San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

So many [redacted] questions would be answered if people took time to read the thread.

If you don’t read the main thread, don’t bother responding.


another new class that will end up stealing abilities from a class that has been in the game since vanilla in the effort to make said new class unique and more of a commercial selling point, just what we need


I’m very worried that if a tinker is added that hunters will be at the very least losing a majority of their trap utility.

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Personally I’m not interested in tinkers, or any new class, at all. If I were interested in a new class, it would be bards or necromancers. Tinkers are a hard pass from me, though. When they get rid of race/class restrictions for every single race, then I’ll be more open to general new class ideas. Until then, another class = more stupid restrictions.


I really like this idea. Some of these creators need to be hired.
Kudos to a great video.


If anything, Shaman stand to lose more as the robots and stuff are far more like totems then traps.

While on the subject of taking things for new classes, Necromancers would likely take an entire spec from Warlocks. Since most of affection is exactly the same as the necromancer kit. Soul Shards, Dots, Diseases, Curses, Life Stealing. Just swap Demon minions for Undead ones. They might also take a few things from Shadow Priest.

So it would be the 3erd time Warlocks where harvested for a new class.

Bards might take a few things from priest, warriors, and shaman.

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Rather than changing the boots, I decided to change the pants and one of the shoulders to make them gel more with the whole outfit. These pants aren’t as short as I’d like, but at least I can still see the knees.

Is this better or is it still off?

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I would like bards myself. This patch has alot of song, melody and like language is magic vibes. I get a whole lot of bard vibes from the jiro and automa.

Although one of the videos I mentioned showed and undead tinker. I would like undead versions of like plague machines and stuff : ). Maybe like controlling an abomination and throwing plague at people!

And there are other racial identities that have there powerful machines like the lightforged.

Bard just sounds like it would be a fun new caster.

Tinker sounds like it could go melee or a tank spec like Gazlow in HoTS. But I wouldn’t be opposed to shooting lasers at people, missile barrages, nukes, and like flamethrowers/plague bombs.

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Got another one you might consider adding.

Dark Iron and Mag’har customization Thread


This one makes me wonder how hard it’d be to make two headed ogres and separate transmog a thing. Not exactly the same, but similar to a fair degree.

I’d also appreciate if we could choose which shoulder to use in the case of asymmetric shoulderpads like Herod’s Shoulder, and for the system to be expanded to boots/gloves/bracers.


Yes, this would be great. The empty slot is useless for this since it amounts to paying to hide it, when just hiding it is free. I will note, on Herod’s specifically there is a two sided version, but only for plate: Drake Talon Pauldrons.

This would be great! But it would require some reworking on Blizz’s part. Last I heard, body textures aren’t a full texture, but are just a half texture mirrored to both sides. They’d have to change this to allow separate boots/gloves/bracers. I’d imagine the reason this doesn’t apply to shoulders is because they’re a separate object.

If you notice on the currently existing asymmetrical gloves, it’s actually the same glove on each hand, but with an extra object added over one of them.

This restriction used to apply to faces, but no longer does. So there is hope they could also update the body textures away from this limitation.


Added, thanks for letting me know!

On the vampire end of things, have some tarot/vector art of one of my OCs. Figured it’d be cool to share.
Art credit:

Also, I’ll share my youtube avatar/character since it’s vampire related. Though I use this on my narrations channel to talk about Backrooms & SCP stuff.
Art credit:


So going with my last post I made, I was wondering about whether a blood orb of some kind could be magically changed to help cure a San’layn’s urge to feed.

I think I’ve mentioned this idea before, but what if the majority of San’layn, upon being freed from the Lich King’s grasp, went into a hibernation while their leader and few others went off to try to find some sort of cure for at least part of their vampiric curse? It would lead to a pretty fun storyline and work towards San’layn getting accepted into the Horde.

I imagine either a Blood Prince would be leading the charge with a diminishing supply of whatever helps suppress their constant hunger. It plays a bit on how the Blood Elves and Nightborne were with their addictions, so it could be a good reason they give the San’layn their support. If Kael’thas came back as a San’layn, it would also work towards part of his redemption, since they were his followers from before.

I imagine part of the San’layn unlock scenario could be trying to gather reagents and information on an enhancement on a blood orb to give them a cure for their hunger. This combined with San’layn help in assaulting Deatholme, taking it over as a San’layn home base, is some of the unlock scenario I have in mind.

When you unlock San’layn as an allied race, I imagine every San’layn player character was someone who woke up from hibernation, utilized a blood orb to alleviate part of their curse, and they’d be good to go to become champions of the Horde afterwards.

Obviously, a lot of this needs fleshing out. It’s something I’ve toyed in my head for quite awhile, so maybe I’ll try to type up some sample scenarios soon to give an example of what you could do with this line of thinking.

Seems like it would make for an interesting storyline, in my opinion! :wine_glass::bat:


I really like this concept, not the least because my blood elf mage supposedly messes with the Dark Animus magic stuff, but this helps to ingratiate the Horde with the San’layn and the San’layn with the Horde.


I personally do not like the idea of ‘curing the urge to feed’, as that gets rid of the entire point of vampires and just…makes them pointless & boring.

Just a personal thought, though. Removing the vampire’s need to drink blood makes them an undead elf and no longer a vampire at all. It ruins one of the things that makes vampires interesting.

A counter solution is simply that they feed from enemies or the willing. Forsaken handle this by attacking enemies and are still accepted into the Horde, for example.

To be honest, if they got rid of a huge factor that makes San’layn San’layn… I probably wouldn’t want to play them or bother even making one, :confused: I might as well just make a Death Knight or blood elf.


I wasn’t thinking of getting rid of it entirely. I was moreso thinking on the lines of getting in a frenzy urge to attack and feed on the closest living being as opposed to being able to control it so the San’layn doesn’t go insane.

I do agree that the need to feed is an important part to them. It should be present somehow, whether it is through racials, personality/storyline, and such. It should not go away completely.

I appreciate the comments on that idea. It was just something I put out there to see what others think, even it it might not be the best of ideas. It helps to get a different point of view! :wine_glass::bat:


Ohhh I see, I didn’t think they had that frenzy but they might. In that case, if it’s canon they might constantly frenzy, it’d be a good idea to get rid of that, yeah. That’d be sort of parallel to the worgen issue, I think.

No worries, now that you clarified I like the idea a lot better. We don’t know if it’s canon that they have the urge to attack everyone or can get there easily, but I think it’s a pretty good assumption that many of them might. Or be more prone to it.

So using a blood orb to control that works well and could be for a good storyline in that case, yeah! And then the blood drinking would work a lot like food for other folks who would need to eat.


I’ll try to do better in explaining my ideas in more detail. :smiley:

Part of this idea came from Champions of Norrath on the Playstation 2, which is set in Everquest’s world. I vaguely remember the details, but from what I remember, there is a female vampire thrall who wants you to defeat her master. One thing she asks for is for a plant that will sate her need to feed temporarily, since she doesn’t want to actually go out and harm others. As I said, the effects are temporary, the plant is hard to find, and if I recall correctly, the person who eats it will get a resistance to its effects over time. Again, it has been years since I played it, so I don’t quite remember all the details.

Having San’layn in a similar situation provides a few things:

First, it gives a backstory to them and a reason they’d want to reach out to the Horde. It also gives them some sympathy to have the San’layn, who just became free from the Lich King, have to deal with resisting an insane frenzy of feeding on things.

Second, it could explain where most of the San’layn our, including our player character San’layn. Most of them could be hibernating somewhere while others seek to fix their frenzy urges while having limited supplies that have diminishing returns.

Third, assuming Kael’thas ever came back as a San’layn, it would play into his redemption to help his people. The San’layn were his followers in life, so it can work well for our characters to help the San’layn in general.

Fourth, it plays into how Blood Elves and Nightborne had addictions. They both can be Horde factions that are sympathetic to the San’layn, want to help them, and would speak for them joining the Horde. Blood Elves in particular would want to help their former kin, even if they were followers of Kael’thas before.

Fifth, it can help give San’layn more trust afterwards. We don’t know how much is know with Dreven’s actions. Curbing the idea that San’layn would just randomly turn on their allies in an insane lust for power and sustenance would go a long way in helping to gain trust again.

As stated before, the idea isn’t to cure the need to feed. It’s more giving a San’layn control over it. They were released from the Lich King’s power and have to deal with being both undead and vampiric, which I imagine would be very hard to suddenly deal with the urges that come with such a curse. I wouldn’t really call them blood junkies, but giving in to said urges could explain why some San’layn went mad with power or insane.

I imagine San’layn still feeding as needed. Seeing as Warlocks do a similar thing with spells to either enemy soldiers or woodland critters, I don’t really see it too much as an issue with the Horde. It just becomes something that is controlled and doesn’t really drive them insane (expect perhaps a battle frenzy racial).

The San’layn having vampiric traits is very important to their character. What I typed above is far from a perfect idea and needs fleshing out. It’s just something I post to show an example of a storyline to get players invested in the idea and connected to San’layn to want to help them and get them to join the Horde.

But yes, keep them as vampires. That’s one of the big reasons I like San’layn! :wine_glass::bat:


Yeah, I thought you explained this concept super well now, I’m definitely on board. Sorry for the misunderstanding! But yeah I get what you mean, and it leads to many great story threads and ideas. Not to mention their important connection to the Horde itself, and the Nightborne/Blood Elves, with their own addictions and such. Just like with how Death Knights can satiate the need to torment by targeting enemies (or willing targets), I think it works well for San’layn.

Not to mention, there could be some enemy factions of San’layn or a ‘wretched’ version of San’layn who, too starved, goes perma-berserk or something. I think that could also be a cool plotline and again a nod to the wretched of both Blood Elves & Nightborne. What would that version look like? Probably pretty eerie.

The San’layn we’ve seen so far seem to have good control of themselves, but every one we’ve seen has been trained by blood prince (or assumed to be given their locations). We don’t know what the San’layn who were turned & abandoned even look like yet, meaning there’s TONS of ways to flesh out that story and what could happen, so I think that could be another super neat aspect of it too.

What if those ones turned into bat-like monsters? Hmm…

Though I still think a dual bat-monster form would be great for the vampyr, but I know it’s not anything we’ve seen before, so I doubt we’ll see it now. Still… never know!


I love seeing someone mention this game. It’s a very fun game, even years later, along with the sequel Champions Return to Arms.

And the vampire lady’s name is Sylea, just in case you’d forgotten.


I had this in my Youtube recommendations, where someone created this music piece for their D&D campaign, complete with different pieces of artwork throughout the video of Ravenloft and Strahd:

It has me imagining organs being used quite a bit for music in San’layn areas. It seems really fitting for the atmosphere. Especially if used as a dirge to get people to feel the San’layn’s plight and the challenges they face on a daily basis with their curse.

I’ve mentioned before having a period of time during the game where in the Ghostlands, assuming the San’layn take over Deatholme, the San’layn leader would sit at an organ and play a mournful and powerful dirge on the organ that echoes throughout the Ghostlands. Something about that idea just seems like it would be really memorable to newbie San’layn and Horde characters leveling up in the area.

If I see any other pieces of music that seems fitting, I’ll be sure to share them! :wine_glass::bat: