models, so I turned to writing. But that’s met with being called “terrible fiction” on this thread and others, which is starting to make me wonder if there’s a point if I’m only going to be insulted.

Does anyone here actually get any ideas from what I write, and is it contributing well? Because that’s why I’m writing it, to give ideas to Blizzard that they could potentially use. It’s just frustrating to see things pop up where all that I write might be in vain because “Oh it’s not in lore yet”, well of course not, it’s meant to give ideas, and I build it on a basis of what we know.

I’m honestly just sick of putting work into something only to be laughed at if that’s the case. I feel like at this point I’m only useful for organizing things and approving other ideas, it’s really annoying.


If it’s what you enjoy doing, go ahead. Ideas are ideas.

Naysayers are going to gripe no matter what you do.

Though I believe the larger ones in this thread make it a bit hard to read at times. Especially when they go into dialog.


I had an idea about High Elves being together with San’layn within Northern Lordaeron on this island but it kind of wouldn’t make much sense so then I thought why not have the San’layn became like the Val’kyr were to Sylvanas except They were still in Northrend. Like Basically you as ether the Forsaken Player or Horde Player get this message from one of Blood Princes or Last Blood Princess/Queen who is hounded by Bolvar’s Scourge since the Scourge is Feral. You together with Nathanos and some Horde Royal Death Knights Head up to Northrend to Icecrown Citadel and Rescue the San’layn from the Scourge Threat that were hounding them down. Then after you saved the San’layn. The San’layn Agrees to Work with Sylvanas’s Horde by recruiting them into her Ranks and the Forsaken/Horde Faction is much more Stronger in terms of deadly assassins and Dark Mages.

That’s all I can atleast come up with. I’m not really great in terms of intros but don’t let others bring you down if your trying to do a Scenario/Intro Quest for the San’layn.

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I haven’t started reading all the 3345, as of now, responses yet so haven’t gotten around to anything you’ve written except the stuff in your OP. I say keep doing it. I will get around to modeling a San’layn head at some point and probably get more nays and less yes’s. I’m still going to do it because it might give someone else an idea that could really get the San’layn ball rolling. The same can be said about your writing. If it gives you pleasure keep doing it. It might catch Blizz’s attention and get the San’layn blood dripping, um, ball rolling. :wink:


Hello, I have been following for about a year now. Personally I’m of the libertarian mind set of play what you want and if you don’t like it move on. So for all you no more elves folk go play some other race. However let’s go over something important lore wise. Dark trolls became night elves who became blood elves who branch. High elves were ret-conned to be the pre blood elves.

Just like our lovely dranie folks were originally evil but then ret conned to be good. The aliens originally brought the demonic legion to them to kill the orcs.

Moving on to the topic at hand. The problem I see with the race is all their classes except Dk don’t make sense. I mean blood knights and blood mages are their class but they don’t exist yet. What blizzard would need to do is move back to is races getting certain abilities like old priests getting stuff for being a race. We know that wouldn’t happen so they need essentially skins. New names of abilities and new animations without changing damage or tool tips of the actual ability.

The easiest example would be a shadow priest for a light forged dranie. It doesn’t make sense. So they instead mind flay they get some light ray thing. And for our San’layn instead of like an arcane mage they get a blood mage. It does the same stuff and plays the same but with different animations. They get a blood Knight for a ret Paladin.

Also more lore stuff. Their is no distinction of why San’layn are special. All are blood elves. Technically Sylvanas herself is one. So with that being said it doesn’t make sense to not have the San’layn considering we have a faction leader without their direct counter part. She just gets lorderan undead who abandoned her when Arthur’s marched north and when the trolls attacked. Which fun fact the reason the blood elves joined the horde was because of the lorderan humans betrayal. The really weird bit now is the leader of the lorderan humans is the very person they betrayed. Then the race who got betrayed left the alliance because of that betrayal just to join forces with the very group who betrayed them. :face_with_monocle:

At least the blood elves weren’t at war with trolls for years before hand. :upside_down_face:

Anyway I really want to play as a San’layn I do a bit of rp and I’d make a San’layn only guild. I’m currently in an all belf guild. I would make an belf unholy dk but they changed the play style from the original god to just a meh class.

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That’s not a retcon at all. It was always the case.

Blood Elves came from High Elves in WC3.


That’s actually a good point. What is everyone’s fixation on Twilight? First thing they go to for vampires right away. I think it’s an unhealthy obsession on their part is that’s all they focus on for that mythos, for goodness sakes. I really need to pick that game up and play it, I’ve only watched the series. It’s so great, and I can’t wait for the next season.

Thank you very much and yeah, that’s very true. In fact, I’d love if they got teeth all very sharp. I know Alucard from Hellsing Ultamite has that with him, and it looks really cool. Typically vampires are depicted with just fangs, but all fangs would be really, really neat, if not yet another deviation from looking like “normal” elves.

Yeah, fair point, I think I just didn’t actually think things through as much. Ah well. Which part are you talking about, by the way? Regular posts here, or do you mean in the front page? I was thinking lately of “Hiding details” on first post for people to click and view the content in the arrows to clean things up. I don’t know if I’d mess up my coding though x.x

Yeah something like that would make sense, I had been thinking up a scenario to write before my little bit of self doubt up there. I’m feeling a bit better about it now, and will probably still put work into my stories and ideas. Like people said, there will always be naysayers trying to degrade my work. I just have to ignore it and hope Blizzard does the same.

I don’t think you have to read every single post in the thread, that would be insane! I cover highlights on the first post, essentially those with a lot of content that could be talked about and brought up again. Surely there’s some good ones I’ve missed though. One day I should go back and add juicy posts to my first one as well, as a sort of “Table of Contents”. Hmmm… there’s some of your posts that would end up there too if you wanted, of course. Like your long explanation of either class or race abilities, I loved it.

The thing is, this is pretty subjective here. There’s a few things I disagree with in your post, but this primarily caught my eye. I think you worded it in a nice way of course, and I thank you for being considerate and kind. Don’t take my rebuttal as a challenge, therefore, it’s just something that I see and believe myself. It’s my opinion as a counter, and I entirely understand if you disagree.

Basically, I see it as this, breaking it down:

  1. Forsaken are no different from humans either, as aren’t KT, yet both are separate races. What, then, makes them distinct? Their culture, and their specific looks. Now, forsaken are undead humans, just as San’layn are undead blood elves. Though, San’layn take it further, and are actually vampiric. We do not have playable vampires currently, and it would not take away from Blood DK, as Blood DK use runic magic, they don’t sustain themselves on blood itself and aren’t empowered by it like San’layn are. KT have the matter of culture and modified model, but…they’re literally just bulkier humans, if you ignore culture.
  2. Then, let’s look into worgen. Cursed humans–basically, just humans, but with a potent nature curse. This connects heavily to San’layn, because San’layn would be cursed blood elves, just an added addition of “undead” on top of it, hand-in-hand with the vampyr curse. San’layn would be a mixture therefore of the forsaken (so, undead human) concept and the worgen (so, cursed human) concept. If all three that I’ve mentioned thus far are separate races, it means they are in fact distinct enough from their parent race, the human to be a separate entity.
  3. Finally, the blood curse is very much a mutagen. If we look at Lana’thel, we see she has these giant wings and black eyes. If we look at the Blood Princes, not only do they have a modified night/blood elf model, but they have bat-like ears, very different from any elf we’ve seen thus far. At the moment, we have no lore on what exactly the curse does, nor where it comes from. That leaves a door open, and many possibilities to explore. Just how far does this mutagen go? We see that Demon Hunters were mutated to the point of being demon-like. We see worgen being mutated to being wolf-like. Right now, we’ve seen the base blood elf model being used, and nothing else. We have no models, and we have no updates–we just have Lana’thel and the blood princes to go off of. Blizzard updates their models all the time to fit what they’re looking for, so this leaves room for what playable San’layn can really look like, should we get them.

All in all, I don’t know if you see these points as valid, and that’s OK if you don’t. But it’s what we’re proposing here, essentially. As for classes, that one is easy :stuck_out_tongue: In ICC, we see regular mages, warriors, and rogues using abilities. The trash, I mean. We also see a Darkfallen Priest in Temple of Enh’kila. This page shows the current classes that we know of:’layn based on in game abilities.


The OP is fine though Arrows would be a good idea. They started to use them in the High Elf thread before it got spam locked.

I’m talking about highly descript scenarios that have lots of dialogue. A few people are doing it in this thread.

Not saying they are a bad thing at all. But I do tend to just skim over them rather then go through every line since they take a while to read.

Though I may be biased since I am a fond supporter of the K.I.S.S. method.

But ultimately I say follow your passion on the subject the way you enjoy doing so.

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I wanted to read every post to see what others said and maybe give myself some ideas. And yes, I am insane but I never got the title. :stuck_out_tongue:

Feel free to repost or whatever you want with any of my posts. They are there for others to brainstorm with. If you like them all the better imo. I bow :bowing_man: to the vampire :bat: mistress. :crown:

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Fair point with the blood curses. You’re right on that note. I read up the thread a bit and if they were modeled a bit like castelvania vampires and that whole north European sense that would be sweet. I’m just trying think how now. I think it’s too late for bfa to have another ar. So maybe the next expansion might have it? To be honest I’m not up to date with retail at all. I haven’t subbed since the fall. Too busy with classic and eve online (if this race is added I’ll probably play retail tbh)

I guess what I’m asking is when do you think the best time to add them in is? Have we already missed it now that Dreven died months ago. Thrall is coming back so people will forget about this arch. Did we simply miss the opportunity or have we just started the arch and the story hasn’t been told yet.


Yes, I agree. I’d love if it had some elements of that, Castlevania is really neat. Again, I only have seen the Netflix series (I know, I know, shame on me!) but I’ve really enjoyed every moment of it, and know that people love that series to death. Once again, I really need to go ahead and play it or look up the lore in detail.

These are all good questions that I honestly had answers for. I’m not entirely sure. As it stands, it wouldn’t make sense to add San’layn right now, not without closing up some loose ends with lore. We were left with Dreven being slain and a ship in the middle of the sea left sinking. We’ve got nothing more from that. So… I really don’t know what they plan. For San’layn, it’s looking bleak for this expansion. No new information this patch means I don’t think it’s on people’s minds, which is alright. We might never get them, to be honest, but at least I can say we tried ^^

Yeah, see, again, wonderful points. I don’t know. If we do get a rumored death expansion, that’d be a good time. If Sylv comes around via some big plot twist, that would also be a good time. Would Thrall accept the San’layn like he did with forsaken? I don’t know, really. It depends on how they’d act if we actually run into them again. They’d been looking for a home, and either failed the mission (Dreven’s death), or succeeded (if it was distracting the Alliance at all costs in order to allow the Alliance to get the body.)

Then, there’s the big elekk in the room. Dreven’s betrayal. Now, I always say it could have been out of desperation, and we don’t know Sylv’s orders. If it was “distract at all costs”, well, he did his job. But if he did in fact flat out betray, without orders of the warchief, that could be a major hindrance. Even so, however, that could be the fault of him and not the rest of the San’layn, as one doesn’t reflect the entire group.

Once again, though, this is a series of ‘ifs, when’s, and maybe’s’. I’m going to give the most realistic answer I possibly can here:

  1. Let’s just say I have a reasonable amount of both hope and doubt. With no news on San’layn lately, the situation is looking bleak, and the window of them being accepted into the horde is getting smaller.
  2. However, there is also always an opportunity to add to the story and clarify parts we don’t know. Such as why we saw nothing Horde side, Sylv’s exact orders, where Dreven actually came from, where the two missing blood princes are. Then, deeper things, like where does the blood curse originate, and where is that blood orb from ICC. Or how they convert a neophyte to a blood prince as implied. How we get new San’layn in the first place, you know, the works. If we get more lore on any of this, we might have a chance, and we might have stuff expanded further.
  3. All of what’s in “2” is wishful thinking. We might never get an answer. The only thing we can do is share our feedback and ideas, and perhaps they will take it. Blizzard could be planning nothing to do with San’layn at all. If it happens, and we’re told to call it quits, we’ll have to hang up the ole’ cape and call it a day. But, since they have yet to tell us to “Shut up”, I figured providing ideas on how things can happen could be beneficial, because you never know!

So. I’m an optimist, but I kinda have to be. Otherwise this community wouldn’t still be going, I figure. Someone has to wear the crown and a fully fanged smile, if you catch my drift, you know?

Thanks :slight_smile: I will go back up and probably look through to see what I can clean up, at least in the very first post ^^

Thanks doom, means a lot! You’ve contributed to this thread so much already, and I really appreciate it. I’ll pop some up there once I do get working on the thread. Probably over the weekend, right now I have work tomorrow. :vampire: (Not vampire work, but you know, work work. SCIENCE!)

Also, I did get the title. It indeed was a bloody INSANE grind. Sidenote, “Count/Countess” title, when?!


I get a lot of inspiration from your writing, so if you enjoy it keep doing it ^w^


I think you should take a look at soloing ICC. They are shosn to have multiple classes. Mage, Rogue, Warrior, Death Knight, and Priests are shown. The San’Layn have a talent named after them in the shadow tree of priests. Similar to dranei with holy spec and night elves eith druidism. Some spells like Hex are based of trolls for example too.

As far as the other classes lore can be added to get new classes. Such as how orcs where taught to be mages by the forsaken given the time gap…

San’Layn could have picked up being warlocks from there time with the Illadari as blood elves, (demonhunter possible due to being former blood elves?), druidism could be learned via there connection to blood magic possibly, shamanism- could be learned by other scourge units like the ice trolls or vrykul or taunka who died and were raised. That or embracing elementalists like some blood elf shamans in the twilight cults.
Paladin would be interesting if they were the old type who stole the light when they died. Being reborn similar to the zealot horsemen.
Monk seems easy to pick up if you can be a rogue.


I didn’t know we had :vampire:. Thanks for popping that up. :wink: I’m going to use that now, haha.

Unless you feel the need to work on the thread I would just save updating it for when they close this thread because it will have gotten to big. :wink:

Also, I apologize about the mistress I should’ve used Countess.

Anyone that got the Insane title is insane, lol. Man that takes a lot of work but I do want it also.

And as for your title. Here you go.
All hail the Blood Countess Fallynn:bowing_man::crown::vampire:


Haha the thread won’t close until it hits like 20k posts and I don’t think we’ll be there even in like 2 years. But man I love that title. If we got racial titles and San’layn were added, “Blood Count” and “Blood Countess” would be sweet.

Something like that could be given via an epic questline or heritage armor additions. Heritage titles!


Heritage titles sound like an awesome idea.

Even more encouragement to level a specific race, eh?


Just me again with my weekly San’layn thread bump :grin::sweat_smile:



Welcome back Sil hehe, but man time flies so quickly lately. Doesn’t it?

If they ever do “kill this race for pvp” themes again like in Draenor, we could also get a “Vampire hunter” title. I think that would be neat. Well, it’d be for Alliance of course but that’s OK.


Farrrk I need San’layn in my life.

Should they get their own class, though? I feel like if not then they’d need a few extra racial abilities. Probs already been discussed somewhere in this thread.