There is already almost 10+ human ‘races’ that you can be. You have the most amount of customization in the game that many other races don’t have. You are not one to talk about ‘Greed’ and being enough elf-races.
The fact that you didn’t even read my posts before you made accusations is why this will be my only reply to you in this thread. I never once mentioned that I wanted more human customizations.
A simple request for san’layn is not a demand that they be added before anything else. It’s a request thread to discuss potential options, lore, etc.
You can learn to read the room
You Elves are spoiled as hell. And you get what you ask for as well.
Other races need attention.
Really? I don’t recall getting what I want for my belves.
Ahem, allow me to just.
I read both of these posts, and chose to respond to them. You didn’t even reply you just quoted my post that is all. I did infact read your posts, and I still hold the same opinion. You haven’t read the thread either. you saw “Elf” and ran with it.
Don’t remember getting what was wanted for Belves.
And also they’ve already mentioned they’re perfectly fine with other races being focused on first. Read the thread before commenting. It saves you a lot.
This thread is asking for customizations or an AR. Though at this point it’s probably going to be customization.
No one is demanding it come first.
I would, as a friendly suggestion, say that if you’re seeking more for some other race or AR you might consider supporting those threads or make one of your own.
It’s good to share your opinion to blizzard but telling others no doesn’t really do that.
Point out where I ever said that others can’t share their opinion.
I am stoked for the new skin/eyes. My only points of critique are that I wish the eyes/skin were not locked together, available to NB, and the red eyes usable on DKs.
I’m sorry you misunderstand my words. That’s my fault as I left them unclear.
You should share your opinion, but telling people here that they should not ask doesn’t help.
You would find your time better spent more productively by asking for what you actually want in a proper thread for it rather than be here.
That’s funny because I never once mentioned that I wanted more human customizations. If you and others wanted to read the room you wouldn’t make assumptions/accusations about me without first reading what I wrote. I stated I wanted customization options for other races in the game that are lacking, like Undead and adding other races that should of already been in the game like Ogres, instead of willing to lose a raid tier for a 5th elf race/customizations.
Again. This thread really won’t help you get that though.
There are Forsaken threads as well as threads for almost any other race. Or you can make your own.
Here all you’re doing is bumping this thread…
You are posting on a human. You made your point. I will stop responding to you… because you aren’t really adding to this thread discussion, just being a distraction.
You mean how OP necro’ed a 2018 thread first to continue the greed. Go revoke their hall pass instead.
It’s literally THEIR thread.
Yea Blizzard obviously didn’t like the idea over 4 years ago and they are still bumping it and necroing it to the front page it to try to get their way and you are telling me to stop bumping it by replying to it. Sorry, I don’t conform to hall monitors.
You are being a hall monitor lol
Yes it’s an alt of mine, but I literally use no other character to post on these threads. lol. I’ve been posting on the same character for months now. They’re bumping it in the hopes that they will eventually get it, because Blizzard does not watch the forms as heavily as they once did. Nobodies telling you to ‘conform’ to a hall monitor.