San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Had the idea of a scene in Silvermoon if Kael’thas ended up becoming the leader of the Horde San’layn faction. I imagine this taking place right at the beginning of the San’layn faction being introduced:

Kael’thas: You’ve kept statues of me up in the city?

Lor’themar: Oh yes! We needed a constant reminder to never give into power at any costs. Especially not at the expense of our people.

-Kael’thas winces at that remark-

Kael’thas: I…see…

I imagine it being a bit difficult at first if Kael’thas was the leader of the Horde San’layn faction. If it actually happened, I imagine the Blood Elves would be a bit conflicted and reserved at the idea of working with him again and yet wanting to help out the San’layn in general. Even if they were his followers before, but that was at a point before Kael’thas betrayed his people.

Then again, it would play into the whole idea of Kael’thas on the path of redemption. It isn’t something that would instantly happen. He would have to earn it, and we’d see that occur overtime that would eventually lead into the Blood Elves learning the true meaning of Winter Veil and accepting the San’layn back in the fold.

If not Kael’thas, I imagine it would be easier to do it with another leader. In this case, I imagine the San’layn distraught over learning what happened with Kael’thas, since they were his followers. It would be an interesting aspect of their story, which I’m not entirely sure how that would work. Especially if Kael’thas is still in the Shadowlands seeking redemption at the time.

Not a perfect idea of course, but just an interesting thought I wanted to share. :wine_glass::bat:


I like it.

Watching Kael’thas have to come to grips of what hes done in SLs is one thing. Getting to see him do so among his own people would be very satisfying I think. Even better if hes doing it while trying to help bring some of his people (the San’layn) back together.



I don’t feel like Kael has paid repentance enough to visit Silvermoon I’d hope they stationed him in Orgrimmar and leave it at that at most, with maybe dialogue every now and then when he interacts with Lor’themar

very neat wish there was more

I’ve been inactive for a bit, have I missed much? Been playing a bunch of Valheim and just logging in for my mission tables.

You’d think. Does seem to be an opening to do so with the blade that contained Xal’atath. I’m wondering if it was all due to whoever was in charge at the time, like it’s been suggested that the whole Sylvanas thing was the previous lead doing what he wanted before being canned.

That whole thing is really odd as well…I think it’d have made more sense that death in the shadowlands would be the catalyst for rebirth in the mortal realms. Then you’ve got the whole cycle aspect going. The death still means something as it’d be taking troops out of commission as they are off on their way to another passage through life. Meh.
Sending the soul back to soak up more anima or some such.

So how many here have seen Marvel’s Eternals? Last few movies, with the pandemic and all, didn’t see them in theaters. Finally his Disney+ so got around to watching it the other night.

At one point a character is explaining how things work and everyone’s roles in the grand scheme.

At this point I’m just sitting there thinking “This is all the plot of World of Warcraft.”
Especially stuff with 9.2. I’d not played too much of the patch yet, but I’d seen models and read stuff on the fan sites. There’s some pretty strong similarities…

So I’m left wondering if someone was a big fan of the comics and got influence there and then doubled down on it when the movie came out, or if it’s just a happy coincidence…ehhh…

So my thought now is that I really want a void knight class that is a heavy armor wearing void spellcasting medieval fantasy version of Venom. There’s already plenty of stuff set up to make it doable. Toggleable and customizable void/aberration form using cues from void beings and old gods. Make use of the awesome spells from 8.3. Maybe even work in some whispers that can be built on to comment on locations and actions etc like Xal’atath did.

Yes, please.

Oh, and then we’ve got incoming Marvel vampires…so that’ll likely have an effect on popularity. San’layn for horde!! Add a san’layn npc that has no hair named Baldy who hunts down the feral vampires :wink: or just name him Shiv or something like that.

Stoneborne are awesome. I still think Blood themed san’layn demon hunters with their transforms being Stoneborne for tank and dreadlord for dps would be kinda cool. Then again I still wish a demon hunter could maintain their meta form a lot longer. A spec built around that would be neat.

I still don’t understand why he’s even called that. He was inmate number 1. He was jailed there. Did I miss something on that?

Your image above of the raven vampires was pretty cool, made me think vikings since ravens are linked to the whole nordic myth stuff with Odin. That’d be a neat twist on viking vampires. Turn into ravens.

Still think with all that’s happened to the Night Elves, it’s weird that the remaining night elven worgen haven’t been woken up. Tyrande has a history of releasing imprisoned things when things get dire. :-/
I want my night elven druid to be a worgen with wolf based transforms :frowning:

but Azeroth is the most special and important location in all of the known cosmos…rolls eyes Yeah, it does seem weird.
I’ve seen some suggest that maybe Azeroth isn’t actually a titan but a reborn First One…at this point, I’d fully expect that to be the case.

It’s really way over due. They are a race with martial priests. Let us make a paladin.

That’d have been pretty cool. I remember seeing that suggested a lot.

I loved the whole project Simaia and Lost Codex did to show off class skin ideas.
They were quite well done, just another great level of customization.

I’d like to see diverse paladin class skins so you could essentially align yourself with whatever cosmic power you wanted. A prelate of Bwonsamdi using the Maldraxxus spell effects on a Zandalari troll? That’d be pretty cool. Fire spell wielding dark iron paladins. Arcane wielding nightborne paladins. Perhaps races start with a default option but the option to switch to whichever set you find fitting for your character.

Compare them to D.Va, Torb, and Anna from Overwatch. There’s some strong similarities. The tanks are VERY similar to D.Va. Those characters are also tank, dps, and heals.
There’s also a great Tinker write up over on MMO-champ. I’d play it.

It’s sorta like Purgatory or whatever for a DK. You hit zero health, but instead of dying, you get this debuff, that if you survive, you get to keep going.

I’ve thought this would be a cool route to go. Could help defend the original homeland since they are on the border. See if the Venthyr can loan some dredgers to help get a cool gothic castle going.

Isn’t that also pretty similar to how Death Knights already work? Works for me.


I don’t play Overwatch, but just based on how different FPS gameplay is vs WoW’s gameplay, I don’t think it sounds all that useful to try and pull from there. Apples to oranges.

I don’t frequent MMOchamp, but I’ve seen enough of that person’s posts to see that they are not a nice person, so I’m really not interested in their class ideas.

I’d probably at least try any class that was added, whether it appealed to me or not.

It would be like a much clunkier version of that, because you would also lose a significant portion of your stats and about 90% of your abilities.


That sounds pretty cool. Of course, the problem here is that it’d suit void elves better than any other race, kinda like how Lightforged Draenei are the most paladiny Paladins if you know what I mean. That and I’d rather a third mail user, or at least a new clothie before we get another new plate user.

I dunno. I don’t main my DH or anything, but when I play her I feel like I’m in Metamorphosis a lot. It helps that I have that one talent that transforms me for 8 seconds whenever I Eye Beam.

Meh. If we do get a Tinker class, I’d much prefer one that uses a HotS Gazlowe style backpack like in one of the fake leaks over Blizzard trying to balance a class around using a vehicle. Vehicle mechanics just aren’t that great in WoW tbh.


That’s part of why I want it. Something actually void related to make as a void elf, but I figured it’d work good as something more like a death knight. Open it to all the races. Originally an idea I’d posted a long while back was that the character was originally a warrior that was taken prisoner by void forces on an excursion and makes an escape by bonding with a void creature that are forced into servitude when they make their sentient weapons. Bonds with warrior making him/her the weapon. I’m a fan of letting people do what they want with their characters, so more options is good in my book. I probably would make one of my void elves into one. Currently they are a death knight as that’s the closest I could get (minus shadow priest, already have one of those too) that felt Lovecraftian.

We already should have gotten a new clothie :frowning: the lack of necromancer is stupid.
Tinker would make a good mail option.

Yeah, you can get some decent up time, I know Illidan is a special case, but it’d have been neat to have a spec or something that was in the form even longer. Either way, I do find it a fun class.

I think the backpack would make a great visual option alongside the mechs.
I wouldn’t have the mechs use any actual vehicle mechanics. It’d just mainly be a visual thing, sorta like bear form. Still plays like your regular character control-wise. Not the style of vehicles where you’d have a clunky button you had to push or weird pathing.

There was a fan write up over on MMO-champ a few years back that sounded like it’d make a fun tinker…

It also has some of the backpack style mock-ups at the bottom…maybe by Handclaw.

It’s pretty much how the tinker teams on the Island expeditions already work.

Neither do I, so I wouldn’t know anything about that.

That’s the point. Compare it to a warrior or something that loses 100% of stats and abilities when dead.

I dunno, I’d rather just die when I run outta health than become so weak as to be completely useless for a few seconds, then die.


Most of the Island Expedition teams don’t really function the way a player would. Like Riftblade Kelain uses a leap with pretty much no cooldown. Like, he literally just Heroic Leaps around without a care in the world while you chug after him.

I’m not saying the Island teams couldn’t work as a base, but let’s not pretend they’re ready to go as-is.

I’ve seen some questionable behaviour in general from a pretty vocal portion that seem to demand Tinkers and throw vitriol at anyone who dares to suggest anything else.

That doesn’t work as a comparison at all. You’re talking about Warriors being dead. That’s not a special mechanic of their class. Unless you’re saying you want weird immortal Tinkers that can’t die?


This player already have, guardian this druid Blizzard call.


Too much tinker stuff in a thread about a classic fantasy race for me liking. Let’s talk about San’layn, I’d love them to be added at least a customization option for BE or Forsaken. I don’t think a race is that likely at this point, another elf race probably wouldn’t be looked happily upon especially with horde players that feel the race slot is wasted due to the closeness to BE already.

The alternative to customization could be class skins, classes like warlock or rogue getting vampire themed ability skins would be dope. Class skins can add so much diversity to fantasies without stepping on any toes that I hope Blizzard will start to implement them.


Yeah, but like Purgatory, if you manage to stay alive, you’re back in the fight and ready to go instead of a battle res or just dead.

Oh yeah, of course. They’d need a lot more development for additional abilities and such.

Gotcha, that seems to be the case all over sadly :frowning:

I mean warriors just die. Other classes have a death mitigation like death knights and Purgatory. Something that should have killed you doesn’t and you’ve got a chance if you do things right to stay in the battle. With and the island expedition tanks, they’re pretty easy to kill once they eject, but if they can avoid damage and stay alive they can get back in the fight.

I want them as a full fledged race and not just a customization. Wildhammer already got the shaft in that department :frowning:
I’d quite like to be able to race change my blood elf death knight into a San’layn. He’s already pretty close.

They really could be another great layer of customization.

Skipping over Tinker talk.

San’layn would make an excellent race for the Horde.

:wine_glass: :bat:


Yeah, I second this, we need playable San’layn for the Horde or San’layn customizations for Blood Elves because at this point in time I’ll take either. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


I still hope to see the San’layn as an AR but I’d live with em as customization for Belves.


I just think the backlash at this point would be too large for it to be an AR.

Yet ANOTHER reskin of the thalassian model would not be looked upon fondly by many.

No reason not to do customization for them though.

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I think that’s a fair take.

They just don’t feel right as simple customization to me. Racials would be different and I doubt San’layn would have paladin.

Though I’m in the camp that undead pallies isn’t lore breaking.


I think it’s fine due to LFD DK’s being a thing anyways, but I can see the gripes with it.

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The Horde didn’t actually get one though.

Also, they could give them a somewhat unique skeleton. Think Nightborne but not terrible. The model commonly used by San’layn NPCs is pretty unique. Maybe something inspired by that?

That being said, I’d accept them as customization too.