San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yes it’s an alt of mine, but I literally use no other character to post on these threads. lol. I’ve been posting on the same character for months now. They’re bumping it in the hopes that they will eventually get it, because Blizzard does not watch the forms as heavily as they once did. Nobodies telling you to ‘conform’ to a hall monitor.


Nah, I never once told anyone in this thread to stop commenting.


Is it a necro? Is it?

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It’s a bump, it’s Fallyn’s thread.

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An interesting response. I’m suggesting that asking for what you actually want is better than bumping the thread(s) of what you don’t want. Not even telling you.

Very interesting.

Bump our threads then I guess.

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Do they only hire elfs as hall monitor’s these days or are all really this butt hurt that you can’t get your way with a 5th race and customization options. You just got blood elf paladin heritage armor this patch and now dark elf ranger customizations. How about you let other races that are lacking get theirs instead. Blizzard only has so many resources and allocations before it’s going to cost another raid tier.


He sounds like he came here to fight/complain about something. I wouldn’t keep engaging with him.


You mean how OP and others like yourself have been complaining to Blizzard in this thread for over the last 4 years? :joy:

Oh I dearly wish this were true.

I changed the thread yesterday to emphasize customization as opposed to an Allied Race. Obviously I’d rather have an Allied race, but vampyr customization would also be fine.

Red eyes tied to an undead skin that DKs already can use anyway, so things already that were in the game, is minimal effort. It’s an awesome tidbit and I’m happy for it. But it’s a foothold to ask for expanded customization, something unique to customize our characters.

It’s not my fault elves are popular and that I like them. I support customization for all. However, that will not stop me from asking for what I want too.

Sorry, I’m still out of likes. I should just swap to my elf with red eyes and go from there at this point, lol. Even though Fall is my main.

Anyway, yes, I agree with you. This addition is an amazing starting point when, before, we had nothing at all. Now, we can ask for the customizations to be expanded. And yeah, the questline was interesting. Not only did it emphasize Northrend being an issue, but it went out of its way to say Vorath was working alone and all that, of his own free will, etc.

San’layn would be an excellent asset against those in Northrend given they are/were scourge tacticians. Very powerful, intelligent types. Vicious too. Having some of them on our side would be very useful against enemy San’layn, too. No one knows more about the San’layn or scourge than the insiders themselves, after all. Sort of like how Death Knights were super helpful in defeating the Lich King.

Edit: Hilarious how someone commented I necro’d my own thread when it’s been going for years now without a necro. Which shows how popular the ideas are.

Not my fault people also what I want. Also not my fault that our ideas are good enough that many people support them. I worked hard a while ago on the megathread. Effort has to be made.


I liked the part of the quest chain that said necromancy is necromancy. Doesn’t matter if it happens with shadow or light magic. I find it interesting since we have seen void use necromancy in like the orc clans. So it seems that many magic types can perform necromancy.

This was a question asked by calia to margrave sindane. She say it doesn’t matter much how it happens, you are still undead.

So I am interested to see that concept in other sources of magic.

It could help explain how a vampyr being is raised due to maybe a change in necromancy magic used. We know dark rangers have red eyes due to being in rage and having angry attitudes (possibly by the raiser or the elves themselves). So I find lore tidbits like that interesting.


I absolutely agree though I wouldn’t quite say unique in terms of what I was looking for as since they instead of giving the options to NEs/BEs included VEs nothing expanded on this now can be built onto a theme BEs have w/o infringement from VEs.

VEs can be void, non void, and undead.

Blood Elves main theme is being High Elves/regular Thalassians, and now have undead options, it’s really a shame they couldn’t let BEs have a thing without immediately giving the options back to VEs. And while I hope you get expanded SL options I will be looking for more light options for BEs as I think that can be expanded on to be visually unique that hopefully Blizzard doesn’t feel the need to also gift to VEs.

I’d also say that I noted you said that this gives you a foothold / more than we had before (for San’layn fans/ undead elf fans) which is true, but I do hope you don’t overlook the fact they recently conflated the meaning of Darkfallen to include DR, so while this customization is DR specific that doesn’t mean they aren’t Darkfallen, that seems an important lore bit I know you wanted and imo does more than just give an in to ask for expanded SL options but a valid point to point to when asking.


Good luck. I don’t support light options, but you know that already. Other things however, I do support. It’s just a matter of difference of opinion. You wanted them to add this to benefit blood elves, but I want San’layn because I genuinely adore San’layn, and as long as Blood Elves get it, that’s good for me. You know I don’t care about visual uniqueness as much as fairness.

Nightborne should get these options too, and blood elves should get distinct options as well. As someone who still does like Blood Elves, I hope for phoenix or felblood, but again, we already know that.

As for this thread, and me, I will continue to push for San’layn customization. As I said before, red eyes and a skin is bare minimum. I want claws, fangs, bat-like ears, and then I’d be satisfied. It shouldn’t be that hard, honestly.

As for the lore bit, it’s not really satisfactory for me and never will be until they specifically bring vampire elves into the Horde. As of now, it is called “Dark Ranger” customization. Which is great for dark ranger fans, but again, not what we were asking for. It’s therefore, in our case, a foothold, a start, where in the case of Dark Rangers, and endpoint (once they separate eyes and skins.)


Since we’re continuing to support playable San’layn, especially as their own race, I think it would be good to again open discussions on customization options, racials, class selections, and overall themes to show how different they would be compared to Darkfallen of the Dark Ranger variety. It’s important to keep doing that to show off how amazing they could be.

Things like examples of customization options would also be good to show how distinct San’layn could be, and I think it’s important to continue doing that gradually.

I still think despite complaints of more Elves, having San’layn with a big vampiric theme would be very exciting and popular to see become playable. It’s why I push more for them as their own race, as I feel like they would have more of an opportunity to flourish that way.

I know others here would be better with the customization options suggestions, but I do have some general things I’d like to see when it comes to a vampire race. :wine_glass::bat:


Right I just feel in this regard it may be being too particular. Like in theory if they added Sanlayn options but didn’t explicitly say these are Sanlayn while it would be a let down it seems a silly point to get too hung up on considering the fact they conflated the meaning of Darkfallen and if the options are given thats still a huge success.

Yeah kinda a main point for me.

Yeah but thats what I was saying, the fact they conflated the meaning of Darkfallen gives a really valid means to ask for that stuff.

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Out of curiosity, why is it that you don’t support the light options?

I personally disagree again given I really want the lore bits to represent it. Yeah, it’d be cool to expand the customization. But I don’t want them to abandon vampyr lore. It’s something I care about in major addition to customization. I don’t want my favorite lore bits and story abandoned. They already ruined lore for most of the rest of the game, so I have hopes that lore expansion for the vampyr and curse would be interesting. They did great with the Stormheim stuff and added even more lore in BfA. I want to see it continued, not abandoned.

Yeah I agree, and that’s true. I wish they called it “Darkfallen customization” though, but they specifically called it “Dark Ranger”. Maybe that will change in the future.

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Basically, this:

Again it’s just a matte of opinion that people do disagree with, and I understand, I just really am not a fan of it/do not support it if it’s going to be the only thing Blood Elves get. Unless it’s a ‘phoenix’ version of the light. I don’t like the idea of “might as well be human paladins”.

If they made it distinct (so phoenix) as opposed to like LFD or humans, so like Tauren or Zandalari, that would be fine. But the distinction is key, otherwise they just turn into pointy eared humans even more.