San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

OK I can respect it. Tbh I want more of a nature theme for them, like how they were partially portrayed in Warcraft 2

If it gives us druids, I’m all for it. :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean why not? It fits with the lore, hell, toss in Dwarf and Human druids as well.



everquest had wood elves, half elves, high elves and dark elves, even as far back as 1999. :grin:

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Life based undead when?

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I definitely think my head hurts now :sweat:

< Pat pat. >

There there.

The major issue with the lightforged nonsense is the complete lack of drawbacks. If they said they were hurt more by void magic, for example, or fel magic, LIKE HOW regular undead are hurt more by the light, then yes, that would be fine.

As of now, there is no indication that there’s any more pain from those sources than the average person. Meaning, it implies they are the ‘perfect and better undead’, something I am not a fan of at all.

I really, really hate this ‘oh accept the light, child, and be pure’ nonsense. I’m so tired of it. It’s Mary-Sue-esque, bad writing, and gross.

It should be a give and take, not a give give give.

Like, you call it undead, okay, fine, but they have the appearance of ‘better undead’ as of now because it’s a ‘undead’ label instead of ‘ressurected’ label.

Edit: Not to mention, for most people, the appeal of undead is the darker themes that come with it. The struggle against monster v. humanity. This stuff isn’t appealing to the average undead fan. Injecting the generic human paladin into the undead scene is obviously going to be slammed. All this focus on Calia and her nonsense lore is taking away from the undead themes people actually want to see. Not some glowing nightlight that pretends to be a zombie.


Classic Blizzard.

The fact that Night Elves got the Darkfallen customization basically means Darkfallen Druids are now a thing. So once the Druid class gets proliferated to Blood Elves and Undead, we’ll have Darkfallen and Forsaken Druids on the Horde. Let’s just hope more customization options are added in the vein of Darkfallen customization so we can have more variety. :slight_smile:

For now though, the groundwork is laid. These customizations now give us (at least visually), undead Paladins and Druids, which can start laying the foundation for future class proliferation.

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I honestly don’t see the Undead getting Druids anytime soon.

I think this is poinent. Any/all sentient undead are welcome. That would include those who have been hostile. As long as they are willing to give us that hostility. If anything this supports San’layn further. And if it’s a pre order bonus we wouldn’t see it decrypted yet.


There’s no way to know when we’ll see more classes proliferated. I’m of the opinion that Druid will be the very last class to be made available to races that currently don’t have access, simply due to the amount of model work involved.

Yeah, plus undead paladins exist in lore, as confirmed by the devs, given light is strictly a willpower thing–and it can be noble, depending on how they use it, because they self-sacrifice and suffer through so much pain to still use the magic they believe in.

As for undead druids, I just consider them ‘death druids’, aka playing on the death side of the field just like how shadow priests work versus holy priests. I’d love this lore expanded, though.

Plot twist:
Preorder bonus is vampires for all, or at least many races. Claws, red eyes, and fangs. Maybe some extra goodies. I doubt it will be so, but it’s a cool thing to dream.

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Yup, and to add even more support for it, and despite the disdain she elicits, Calia is the perfect vehicle to make the Paladin class available to Undead players. I mean if we’re stuck with her anyways, might as well put her to good use right?

Eh I disagree, because again the appeal of undead paladins isn’t the lightforged stuff. They might as well just be human paladins at that point. I’d rather it be genuine not-messed-with undead paladins. It’s far more of a noble spin, because again, they would be suffering a lot but using their magic anyway. Self-sacrifice.

I explained my major, major gripe though with LFU above. It’s just too mary-sue-esque for me.

Edit: Plus, is their craving for flesh gone? That would mean the “lightforged darkfallen” would have their craving for blood gone too. And it means they are 100% not vampires in my eyes. Blood-drinking is very important to vampire lore in my opinion. It’s yet another mary sue factor and strays too far from the origin of the undead as opposed to adding interesting lore to it, because it’s a ‘might as well be alive’ issue.

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Oh I don’t mean lightforging or anything like that. Just that since she’s a light based undead, maybe she can be used in some way to make it easier/less painful for non-light based undead to connect with the light as paladins.


This has always been true of the Forsaken. Any and all things, living or undead. As long as they swear loyalty to the Forsaken ideology. It’s not reflected in playable characters but the Forsaken has always been made up of various former living races.

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Oh okay, see this I’d be okay with, yeah. Training, rather than it being handed to them. Reducing the blow. Growing immunity through very hard work. Yes, that’d be fine to me.