San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Well… onto waiting for 10.0 then, and hoping someone who would like customization additions spoken throughout the community is brought into the community.

I guess I will say I hope 10.0 is a return to Azeroth, and I really hope the scourge plotline they set up isn’t going poof!. I sincerely do not believe the prepatch did it enough justice, as a personal opinion there.


So listening to the video again I caught how this is the final chapter of the current story of WoW. Maybe this is hinting at a soft reboot in 10.0

Level 60 character boost?

Never before offered endgame jump, cash grab and desperate times?

Reaching confirmed.

As for my take on Blizzard of late, here’s this thread I made:

Constructive criticism and also cogent thoughts always welcome there.

Here, San’layn and NE Pallies would be amazing additions. Lazy Blizzard refusing to work is nothing new, so sorry all, I really do hope that in time Blizzard or whatever GOOD developers replace them actually care and put San’layn in game. Halloween all year Horde race? Yes please!

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Primus: We’ve done it Maw Walker! We stopped the Jailor from pressing the reality resetting button! Now, give it to me and I shall seal it away forever. Err… Maw Walker?

The Maw Walker: S—t eating grin.


More lazy Blizzard writing?

Confirmed derp Blizz play in progress.

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My thoughts on the trailer…
Feels a lot like a scifi indie vibe which I don’t mind myself. I love scifi. The zone gives me korthia vibes, huge empty with some coolness but you won’t learn much besides stuff relating to the plot.

I have loved scifi games. No man’s sky was nice for a while. The automata remind me of the automata in Nier Automata gameplay footage which I also have yet to play. The camera angles gave me a bunch of Destiny vibes. Reminds me alot like the Vex.

I love scifi but it feels a tad out of place. Not to mention how they basically mentioned they were going to timegate language somehow…? Its realistic but why would you want to market that or mentiom that with all the complaints of timegating?

I love the zones aesthetically. I like the creatures. More non-biological entities and something that harkens to divine and god like designs. It looks primal yet advanced like much scifis.

I understand many WoW players aren’t into the scifi vibe. I usually like magic-tech stuff from final fantasy. I have liked good scifi woven into fantasy games. Stuff like Star Ocean or final fantasy often has technology as an equally devastating force.

I feel very nuetral about this. I think I will like the new mounts and pets. I am dissapointed no 9.3. Hopefully 9.2.5 at least will have something like the pandaren invasions of the old gods. But in northrend. Didnt hear anythimg about dark iron or kul tiran customization options. The tier sets look ok I guess, the color scheme feels weird.

I feel very nuetral about this. Love the scifi but not much going on. Average new raid and zone. A new minigame available once a week out of the month.

Magetower was something like 2 weeks out of the whole year… instead of something you can do any time of the year…

It seems very average. If the amount of lore given is like how much we got in the city of secrets… which was barely any idk man…

The presentation basically shows that they are focusing most of there time and resources towards the next expansion as the rumours say.

I also feel like I should play my mechagnomes next patch to match the automata vibe. Automata customizations would have been good for mechagnomes.

I honestly have nothing positive to say about anything I saw in that presentation. Which is a first ever for me, typically there is something I can nod to art-wise that I enjoy. In this case, it’s a hard pass for me.

Good luck all who are wanting future customization and improved gameplay, along with trying to get them to cater to beyond the top % who do high M+ or mythic raids. I hope for those still playing the game that they eventually listen to you.

Well-wishes to the San’layn community, and I hope you get everything you wanted, be it through Blood Elf customization or an Allied Race, which would be awesome. I’ll keep posting every so often if I end up on the council thing, but I am unsure if they’re looking for feedback from non-major content creators.

On the higher chance that I’m not, I wish you all well and hope your future gaming endeavors go well!


So apparently we all needed gaming credentials to get into the door before anyone presents an idea.

And no one else is even fluxxed nor outraged that Blizzard has lied to its customers since 2004.

I don’t work for a big game company, they’re not a blue however someone said without working in the industry one’s ideas won’t even ever be considered is how Blizzard has chosen to listen to feedback after all these years.

My idea that we need a metastory and story driven gameplay in game? Worthless because I’m not a game designer.

Unsubscribe, every single one of you. If you don’t play Blizzard’s, “Your ideas will be considered after we’ve seen your credentials and financial bottom line,” isn’t clear enough why we’re in the WoW state we are now, and especially with Danuser’s crayon issues…

Wow, total no confidence from me!

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It would have been a no brainer to add some Dark Ranger or San’layn content of some type this patch with Sylvanas and Kael’thas still kicking.

I expected little and was still let down.

The art team is carrying the game IMO.


Ugh, I was just in the Void Elf void customization thread and saw how rude some people were being to you just because and I was going to type you there but then I thought I like your thread better anyway so I came back here to say love ya Fall and hugs. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


You are a very level headed and polite person who prefers to de escalate then argue and does a good job of listening to other people even if you don’t agree. You have also manage this tread and a discord for years on the subject.

You would be perfect for the Council.

Winks at any developers reading. Hoping they get the hint.


Honestly, I couldn’t care less about those people. If someone wants to be that way, I’m going to put them on ignore. I’m done tolerating it, and I’m done arguing it. I don’t have the patience any longer for any of this, giving them my time of day, and stressing over it. In fact, I’ve faded into being entirely apathetic.

You’re someone who I very much appreciate though, and that’s what counts. Everyone on this thread, in fact, who has been supportive. I couldn’t be more thankful. I think it’s why I tried to hold on for so long. I really care tons about this community and wanted to see people happy, especially those who enjoyed our ideas. Over the past 3 years of us putting things forward… it’s been pretty great. We’ve had our ups and downs. Our ideas will be here if they ever want to revisit Azeroth vampyr lore in general, and of course I’ve tossed my support for a number of other threads I hope to see get what they want: Sethrak, Saurok, Ogres, Blood Elves, Dark Rangers, Void Elf Void options, heck even high elf lore is something I support even if I don’t like them myself, because I really think the ‘subraces’ like Wildhammer & now them (Dragonmaw Orcs too, come to think of it) should get some tidbits of lore, like Night Warrior Questline stuff.

I really appreciate that and it means a lot :slight_smile: I won’t be leaving for good if they do want someone like me on the council, and I will try to put forth the ideas of the roleplay, customization, and collector community. I might not be some big PvE or PvP content pusher, but there’s plenty of voices out there for that.


Ehh like I mentioned post above you would think the undead would get a bone or something. Somehow mechagnomes look really fitting in the next patch though. Since they are adding pregenitor creatures, I think maybe they should add a bat for us. Would be nice. Since this zone created the afterlives and some of the stuff on azeroth or azeroth itself. Seems nice, I am excited for the sci fi stuff.

Our only hope is next patch or a return to azeroth final prepatch sort of thing. This patch would have been nice to get some mechagnome metal parts or something.

The Jiro look like progenitor elementals which I find cute and exciting. This place may have been where Revendreth was born.

Although I am wondering now if Sire Denathrius was originally a death entity or if there is like a consipiracy in the fel based realms to infiltrate others and he really is like someone of the fel pantheon. And that the dread lords are actually demon natives. Seems like Sire Denathrius may stay alive after this. If we ever learn of a fel pantheon or something akin to it since chaos beings may just fight for there leadership it would be interesting to see if Sire Denathrius maybe was part of it in the past.

Same. I’m so tired of Blizzard giving my type of player the finger and doubling down on poor decisions. More borrowed power. More time gating. Uninspired zone and creature designs. I looked at them and immediately thought of mechagnomes.

It’s difficult for me to even muster anger now even after being told my suggestions don’t matter and treating me like I don’t know what I’m talking about.

Also, I loath the DK class set entirely. They all look the same with very negligible differences.

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I"d hit that button so hard it’d break the space time continuum.


Criminal that we don’t have a San’layn AR when we could have the Thriller dance for them.

Just saying.


Or the Batdance


Sounds like Shuma-gorath is possibly the villain for the upcoming Dr Strange movie, The Multiverse of Madness. Seems pretty fitting as the name and Shuma are both Lovecraft inspired.
He’s also been featured a bit in the “What If…” series.

I don’t mind it too much, it’s pretty much what I was expecting and was hinted at.
I’m a bit surprised they’re calling it the finale though.
Guess they’re doing like WoD and cutting the expansion short and not doing a 9.3. Guess in a way it makes sense, but at the same time the whole thing with the scourge free on Azeroth seems weird to not address…unless they’re saving it for next expansion? I mean 8.3 was all recycled zones with stuff add in on top of it. I’d kinda figured they’d do similar.
I’d thought I was misunderstanding, and that maybe they meant it was just wrapping up the Shadowlands aspect of the story…mainly because I thought a recent interview with Ion had said something about a 9.3 coming, but when I went back and found it, it only said 9.2.

It’s feeling pretty odd though, storywise if they don’t address anything on Azeroth. What was the point of all the scheming with the dreadlords and the creation of the Lich King and all that for?

They have said they want to go back to the smaller scale stuff on Azeroth though…so who knows.

I feel like it was very under-utilized. The questing aspect of it was pretty short and lack luster. It ended up being little more than a daily quest hub area and that was disappointing.
Guess we shouldn’t be surprised though.
It could have been much cooler and had a lot more to do and more lore to go with it.

Did he actually say this somewhere? I thought I’d read it but couldn’t find it.
It’d make a lot more sense for 9.2 to end the Shadowlands portion of the story and then maybe 9.3 brings it back to Azeroth and Icecrown, but since they were saying finale, I figured that wasn’t the case, which…what was the point of anything that’s come before then?

I’m wondering this too.

Something else I’ve thought was real odd for Shadowlands is that there are infinite afterlives…potential for the addition of some other real cool questing zones, and with the portal placements to the various zones, kinda felt like maybe some would be added through the expansion…and they aren’t. Korthia wasn’t much of a zone and had nothing to do with any additional afterlife, and then Zereth Mortis is the same way. Kinda odd.
Guess that’s what happens with such a long content cycle.

The one in Mass Effect 2 had a bunch of aliens…some dancing suggestively on poles.


Maybe Zovaal wins and remakes reality. People have been comparing him to Thanos…maybe he achieves his goals like the “Snap”.

Something I wonder, what it would be like if Activision truly invested in the game. Like had bigger teams and more teams…maybe instead of a single storyline there could be 2-3, more things to do and follow…if you didn’t like a specific storyline, then you could go focus on another.
Like with Shadowlands, what if there was a whole other side of similar size and scope to defending Azeroth against the scourge and minions of Zovaal.
Maybe even a third storyline dealing with something entirely different…
Plenty of content where if you finished or were waiting for one storyline to continue/progress, you could go lend aid to those battling the scourge or whatever…something like that could easily have tied into and introduced playable Dark Rangers and San’layn and other things.
Side questlines and stories that aren’t small/a few minutes in scope.
Really fleshing things out…

Part of me is thinking it’ll be pretty neat to wander around in and adventure in, but then there’s a part that reads the “created all the afterlives” and I wonder why we should care when we don’t get to see any of them. There’s sooo much potential and none of it will amount to anything.

We don’t get to see a single afterlife zone that wasn’t there when the expansion started. That just feels bad.

Yup, back in the day, I thought that’d have been a great option for the male Worgen, but they got some stupid dance instead. :frowning:
Using it for the San’layn would be nice.

I am so excited for Shuma-Gorath! It’s gonna be bonkers! Ruler of multiple dimensions that takes multiple heroes to drive him back to his dimension. And I’m hoping it brings about a supernatural based team to fight off those types of threats.

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Over the past year or so I’ve been working my way through Lovecraft stories and those of others who wrote stories in the same mythos.
A big part of it was due to 8.3 and enjoying that stuff anyway. So I’m definitely looking forward to it as well.
I’d have liked a whole expansion of 8.3 type stuff, and would really like to see N’zoth return. Although, with the way things keep going…it seems unlikely.

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