San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Do you not see how all of those are variations based off of Hunters?

They literally use guns.

There’s a few things that sound like they’ve been sampled from SWTOR, especially that Healer field one.

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It’s obvious that they use Hunter as a base, but that’s part of the problem.

They basically feel like weird Hunter riffs with vehicle gimmicks/tricked out Engineering toys.

Not really sure that needs to be a class.


The reason it should be its own Class is that none of the tech themes really fit Hunters.

The old WoW RPG 1.0 having a Tinker Class in it is the reason people honestly want it.

I own a copy.

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There’s a lot of cool stuff from the old RPG that they really did away with.

It’s a shame, really.

So many neat ideas just tossed aside for more single expansion gimmicks.


I utterly agree.

Outta likes.

Please assume this post above mine should have one!

I will attempt to add one tomorrow!

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It does defiantly sound like specs to me. So basically Tank (Literally) Healer and DPS.

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While technically they could be specs, they’d be incredibly odd without being heavily reworked.

A tank who becomes worthless without their vehicle honestly sounds like a weirdly clunky version of Guardian Druids.

It’s hard to even tell which of the other two is supposed to be the actual healer: the one who puts up the healing field, or the one who summons the healing bot.

Honestly, I think there are better class options than Tinkers.


Not only that, but how would the vehicle work? Is it a second body that you can just hop in and out of like bear form, or is it another entity that can die? In the case of the former, I have some questions about where the vehicle comes when you shift in and goes when you shift out. In the case that of the latter, it seems like it’d either be a worse bear form or maybe a cheat death, but either way it sounds like discount guardian.

I agree (see: necromancers) but I do feel tinkers would come in second in terms of potential for suggested classes if they have the right mind behind them.


I’d also vote Battlemage over Tinker. Sure, a Shaman is kinda like a Battlemage, but a Hunter is kinda like a Tinker. They get guns, bombs, and traps, and can even have mechanical pets.

Also, unrelated but I made a new Mok’nathal mog for my Shaman and was curious what you thought of it.



Agreed. Battlemage is probably my biggest class want.

I love Shaman as well, but it’s an entirely different beast.

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The only major gripe I have is the boots, color wise they stand out a lot. If you do end up changing them, it might be worth considering changing the pants as well. Aside from that it’s pretty good imo, the only other gripe I have is purely personal since I’m not a huge fan of asymmetry on mogs.

+1 for more orc


Yeah, that was my problem with them too. I really liked the shape though. All in all, I should probably look at rebalancing the colours in general.

They were the only pants I could find that aren’t either fully covering or Vanilla level low res.

We’re opposites here. I’m obsessed with the new separate shoulders option.

Zug zug!

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San who?

Aren’t they dead?


For me it’s the fact that it was one of the absolute coolest heroes in WC3. It also scratches an itch that no other class in the game can even touch. If you want to be a tech-oriented hero, you have to make do with hunters using mechanical pets, and even then that’s not viable since all mech pets in the game are, for whatever reason, cunning-exclusive. You also can’t tank, which the original hero was great at doing.

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I found there was something called a “Darkfallen Orb” and was wondering if anyone knew anything about it.

It’s apparently a mechanic in a boss fight with the Blood Council in Icecrown Citadel, where it empowers any of the Blood Princes you fight. They shout the following:

“Such wondrous power! The Darkfallen Orb has made me INVINCIBLE!”

I don’t know if it comes up at all anywhere else. Was wondering if anyone knew anything more about it, whether it’s THE Darkfallen Orb or one of many Darkfallen Orbs.

If there is some significance, I kinda imagined a blood orb of some kind that could get magically changed somehow in order to get rid of the constant need to feed part of the San’layn curse. The idea sounds like something you’d have to help the San’layn around in order to cure them of their blood lust part so they could remain in control of themselves.

Obviously, it needs fleshing out, but it is an idea I wanted to throw out there. Along with wanting to know if anyone knew the backstory of this Darkfallen Orb. :wine_glass::bat:


Tinkers are more about technology. Guns are a part of that. And other things. Using machines. Lasers. Chemicals. Bombs. Missiles.

If you look at how final fantasy has done machinist and mech classes in the past it’s like that. Hunters are more about nature.

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You go girl, I legit logged into the forums to like this post and to add this reply. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: