San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Wait… you didn’t explain how it got its name…

I was excited.

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You aren’t bitter and neither is this thread, it’s not your fault that some of the people that come into the thread are rude, toxic, etc. I pointed that out at like 3 a.m. my time last night because people that are ignored are bypassing the ignore then act like you are the bad one or someone else is the bad one and it’s like no you are the bad one and that’s why we have all ignored you and it’s also why they will change characters to bypass the ignores.

Weird I keep having to write these negative posts because in this thread, the dark ranger one, the void Void Elf customization one and the Blood Elf customization one I feel pretty positive usually but the trolls/harassers are really starting to get annoying at this point.


I feel you. It’s now a cycle. We share our ideas about San’layn, some art, discuss vampires in media, what have you.

Trolls come in to get a rise. People explain why they are frustrated, and why [x] does not make sense. More people come in, see us trying to explain why [xyz] doesn’t work, why people are being petty, et cetra.

We’re built up as the monsters in the situation and just terrible people who love drama.

I’ve said how many times how that they should start their own thread if they are this adamant about these things?

Whatever. I want my vampyr elves on the faction I’ve always played. I’ve been suggesting things for three years now and people are crazy if they think for one moment I’m going to sit here and take this nonsense.


I’m the same way with you and since we became friends I have been here and I will continue to be here for you because that’s what friends are for, however I could really go without the trolls and harassers, I mean I get they aren’t going away because they haven’t but I still wish like I said last night Blizzard would at least make account wide ignore for the forums to help make it a more peaceful place for us all.


If it´s any consolation, I think it´s loable the fact you have so much patience to bear these frankly unfounded attacks. You were one of the people legitimately out of the whole “pros vs. antis” even!!! I can understand some of those people simply wanting to “bother” people like me, who did call their BS to their faces.

But you? who never logged onto those threads? /facepalm

Feel reassured than anyone with a functional braincell can see who is the actual a-hole in this case, mark my words. That person and his/her cliqué are just bored (just like Maiev when she “killed” Illidan: without the hunt, they basically became nothing. Their threads are dead and the support from posters different to their echo chamber? nonexistant).

The harraser is someone pretty easy to detect, mute all the nualts he posts with and move on.

Says the most bitter poster in the thread…

Whose alt are you, again? I mean if you hate so much elf topics logical and coherent behaviour would be to mute the threads and stay away -I know that´s EXACTLY what I do regarding the threads of some troll posters in here-.

Your behaviour is incoherent unless watched under a “oh, poster trolling” lenses, period.


mechagnomes use the gnome skeleton though. ethereals have no playable equivalents with the same skeleton and animations. so artists would have to make 100+ levels of armor to fit their odd body type, in each of the armor types, tier sets, pvp sets, and so on, for every raid, arena, bg and dungeon in the history of the game and potentially x 2, for male and female version. there’s like nothing even close.

this is why i came up with the shapeshift spec idea with preset armor, for odd body types and otherwise unavailable races and the velf ethereal concept

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Yeah, I think I’ll be grumbling about this for a long, long time… -o -

I think the Saberon and Botani thing was meant to be implemented in a Barrens warfront, which if true may mean that they were meant to be jobbers to deal with in there. However, since Warfronts were quickly abandoned, that could mean that they may become a plot point in the future. Preferably with playable Saberon. I don’t know about Botani, but given how they were on Draenor, I don’t really see them becoming a playable race, let alone being friendly to anyone in general. We’ll see what happens, of course.

There are several NPC races that I realize are fairly one-note and designed to just be regular mooks. There are others, like Saurok and San’layn, that have quite a bit to them that would make for great storylines and awesome playable races as a result. I share the frustration that those races don’t have their potential realized and just get utilized for us to slaughter as quest jobbers. I’m hoping that the race megathreads in general get looked at with open minds, because there are a lot of awesome races that would add so much to the game as playable races.

Yet another problem I have with Shadowlands. Several plot points and loose threads that appeared during BfA get put on hold for years while we go off to some cosmic realm. Who knows where the next expansion will take us, for that matter? It’s really frustrating.

Funnily enough, I’ve dabbled in Classic a bit, and it makes me really miss being back on Azeroth and feeling like a world, as opposed to feeling disconnected in the afterlife of all things. I really hope we’re back on Azeroth next expansion as opposed to exploring the cosmic realms of the game.

Guess we’ll see what happens when it happens and take it from there. :wine_glass::bat:


Definitely hope for a return to Azeroth soon. I truly don’t have any connection to Shadowlands. I suppose that could change depending on these next patches, but thus far I left a while ago and will be out of my subscription in a month now. Don’t worry, I’ll say goodbye here. Not sure if I’ll come back, but given they’re listening to the community a bit more, and hopefully making important company wide changes for better conditions, I might someday.


I’ve been paying with gold for the past few months. If 9.1.5 comes out this month I may again, but if it doesn’t I might unsub until next content drop. Just don’t log in all that much.


Yeah that’s fair. Well, on the gold end of things, I heard it’s not too bad to earn that at least. If I do come back, I will be missing out on that aspect, but what else is new looks at all of the mission table stuff I never took advantage of.

(see if we had housing, we could breathe life into professions… >.> )


You can easily make between 3-5k every three days just by doing callings. I also have a trait with Theotar where you can get a bag with herbalism materials from random enemies so I sell a lot of herbs and I’m not even an herbalist. Lol I went from ~84k at launch to nearly a million gold by selling stuff like that.


If you’re referring to me (which I assume you are based on the specific verbiage you used), it’s amusing that you claim that I’m doing any of that. And no, I’m not dishonest. Why would I be here to talk down about the thread when I’ve openly supported belf san’layn in the past. As a matter of fact, I’ve added to the belf thread here and there in hopes that they do get more along the way.

I’ve stated in many threads that I want more customization for all races, nor have I ever said anyone shouldn’t get anything. Everyone who disagrees isn’t inherently bad, but they also don’t have to spend all their time saying no to bump a thread for people who want something (but props to them for contributing I guess). An eye for an eye does nothing for anyone. If you’re not referring to me, I still stand by my statements, but it very much comes off as directed.

Whatever the case, have a free bump. Blizz has heavily implied there won’t be specific places for more allied race content in interviews in the past, such as when they said people can create various types of dwarves or trolls, but having the skintones/eyecolor/hair would at least give people something.

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Yeah, it’s a shame. I really do hope they add in questlines and such though for this sort of thing, including for what they already implemented (like Wildhammers! I know those folks really want some nice lore). A few questlines would be nice (I know I’ve said this already, sorry, but repetition is key).

I do hope there’s room for ‘allied race’ that wouldn’t have starter but be on their own for things like Sethrak, Saurok, Ogres, and beyond (whatever Alliance had suggested as well, I hear Vry’kul and Arakkoa but don’t speak for people so just parrot/support sometimes.)


It’d be nice for them to add optional stories to pursue, even if not for allied races. Some questlines have different text based on what you’re playing, or you have extra little emotes and things like highmountain seem to be getting near Huln. If there’s an option you could tick somewhere to say “I’m wildhammer” or something to have different dialogue? I dunno. I know we had those types of things when you could choose to rescue Saurfang or remain loyal to Sylvanas.


Old Gods how I want this.

Just something to explain it and hopefully unlock appropriate racials to choose from so I can actually have my Wildhammer.


whatdaya think of this idea. gotta read whole thing.

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I’ll have to hop in and explain my idea, but it would definitely be a complete redo of BfA! Interesting thought process though. I know many hate BfA and what it did, but if it could actually impact our universe it would be interesting. More than that world creatures >> bothering us, I mean.

Edit: Oh I see! Yeah I do like that idea, it might be the only time I’d ever deviate from the main game, but generally don’t look to doing that since I like my collections (though a canon AU would avoid that loss of collection issue)

the secret sauce is in the optionals. i think the only popular requests i didnt cover are collections and dark rangers, but dark rangers could be a belf hunter customization if customizations were added. might have to wait till wotlk to access wotlk type customizations

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i noticed while playing ffxiv, that you never see people in the neighborhoods, so it really wouldnt be necessary to have “neighborhoods”, just instanced dwellings accessible from selected locations where you can erect a house. so maybe something like a housing portal, you go in and you have a lot to build your house on.


Yeah, like if we could place furniture and actually customize, it would be fine. Maybe select from a few different settings/locations, which would be instanced. Garrisons got basically only the instanced part right. (Though I did like the stables and pets running around it. :smiley: ) There is so much they could do with it and allow professions to really shine as well, like they do in FFXIV. I don’t like the uninstanced stuff and competition for housing in FFXIV, though I ADORE my apartment and am saving up for a full on house. Making it a non-competitive gold sink, even, would be fine.