San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yes. They can even use it to talk cross faction.


Actually, the whole demonic thing was probably a warlock casting Curse of Tongues and having it work on them.


Wow, did not know that. Nice. Thanks.

I would believe that, being that I was on my Lock and I did cast Curse of Tongues, but it was on them as they died also and that came out in basic. Guess I’ll have take my DH there just to see. Thanks.


I mean… You could come stop by my thread. It’s a continuation of the Megathread. I just happen to be more active than the first OP.

Also, I still support this thread. <3


Here’s the art piece I did today ^^

My two OCs reading each other’s books. It took me all day but I got it finally! I have much work to do, but this is day 81. And there’s a vampire so it’s relevant. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here they are individually:


You did ALL that in a day? Wow, I can’t even get past the basic sketch phase in a day, lol. :clap: Did you see my Orc sketch, that took a week of around 3 -4 hours a day and still his legs are bugging me.

The things I like most about your piece are the background wall color, the shading of her wings and your shadows. Very nice job. Getting better.

EDIT: Felt inspired by the art on this page, the Sethrak page and some artists that I looked up so did a real quick sketch of a San’layn throne room.


Here is what I find wrong with it and the main reason I don’t do sketching quickly.

  • I wanted two thrones. One for king and one for queen.
  • I wanted the thrones further back.
  • The one throne pictured is hard to make out the chair part due to the hanging drapes/curtains.
  • The thrones arms need to be bone.
  • I think the throne either needs a ribcage or skeletal hands on the side of the back of the chair. Nothing going on there and it needs a filler in that area.
  • I wanted steps leading up to the thrones to be visible but since the throne is so close I couldn’t add them.
  • The chandeliers are blah looking. Not at all what I was going for but I just used those as a place holder.
  • The walls have no design whatsoever to them.
  • The drapes/curtains need some serious work. They look like crap.

Yes, impatience is both a boon and a curse, sadly. I’ll hyperfixate and need to get it done. Would be convenient if I did so with writing, but it’s at that point the other side of ADHD kicks in, and tab tab tab tab tab oh look tab tab. Also makes it difficult to do… any sort of ‘practice’ that’s just like hands or anatomy or what have you(so not a full, colored, shaded piece)–because if I don’t have in mind that it’ll be completed, it turns into a “Waste of time” in my brain, which obviously isn’t true, but subconsciously I then just get unbearingly bored. So if I have an end goal in mind, I will stubbornly go for it.

Now as I advance, I know art will take far more than one day, and probably span days to weeks. But I’m just starting out, and so can practice skills like this on a shorter basis. It’s day 81 of art (I only count the days I work on art) so I still have a very long way to go. I’ll probably take a break today and pick back up tomorrow.

With mine, I worked on shading some more. Clearly cheek bones I’m struggling with still, so I need to try that some more. Maybe I’ll work on busts of my male and female characters, which will take far shorter than these full bodies, in which I can practice face structure and shading more. Also teeth shading and jaw shape–mouth/jaw shape/lips I still kinda struggle with. So I’ll have to research some on how to improve.

Here you go! This looks amazing, I love the atmosphere. Also I’m glad these communities can inspire :slight_smile: I plan on drawing an Ogre soon, and probably a Sethrak too. I wanna draw my Vulpera as well. I’ve just been so focused on my vampyr, and hey I’ve learned quite a bit about teeth shading–so there’s that.

I like the chandeliers though but fair to think that way! And I think adding some flow to the curtains would fix the ‘blah’ maybe, but I’m so new that I just… am not the best at this sort of thing :stuck_out_tongue:


Omg, are you me?


It’s been awhile since i’ve posted in this thread, so here i am showing my continuing support for playable Horde San’layn yet again!

Loving the art you guys have been sharing in here! It’s inspiring me to work on my own art some more.

Fun fact: This is the line Keleseth uses when you play him in Hearthstone. Id know because i had to face hundreds of Rogues playing him constantly back during the Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion lol.


Here’s a little San’layn mockup I threw together!

Uses an altered and recolored Void Elf hairstyle and a Human necklace. I also reddened the lips a bit.


Looks good.

I much prefer the jewelry that Humans got over the overly gaudy jewelry that Blood Elves got.

Yes! :stuck_out_tongue:

Aw thanks so much Hella, always love to see you drop in :slight_smile: You’re always so kind. And that’s awesome, yes yes! Art is amazing, I’ve been inspired by the art community on Twitter and wanted to do something with my ideas. It’s a loooooooong journey in my case. Hope your art goes well too regardless of skill level :smiley:

Looks awesome! Caught the shorter ears too, that fits them well (The each changing options ironically do look bat-like in some instances). I think those are shorter. Also great hair style, that’s very fitting, yeah a lot of the void elf styles work very well for San’layn. I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally want the half-mohawk male void elves have for blood elves, as you can see by the character I always share with a similar hair style. I like the lips a lot too, nicely done!

As for the necklace:

These are my thoughts exactly. That necklace looks so great. Even just sharing all jewelry across the races would be nice. The blood elf ‘exclusive stuff’ looks… terrible in my personal opinion, I legit hate it. I’m using none of that nonsense on any of my elves because the design is so stupid (again in my personal opinion).

I made my worgen and saw the necklace humans got, that exact red and gold one, and was like “Oh come oooooon… if we’re forced to get just jewelry on blood elves we can’t even at least have some variety and stuff like this? Ugh.”


Blizzard also needs to make that dress (Black Embersilk Gown) cosmetic and moggable, so everyone can use it, cause it’s gorgeous. :stuck_out_tongue:


Do away with armour type restrictions! I want my tattoos in combat!


Thank you. I hope the same for you! :smile:

Yeah, would be nice if more things were shared across the board. I don’t really see a reason as to why they shouldn’t be. I mean, these pigtails that Hella use are actually just a female Gnome hairstyle that got copied over to female Undead. Blizzard could easily do this for other hairstyles and customizations.

Yeah, i’m not a big fan of the Blood Elf jewelry either. It’s just too over the top, and doesn’t fit well with most transmogs. And of course the one character that i actually wanted to use it on was my male Blood Elf, which of course cant even use it. :unamused:

Wait, that’s not moggable?! I thought it was one of the Firelands dresses. Ugh, i hate Blizzard. They just need to do away with all the transmog restrictions. Especially the holiday ones.

Also, i’m out of likes, so everyone gets these until i get my likes back. :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart:


Yea it’s a crafted white quality item with no stats so not moggable :frowning: and yea I agree transmog restrictions should be done away with!


I hate this so much.

Every appearance that we can equip should be moggable in some way.


Thirded, I hate transmog restrictions. Oh, let me share what I posted on another thread here to make a point:

Like… there’s no point in having transmog restrictions anymore. I can make my DK look like nearly every class.


On any class.

Class fantasy no longer exists, we should be able to wear what we obtain.


As for hair, yesssss please. Ugh, I wish hair styles were universal and we had more options with that.


On this note, the chest I’m wearing right now (the one in the picture I linked) is literally identical to Monk Heroic Tier from Tomb of Sargeras. It can be mogged on Druids, Rogues, and DHs too.


Thanks for the link. :smile: And that is really good for a days work imo. :bowing_man:

You’re right about the curtains. I hadn’t noticed how straight they are. What was I thinking, lol. Not a curve in it. Doh! Nice catch.

I’m actually going to have to move the thrones back even further then I originally intended because I am thinking of having the Bloodwell in front of the thrones and steps as a center piece. And the throne should be more solid since I want the San’layn hierarchy to give the appearance of solidity. Not some wishy washy type that is easily overthrown.

And looking at those wings on the back of the throne, I think those will work nicely I just have to clean up the bottom part because I rushed that. Still can’t believe how long it takes me just to do a sketch. This piece was an hour and I had the mirror on.

And the room is based off of the Crimson Hall in ICC. If I ever go back, which is highly unlikely since I hate that place due to the 280+ times Invincible never dropped, I will have to remember to take screenshots of that room for reference.

EDIT: Was on my priest today, only class I can never get into, and I noticed they have a talent called San’layn. It reduces vampiric embrace, says it use to work with vampiric touch, and increases its healing. Looked it up and appears to have been added in Legion. That is a rather recent addition imo and then the San’layn get a little spot light in BFA. Slow drum roll please. :drum: Is this Blizzs slow unveil to San’layn?

Maybe they were going to be added in BFA but since it got cut short they scraped releasing them in BFA and are holding off for Shadowlands 9.1. They had a little of the spot light in the Alliance campaign, Nazmir has a very vampiric type of atmosphere with the bats and the anima and if BFA had been successful maybe we would’ve seen the final two AR’s released. One of which would’ve been the San’layn because I’m sure Sylvanas would’ve had a backup plan for Drevens death.

Wishful thinking?