San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

was thinking every race has a housing portal in their starting area like eversong woods for belfs, icecrown for san’layn, and so on.


Oh that would be really cool, yeah I like that idea… would others be able to set their house in those area perhaps through rep grind if they wanna move?


Before she answers I hope so. Lol.

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oh time sink time. hehe
also, maybe a generic house for housing portals in non starting zones. for example, say you want a house in e. plaguelands (ugh), you just travel to the housing portal in e. plaguelands, go in and build your generic house.

they would have to have some way to limit tho, or people would end up with a house in every zone. the way star wars galaxies did it was maintenance costs - you’d go broke. wow could just cap it. like starting area home + 2 generic homes, maybe

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I literally have a redo of every Xpac from classic to now floating around in my head.

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go to that thread and let 'er rip

WAY too many things to type.

I just made a big list of customization ideas for every race, I’m done for a while lol


It’s a really great list though so thanks for doing it for so many races. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


where did ya post it?

PTR forum and the customization thread.

My eyes have been hurting for DAYS lol


I didn’t like this post for this part, so don’t take it like that but I did for the rest, lol.

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I think that’s how it was initially imagined when it was in “beta”? I think the old portal on the other side of SW was meant to be for an instanced “neighborhood” or something.

Would be neat if you could just carve out a piece of the world as where you want to set it and have the instance based there, like if you’re a Dark Ranger/San’layn coming back “home” and wanted to have a plot in the ghostlands, just pop into your little phase there and make a little hidey hole. Who knows how they could do it, but Archeage’s system is kind of crappy since all the land is taken up. Empty Gilneas has a lot of potential for this type of thing too. I’ve seen some people reimagine Silvermoon on … “pepsi” as they call it, and god it’s beautiful.


got link? ?

:scream: wow
thats gorgeous

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Technically I think that “Supportive” comments/links toward it are against the ToS, but I can show their project images.

So I think that the aesthetic of this thread overall really fits the vibe here. I love smc, but to have something that players can contribute their creative ideas toward would be super cool. The blood wing was by far the coolest in ICC, no pun intended.


my mind keeps going to vids of player housing in skyrim


The perks of living on a populated server. Herbs in my server go for like 2 gold and the pack is not even 20 gold coins…

You find herbs everywhere in here.

I can barely raise 170 to 180 k monthly and this involves emissaries with all my alts, etc.

That would be super cool, agreed entirely. Also, yeah, I adore the blood wing so much ^^ Naturally. The music that comes with it too! I wish they would revamp cities like SMC & Exodar, and others for that matter. They could toss some dailies in those cities and zones to really reward people for going there, and maybe give some more mounts too, transmog, pets, what have you.

In my personal opinion? Having content beyond the main content area is a good idea, giving love to old areas. Many here have expressed a desire to return to Azeroth itself, but giving several areas in Azeroth relevancy would be good. That’s why I like the idea of invasions, something they did in 8.3. It made old zones relevant again, and it just… I liked that. I wish they did more with that.


I know it’s unlikely we’ll see revamps to old azeroth anytime soon, but even minor things like what happened in the pre-legion event for invasions could bring small bits of content to it. Encouraging players to use rpg elements along the way is an idea that could be expanded upon altogether.

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Right exactly, and they have several tools to utilize right now for it:

  1. The rampaging scourge
  2. The void issue which I doubt is eradicated entirely after 8.3
  3. Perhaps more mawsworn causing a massive amount of trouble like in prepatch
  4. General enemies, like evil pirates, poachers, parties with malicious intent, etc
  5. Maybe even remnants of the Legion still hoping to get a grasp on things again

And more