If WOW Did another AU/What If Expansion, What Alternate Timeline Would You Like to See?

i’d like them to run vanilla, tbc and wotlk as one big progression timeline but with added content and some qols for vanilla and tbc.

for example, vanilla gets barbershop, customizations, cheaper mounts available at level 20, guild bank, achievements, limited transmogs, no world buffs, better xp, more flight points, lfg tool added but no reward bag, new raid emerald dream, bg azshara temple and dungeon karazhan crypts. player housing introduced at 60 with architect profession, new races: high elves alliance, ogres horde. runs for 1 year, then on to tbc.

tbc gets flying at 65 and cheaper, guild bank, customizations, tbc achievements, limited transmogs, no world buffs and better xp. lfg tool continues but no reward bag, new raid dragon isles, bg shattrath lower city, dungeon deatholme. remove attunements and add challenge instances instead. housing options increase to include outlands, azuremyst isle and eversong housing, architect improvements. new races same as og, blood elf horde, draenei alliance. runs for 1 year then on to wotlk

wotlk can fly northrend immediately as long as you buy it in outlands. cold weather flying for fastest flight in northrend available at level 75. guild bank improvements. customizations, wotlk achievements, limited transmogs, no world buffs and better xp. housing options increase to include northrend, tanaris and gilneas housing, architect improvements. lfg tool continues but no reward bag. no heirlooms. new raid the great tree crystal song forest, bg hrothgar’s landing, dungeon the ancient lift. new races: san’layn (at 80), vrykul (at 80), gadgetzan goblins, and gilneas worgen. since cata not in progression, snag gobs and worgs. borrow gilneas but omit the cata story. add flight points for san’layn, vrykul, gobs and worgs. runs for 1 and a half years and then starts over at vanilla again.

tada. hehe

optionals: more class options, like helf shaman, belf druids, nelf paladins, human and gnome hunters. add new class specs like lock necromancer, rogue ninja, shaman bard, faery magic druid, etc. on second play thru you can bring added races to your character creation screen. so when you play thru to wotlk, and it reboots to vanilla, all the races added to tbc and wotlk, will be available on your character creation, along with vanilla races.