San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Adding my voice to this wishlist. San’layn for the Horde! :bat:


I still think its important to set up cosmic lore. The first ones stuff is interesting. Setting up cosmic threats and powers is nice. Then again I tend to generally like things like guardian of the galaxy. Or scifis such as farscape, arrival, destiny. The new language learming system reminds me of No Man’s Sky. You get to learn alien languages in that game by interacting with alien artifacts, trade with them, be able to buy space ships, mine and sell stuff on unexplored planets and make bases.

Haven has a slight Vex feel from Destiny, the devourers remind me of the hive.

It would be nice to think of the other realms of magic having realms like the shadowlands and there own orders. I think its important to understand the world. But many people want something they can feel attached to. Whereas I tend to like scifis for the exploration, mysticism, technology ideas, ways they weave scifi elements into the plot, and explore themes and plots that may be problems in the future. Right now though we don’t even know what Zovaal is doing. We are just trying to take down a god without asking much questions. We never know the full story ingame. We are just told what do in the story without choices.

Scifi games also try to explain technologies at times. This patch is more of the gods are awesome and we probably won’t explain much. At least Korthia was that way.

Shadowlands at least gives us a connection to the cosmological world, thry didn’t add the characters we cared about. Perhaps in the future they should let us meet past heroes. Maybe the alliance are concermed they don’t see Varian and he ended up in the fel realms. And have a storyline where they free him from demons and send him to shadowlands. We didnt get to see Cairne who died in a book. Just a few Kameos of dead npcs.

They did answer a question that I wanted to know. On the Origin of creatures and loa, it seems these protypes progenitors are responsible for all the creatures in the universe. And that evolution and biology is less of a thing in the WoW universe. It is all divine design.

So new worlds could have origins of magic. If that orb created afterlives, it probably is responsible for all sources of death magics.

I’ve enjoyed the cosmic aspect, but it feels like there’s a lot of potential that’s being wasted. Even more so if they don’t tie it back into Azeroth some how.
Does sound like the next expansion may be more centered on Azeroth since the store mounts are hinting at such.
Just feels like Blizzard has a habit of dropping storylines or wrapping them up well before they should. 8.3 should have been a whole expansion.
Not having any additional afterlives being questing areas when there’s an infinite number of them just makes no sense.

This is a huge problem as well. Everything we need to know should be available in game and not way after the fact either. This is why people have hated the storyline with Sylvanas as well.
It’s funny that people keep comparing Zovaal to Thanos…I feel like we had a better idea of what Thanos was wanting but his plan was stupid. In the comics it make a whole lot more sense. Even in the “What if…” series they make fun of his plan. Guess in that sense, it wouldn’t surprise me if Zovaal’s plan ends up being poorly thoughtout as well. Wasn’t there somewhere that Zovaal said “death comes for your world!” Uhh, apparently not.

It’s not surprising though. There’s sooo many characters introduced over the years that just end up forgotten or they suddenly turn up and you have no idea how they got there.

Yeah, the only real evolution we have is via magical means.

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I dunno. I think Shadowlands ending is a pretty positive thing to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t blame you at all for wanting to take a hiatus. There isn’t much to look forward to for in the next patch currently, and who knows when we’ll know what the next expansion will be about. Seems like a good time to just take a break and see where things go while enjoying some other stuff.

As I said before, I’m still planning to be here for awhile since someone needs to give Ogres and Saurok some love. I’ll continue to post ideas and such in this megathread as I get inspired. We’ll keep the lights on for you if you ever want to check up on things and we’ll help continue the playable Horde San’layn support.

I don’t really use Discord a whole lot, but you’re always welcome to send me a message on there. But in the meantime, I hope you have a good break!

As always, playable San’layn for the Horde, please! :wine_glass::bat:


Yes playable San’layn for Horde and of course playable Dark Rangers for Horde as well. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I was gonna add a reply about Dark Rangers to your Dark Ranger post but I decided to just put them together here as one. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Here have some vampire art, which will be all I post from time to time now when I get it.

(Yes, he’s my OC.)
Via the amazing:


Lol, did you see the upcoming anniversary stuff because it literally reinforces what I said other day about a recolor of a recolor of a recolor. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Needs more turian and salarian. Yes, I’m a weirdo and also apparently stupid because I think ice and water are the same substance. Water isn’t ice they said. Sometimes, I really hate people. (Not all just individuals.)

God, I hope so.


Was gifted art by the same artist for support and oh my gods I am so happy ;-;

Given I have no self control at this point and the holidays are coming up, I’ll have plenty of vampire art of my OCs to post in here soon.


Absolutely fabulous, keep them coming dearie. :heart: :heart: :heart:


So according to this article, WotLK launched on November 13th, 2008, which means it has been 13 years since then:

This is where we were introduced to San’layn, albeit as general minions of the Lich King. Since then, however, we’ve seen popularity of them rise overtime, with all sorts of ideas showing off the cool things you could do with them. I’m still hoping they’ll become more than just NPC minions and find a spot on the Horde side of that character creation screen someday!

Happy San’layniversary! :wine_glass::bat:


Ogres, Revantusk Forest Trolls, Saurok, Kelfin and San’layn would be amazing additions to the Horde.

San’layn like several of those have been asked for for a long time.

Also maybe Hozen… I can dream right?


Yes to this, so much yes. :black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart:

Lol, I’m still waiting to see a female model for this race. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Don’t have a model but here is a nice rendition.


First Ones lore doesn’t really interest me. And I think it’s because them and the Brokers have an aesthetic that just doesn’t click with me.

Like I posted in another thread, after I leave the Shadowlands, the only NPC I’ll miss is Theotar.


I’d kill for Hozen. I want to be a crazy Hozen monkey sheila


I wanted to take out a few moments to bring both this thread and the Dark Ranger thread back to the top of the current threads because of how quiet they have been these last few days due to so many people feeling super discouraged about 9.2 and that makes me really sad, especially since I know that many of us are still waiting for playable San’layn as either a separate Allied Race or unique customization options for Blood Elves. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Therefore here’s yet another request from me for playable San’layn as an Allied Race for the Horde or at least unique customizations for Blood Elves. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Also here’s some hugs for anyone who wants or needs them because as I said I know a lot of you aren’t feeling super positive about WoW right now so. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Dropping in to continue to show my support for the San’layn for the Horde!


I’m still here for what it is worth.

As I said before, I wasn’t really expecting much out of any further Shadowlands patches. Shadowlands actually ending is about the most exciting thing for me, since I really haven’t enjoyed this expansion at all.

Of course, a lot is really going to depend on what happens afterwards. I don’t want to bank on any particular rumor becoming true, but I’m hoping at the very least, we’re back on Azeroth next expansion. It’s one thing to do cosmic stuff as part of a patch, likw N’zoth at the end of BfA, but it’s another to spend an entire expansion in something like the afterlife.

But for the foreseeable future, I’m still planning to keep playing and supporting races I want playable. If the next expansion doesn’t really sit well with me like with Shadowlands, I may consider a hiatus at that point. I’m not holding any races I want playable as an ultimatum to keeping me subbed, just to be clear. That would be no fun at all.

As for San’layn, I still have hope for them. There is a lot of support for playable Horde San’layn, and it seems like it’s still growing some. I don’t see anything that would make them impossible in becoming a playable Horde race, so I keep hope of seeing them pop up in the near future and becoming something more. As such, I’m still going forward with my support and saving a character slot or two for potential San’layn characters if we get lucky.

It’s not a guarantee that we’ll see what we want, but as long as I keep playing, I’ll keep supporting playable Horde San’layn as best as I can. Dark Rangers as well, since they’re part of the Horde too.

There are no rainbows without rain, so hopefully we’ll see something more interesting next expansion, though I will keep expectations tempered of course. :wine_glass::bat: