Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

If they actually listen to San’layn requests, which… I don’t know. With how they handled Dark rangers being as lackluster as they did, bare minimum, it’s concerning. It would not be as bad of a problem though if they unpaired the eyes with the skins. That’s my main concern.

Oh right, and Death Knights. -.-

If they did indeed actually expand on the customization though and listened to feedback/suggestions, I’d be less vocal, but still not really support it so much.

My main concern is that they just turn blood elves into obnoxious religious zealots as a foil for the void elf story. They should go on their own path. It’d be mimicking Lightforged Draenei anyway, so it’d also just… feel like it’s copying that. Which I’m really not a fan of. I want Blood Elves to be distinct. Not some void elf foil or wannabe LFD.

Phoenix stuff though would be the type of ‘lighter theme’ I would really enjoy and support. Different type of light, proper blood elf flavor without copying LFD and feeling just like a ‘opposites’ thing with void elves, which I feel Blood Elves really do not need to be.