San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

While I’m being nice, I assure you I’m not naive.

I know what they’re here for and it’s everything you say next.

They’re not calm there either.

Only place I’ve seen them calm is with night elves… And they called me a troll for expressing a simple “I want to keep my face can we see more faces added to fulfill your need instead”.


LOL! This reads so funny, I can’t help it and I understand where you are coming from but still it’s LOL. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


San’layn would HAVE to be Alliance. There’s already a massive faction problem and adding a cool race like San’layn to Horde would absolutely destroy the Alliance.

Alliance outnumbered Horde in Vanilla the same way Horde outnumber Alliance now. Blood Elves single handedly changed that. They then tried to give Alliance Void Elves to fix the problem, but giving us Purple Blood Elves was way too little way too late, and they’re a race you have to unlock which doesn’t help. San’layn would have to be Alliance, Horde can get Mecha-Goblins or something.

Yeah… I was going to edit it and add some on for exactly that reason that it was amusing to read… but then I decided to leave it as is… now that you’ve mentioned it I’m definitely not changing it. lol

San’layn for the Horde!
:wine_glass: :bat:


Oh, I meant no disrespect!! Maybe the wording wasn´t good… hmmm. Let´s just say you guys are much less jaded than me.

I do remember that little bit… hilarious how they say “I don´t want to fight” just for them to degenerate into rabid trolls.

I at least have never pretended to be any different than I am. I´m aware I´m quite caustic.

It´s called “lack of self awareness”… the individual in question is so self absorbed he doesn´t even notice the HUGE clues he leaves on his/her posts that point to his actual “non nice” personality.

Oh look!! He posted in another alt. One more for the block list.



Yup, the questline just ends without any real resolution as to whether or not they’re in or out of the Horde. It just drops off and leaves us all guessing.

You’re darn right. It’d be so freakin’ easy to just toggle the red eyes and undead skin colors to be options for Blood Elves. Blam, Dark Rangers. The fact that they’re so resistant to just flip the switch makes me wonder. I mean and many others went on the beta and petitioned for these options. Low hanging fruit unpicked drops off the branches and rots.

Gimme my cat people.


everybody knows alliance wont get a separate high elf race, we also know horde wont get a separate san’layn race, BUT we both can get customizations for our thalassians that let us be high elves on alliance, and hopefully san’layn for horde. i mean they’ve only been begging for that since wotlk, nearly as long as alliance begged for high elves


San’layn aren’t gonna ally themselves with people that killed them. You’d have to push for something else popular on your side that works.


you mean MY cat people hehe. use female worgen skeleton and apply those pretty wod skins

botani are cool too


Our cat people? :smiley:


they both look cool.
i’m thinking the only currently existing race alliance could get that would increase their popularty since we cant have level 1 high elves, is ethereals. but devs said no on them, way back in tbc because of their odd body type. only solution would be to make semi bandaged ethereal bodies as a customization for velfs. i 'm sure you’ve seen my graphic for that. wont help though if velfs and their customizations arent available from level 1 creation and rep requirement removed. the devs really did ruin the alliance faction.

Those are too good for the analogy, hehehe…

Unless they´re rotten inside ofc.

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i love cinnamon rolls but if i eat one, i pay for it the next day - diabetes flairs up, water retention kicks in and neuropathy starts making movement unpleasant. its like sugar is poison. /insert swear words /shakes fist at food devil

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I didn’t take it negatively.

Though also I am eternally surprised that I’m not more jaded than I am. Rofl!


I’ll never understand being upset something negative being done to you then in reaction you do the same to others.

Makes no sense.

Aye. I’ve said it before but I’m grateful you’re like that. I always know where you stand.

It’s refreshing.


Sugar IS kinda poison XDXDXD…

Be careful with that Diabetes. It´s the kind of sickness that can cause you BIG damage but you don´t notice cause it doesn´t hurt (it only hurts until it´s too late).

It does for certain kinds of people, and certain err… disorders.

And I´m gonna leave it at this cause to expand on the answer will probably gain me a time out.


Agreed because we wouldn’t ever want that my dear. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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I can promise you that’s been on ongoing issue throughout my entire life, which unfortunately leads to people taking huge advantage. This is another rant I could go on all day about. I have become far more aggressive over the years, but it’s still nothing compared to where I could be given unrelated happenings :stuck_out_tongue: So you can imagine how much of a bloody plushie I was prior to now.

I try to remain as civil as possible to avoid people painting me like some horrible monster behind my back (spoiler: they do it anyway).

It’s frustrating because I explain my thoughts over and over, how I personally don’t mind what the alliance gets, how I understand the different viewpoints of pro-and-against high elves, even when I myself have no true love for restrictions in general, because I saw that go out of the window with the addition of void elves.

I know many here disagree with me or don’t get my apathy, but they’re nice about it .-. including those who are entirely against neutral options or lessening the faction barrier. I explain my point of view and respect others if they are kind to me even if they are on the opposite end of things.

But then I try to explain why I’m frustrated about the situation, and a very small number of people trying to say “nope, the San’layn should go to the Alliance only because it’s what the Horde wants”. People then twist it to me saying: “The Alliance shouldn’t get San’layn because I have the monopoly on what goes where because I said so and am obsessed with the Horde.”

How many times have I explained that I don’t care what happens, as long as we get San’layn playable on the Horde, and wouldn’t care if the Alliance got it as well? While at the same time entirely understanding why so many in this thread are against that notion because void elves would have THREE themes (void elf, high elf, San’layn) and blood elves, again, only two (Blood elves which are high elves & San’layn). Which… wouldn’t be fair.

Unless we got void elf customization as well then, it wouldn’t make sense, and it wouldn’t make sense for blood elves to get void elf customization given the lore.

Then, there are people trying to push ‘lightforged elves’ which aren’t even a thing in lore, meanwhile I’ve presented my case several times as to why I adore the San’layn specifically in my posts, the stories I’ve built, yada yada. I’ve explained why, lorewise, it makes no sense for San’layn to go on the Alliance given what happened in BfA and their attitude toward undead in general.

I’m a broken record with “Hey I’m frustrated because you keep pushing this for petty reasons, we’re not seeing eye to eye, and you’re painting me as some horrible person when I’ve said to present your own ideas in a thread if you want to. I’ve not said once to not ask for that, I’ve said I am disappointed that it is for petty reasons, and you can’t understand where I am coming from at all.”

I guess all of that is a very fancy way of saying “I’m frustrated and can’t express it without someone twisting me into some sort o evil person” outside of the forums now, which is ongoing.

You folks are getting high elves. Which is a far larger fanbase than that of the San’layn people. I should know, I’ve been paying attention for 3 years. Void elves now have high elf customization. If you want something the Alliance has been asking for, look to the community that has been for years. Why aren’t you folks asking for more lore, like high elves officially delving into void magic, or a large group highly respecting their void elf counterparts and learning for themselves? Why aren’t you asking for more lore on Vareesa, a high elf, which many of the high elf community enjoy? What about Alleria?

Why don’t you ask for more ‘cool’ void customization then that would draw more players? Why do San’layn HAVE to be alliance at all, given that reason? Why can’t the Alliance get a different race that many have been asking for, like Arakkoa, Vry’kul (hey they could even be vampyr), Jinyu, Ethereals (which would have an easy-in via void elves, the void version anyway), and more?

I don’t understand this thought process. People are now arguing: “Now a ton of Horde will switch to the Alliance because of high elves!”. What happened to that mentality?

Why would many of the alliance be interested in monster elves when they argued for non-monster elf options on the monsters they already have? Look at the community. They pushed for high elf customization mostly, not void elf customization.

By that logic, San’layn would not make a difference, and I doubt many horde would switch over for it. I certainly wouldn’t, as it would be a nail in the coffin for me ever returning unless they completely shatter faction restrictions.

I don’t know why not as many people play the Alliance. To me, they just aren’t interesting. And that is okay. No addition would make them interesting to me, and possibly many other Horde players. I don’t know why there is this “let’s get horde players to play on the alliance” more than “let’s let people go neutral.” Or “let’s give the alliance something horde wants because…” (I still have no idea why people are pulling that given they got high elves…)

And if it’s anger at ‘horde bias’ in lore… why not ask for better alliance lore rather than yell at Horde players for not playing the alliance?

Here here!!

I try not to be but can lose my temper. Granted, I think me losing my temper compared to yours is like a kitten baring teeth. (That’s a compliment to you, you’re better at expressing things :stuck_out_tongue: )

Exactly this, and everyone is tossing assumptions that “OH THE HORDE LEFT THEM” when we legit have no idea…

Exactly. While ARs would be ideal, I think most of us have sadly accepted the low possibility. We should be pressuring Blizzard to add what we’d like. Void & high elves for their respective customization desires fit for their theme, blood elves have our thread, San’layn (we’re here… as usual, sigh), and lore as well. Lore would be great for all parties, and NOT horrible lore, though that might be too much to ask. But simple little questlines! Like “Huh, how are the high elves doing right now? Oh! Still working with the Alliance. Some have become void elves as well after learning.”

“How are the San’layn? Oh! A small section have joined the Horde through the forsaken, and want to work with the city they were originally loyal with, Silvermoon.”

“How are those wildhammer? Oh! [insert lore stuff here]”

You know, simple things like that. Maybe a small questline. Maybe a recolor mount reward or more customization unlocks. I don’t even care if we’re asking for too much, Blizzard has catered to the ‘top 1%’ of mythic raiders for how long now? We’re overdue for some lore and customization love.

I feel like of some of the requests, they would be pretty easy to implement. Plus… looks at mechagnomes and their odd body types we know some transmog just won’t show up in some cases anyway.

Besides, for ethereals, it’d be cool if you could be a hollow suit of armor filled with flowing energy!

Good question. Especially targetting people who never even were against the notion in the first place ><


Bitterness doesnt get its name for no reason.
This thread is not “salty”, it is bitter.

This is a horrifying question to be completely honest and I don’t think I want to know the answer, given the amount of times I’ve needed to repeat myself.

…Okay? What is your point exactly, and what are you hoping to contribute? I’ve explained myself several times over and am allowed to be frustrated, along with explaining why. If you’re here to complain about another ‘elf thread’, just mute it for goodness sakes, because you’re contributing even less than most people who scream ‘no more elves’ by being toxic.

Also… have people seen the forums? This thread is far more productive and shares ideas than many of them, so that’s not even a found claim. :woman_facepalming: