San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

That’s fair, least it’s easier now! I think… I dunno old raids are wonky currently. I tried Island Expeditions today and it was a nightmare.

So it’s funny that you’d say that…
This was a mob created in Legion but never added to the game. The question is, why is that, I always wonder?

I speculate that they might have been present during the fire mage questline. And it could mean nothing at all, but… it shows that they might have been thinking the Darkfallen/San’layn were active even in Legion. And then we did see activity in BfA.

Also yeah, so the thing is, they set it up very oddly… First, the Alliance only got to see the story. Second… they had Rohkan directly say that the San’layn need a home and if they work with us, they can get it. The ship thing happened, people flood this thread and scream at us, yada yada yada.

Yeah and we never saw Sylv’s actual plan to begin with. We saw that Dreven was willing to work with her to give his people a home. They still need a home. It was all right there.

It’s what frustrates me to this day. I got my hopes up so hardcore, sooo much and then… well all that. Then no word of San’layn at all.

Could they have planned and then pulled it, as their plans for Shadowlands came up and they wanted to pour more into the San’layn? Maybe. That would be the best case scenario. This thread could have had some impact on that but I doubt it. I created it a month prior to any information we had in beta on the San’layn in BfA, fun fact. So I don’t think it would have been impactful enough, but it did have many many ideas. (the ones I’ve tidyed up and hidden now, first iteration did not take Dreven into account for obvious reasons.)

This is, to me, why I’m all about the lore and story too. And why I’m so darn hooked on it.


I don’t remember exactly but didn’t Sylvanas say something along the lines of “the crew knew why they were there.”? Kind of makes me think she knew, or at least had an idea, of what was going to go down. Sacrificing some pawns to get a new ally is worth it in her mind.

I also get the feeling she was drawing the Alliance out and sacrificing Dreven at the same time. If he survived then she could say she knew he was in no danger. If he dies she can use that as fuel to get the San’layn to side with the Horde.

And whether they were going to be released if BFA didn’t get cut short or not doesn’t mean they still can’t be released imo. Shadowlands fits them even better I think. It has a vampire covenant, Kael is back, the Lich King even though it isn’t Arthas, Ice Crown revisited, and anima is back which I think should be connected with the San’layn in some way.

Now if Blizz could just take the time to either dash players hopes or get them excited about future playable races by letting us know, at the very least, which races are possible in Shadowlands. I for one love having new races added so the more the better imo. Just would like to know what to look forward to or prepare for.


Looks like one week until Shadowlands launches. Phase 2 of the prepatch appears to be live on NA servers:

And we have a new launch cinematic for Shadowlands:

Will be checking out the new questline once I am done with my session of Business Finance studying. As usual, I’ll keep an eye out for any possible San’layn stuff. :bat:


So it’s actually cannon that his sword floats on his back.


My San’layn scenario. Part #1

Where have the San'layn been?

Back when Arthas was the Lich King he was having trouble controlling the Nerubians. He’d send small armies into the many Nerubian tunnels and underground cities but none would return. They were starting to become a thorn in his side.

Then one day the Blood King Seregaran made a proposal. He offered to take care of Arthas’ little thorn in return for control of the Temple City of En’kirah and any and all spoils from their conquest of the Nerubians.

Arthas was loth to send in the San’layn. Not because they weren’t up to the task but because the Blood King, and all San’layn for the matter, were rather immune to his powers of control. They were as complicated as Sylvanas had been if not more but he had to take care of this problem so he relented and made the deal.

Some time had passed with the Blood King sending communications every now and then about their progress. It appears that the San’layn were well suited to taking care of the Nerubians. They were making far greater strides toward eradicating those tiresome spiders then the combined efforts of all of Arthas’ armies previous attempts. But that would change in the coming months.

Over the next couple of months Arthas received less and less communications from the San’layn. It appears that they just so happened upon one of the Nerubians cities that at the time was housing a huge fighting force. They were hard pressed by the sheer numbers the Nerubians were bringing against them and asked Arthas for a small strike team to take out their king and scatter the army.

Arthas mused the thought over for some time before he finally decided upon a decision. He decided that he would destroy the entrance to the underground tunnels. The San’layn would keep the Nerubians busy and destroying the entrance would ensure that none would be able to harass him. Plus, the Blood King would not be able to collect the Temple City of En’kirah, which the Lich King had plans for.

So Arthas had the entrance to the underground Nerubian tunnels destroyed sealing away the Blood King and his San’layn army along with any Nerubians that would survive.

Why haven't they contacted anyone?

Two months had passed since the Blood King had heard anything from Arthas. In fact, not one runner had returned in over a month. Either the Nerubians were picking off their communications or something had gone terribly wrong. It was true that they were very deep inside the tunnel system but the longest they ever went without a return communication was two weeks. So the Blood King decided to use some of his immense power to try and contact those outside the tunnels.

It took far more power then the Blood King would’ve liked to have used but it was a necessity. He reached the Blood Prince Dreven who was surprised because he was told by Arthas himself that the king did not make it. The king now understood that it was Arthas’ treachery that had been at work and not the Nerubians.

When he informed Dreven that he was bringing his army out Dreven informed the king that the entrance was destroyed by Arthas to “keep the nerubians from getting out.”. The king gave Dreven the very important quest of finding allies to help clear the entrance and get the king back to his people.

Around this time a group of adventurers had fought Arthas in Ice Crown Citadel, destroyed Frostmourne and defeated him. But in the process the power that was contained inside of Frostmourne was released and became trapped in the Ice Crown atmosphere. The power was so great that magic spells faltered and magical communications were not possible.

And so the San’layn were trapped below ground, against a huge Nerubian force, with no reinforcements in sight, no way to communicate with the outside world and their only hope in a Blood Prince named Dreven.

Why are we now hearing about them in Shadowlands?

When Sylvanas broke the Helm of Domination and opened a way into the Shadowlands it also acted like a drain. All the magical energy that was trapped in the Ice Crown atmosphere was drained into the Shadowlands. All of the negative effects dissipated when the veil was broken. And the lines of magical communication restored.

The San’layn having tried numerous times before to communicate with the outside world did not know that their magical prison was broken. They had gathered together all the most powerful mages they had including the Blood King to try one last time to communicate with someone . . .anyone.

When they had all gathered their power they released it into the Blood King who let lose with the most powerful magical communication to date. It covered the entirety of Azeroth and more.

Had the magical barrier still been in place it would’ve possibly gotten through as a whisper but with the barrier removed it was a tidal wave of magical energy that assaulted the mind of every living thing on Azeroth. Most beings fell unconscious from the attack but some, that have shielded their minds, were still brought to their knees.

And so all of Azeroth knows of the San’layn now.

How does the unlock scenario go Part #1?

Now that every living thing on Azeroth knows that the Blood KIng is trapped and in need of help there are those that are looking to aid and those that are looking to harm.

The San’layn that have been in disguise in Bolvars’ ranks are now looking for allies. They know that Sylvanas possibly had Dreven killed and has betrayed them but she has grown too strong and the San’layn still think the Horde is their best bet at a strong ally. Plus, the Horde now has a target on her for killing Saurfang and kidnapping some prominent leaders.

They start by contacting individuals that they think are sympathetic to them. That is when the player characters get contacted.
“Psst, over hear.”
" What do you know about the San’layn?"
" Would you be willing to help us out?"
" We would be great allies."

So the San’layn that contacts us asks us to find more sympathizers. After that they instruct us that we’ll need to find a demolition expert. We find some crazy goblin that’s willing to build an explosive big enough to open anything but we have to first get him a date with a female tauren. What is with these male NPC’s and female taurens?

So we get him a date and he says he will build us the explosive but he doesn’t have enough gun powder. He needs us to either take some from the Horde cannons around Orgimmar or steal some from the Alliance.

  • If we steal from the Horde we become flagged as traitors and can’t use any Horde vendor for X amount of time. We also will need to acquire the invisibility potion, used later on, from an alchemist vendor but it won’t appear in their inventory till after we steal so can’t buy ahead of time.
  • If we steal from the Alliance we get a potion that we’ll use later on for free.

When we get him his gun powder he gives us the explosive. Now the San’layn contacts us again and tells us where to go to use it.

We head over to Northrend and near the Temple City of En’kirah we find a rock cluster. We set up the explosive and have to wait 5 minutes because the crazy goblin put an extremely long fuse on it so as to not blow us up. Wasn’t that nice of him.

Of course, we were followed by Sylvanas’ creatures. And to make matters worse the Alliance has gotten wind of what we are up to and wants to stop us. Now we are in a three way battle and we have to wait for the fuse, lol.

Luckily Sylvanas’ creatures and the Alliance use sweeping attacks that if they hit anything it provokes them. You just have to do some dancing around to get them to fight each other and pick off the stragglers. Or you could lead them to the explosive and have them blow up and hope you don’t die in the process.

when that is all done the San’layn appears again and gives us instructions to go in and see if there is any Nerubian resistance. As we head in we are ambushed by the Nerubians. After we fight them off we have to return to the San’layn and let him know it isn’t safe.

Part #2 will have the continuation.

I’m still writing but figured I’d post what I have so far. Had to stop because I have been typing for about 2 hours now and need a break. I think I’m only about half way through.

Nice catch. That is rather weird and I didn’t even catch that. But my weapons always float on my back in-game so probably overlooked it like I do while playing.

Part #2

Unlocking scenario Part #2

We return to the San’layn and inform him/her that the Nerubians had ambushed us. To which he/she says well need an invisibility potion to get past them. If we stole from the Alliance we have one but if we stole from the Horde we have to go back to Orgrimmar and get one from a specific vendor.

The San’layn also gives us a list of 4 other items we’ll need in order to get to the Blood King. The invisibility potion and 3 of the 4 items on the list will allow us to do things normally only San’layn can do. The other item will ensure the Blood King joins the Horde if we make it that far.

With the potion in hand we head into the tunnel drinking it before we get to where we were last ambushed. We sneak past any further ambushes and into a rock formation that looks like spikes coming up from the ground and stretches for some distance. We can’t tell how far the rock formation goes being that it is underground and hard to judge.

The San’layn asks us to stop a minute while he/she figures out what to do next. As he/she is working things out they inform you that San’layn can turn invisible naturally (possible racial, an invisibility that lasts say 10 secs with a 5 - 10 min CD). It is one of the ways they’ve been able to survive down here for as long as they have with no reinforcements.

For the next part the San’layn asks if we have the potion of bats which was one of the items on the list. We show him/her the bottle and he/she nods. Drink it and lets follow me. At which point the San’layn transforms into a swirling cloud of bats (flying form racial) and slowly begins to ascend. We drink the potion and poof we are turned into a bat. It takes a little bit of time to get use to the transformation but then we are off, following right behind the San’layn.

As we are flying the San’layn informs us that the Nerubians drop from the ceiling above that rock formation and so it was not safe to walk. But they leave bats and other creatures alone so that is why we are flying. He/she also informs us that the San’layn were normal BE’s that were cursed. Somehow Arthas was able to modify a poison from a bat God named Karmazots to turn anyone bit into a cross between a bat and undead creature. It was an eternal hell meant to chain us to Arthas’ beck and call.

Little did he know that my people are stronger of will then normal races are. We are far harder to control and the older we are the less his power has a hold on us. Most can brush off his mental demands with little trouble. I’m sure he just loves communicating with us. chuckle

We fly for some distance when the San’layn mentions that our potion will be wearing off soon and so we should land or have a rather horrible death. He/she continues by saying it wouldn’t be just the fall that would be horrible but also the things the soul would see and endure once we were dead. We asked what they meant but they would not elaborate more on it.

After landing, in what appeared to be some sort of village made out of husks, the San’layn tells us they need to rest a bit and if we could keep watch. They have been going none stop once they heard the Blood Kings request for help and hasn’t rested in quite some time. We agree and he/she is fast asleep.

As we are waiting we hear strange noises and see some strange things scurrying by but nothing to alarm us. Then as if from right beside us we here “They have killed our brother/sister and is thinking of how to eat him/her.” And from our left we here “It must die.” that sounded like a rising wind mixed with a banshees wail.

We leap up and turn in one fluid motion pulling our weapon out at the same time. And what do we see but two more San’layn. Both of which are female but each has a look of disgust and anger with it turning more toward rage each second. And they seem to be looking less and less human and more and more monstrous. When all of a sudden there are now two huge humanoid bat shaped creatures where the two, rather attractive, female San’layn were.

Continued tomorrow in Part #3

EDIT: Here’s what I did for my vampire elf today. Didn’t spend as much time as I did a couple weeks ago but I think I got more done. :smile:


Happy with how the bat form is coming out but not wild about the elfs hand position or maybe the shape. I think I over did it with her lashes also. And now that I will be able to see more of the bat forms wings I might keep the wings as is. Still undecided. Really like the way the orb looks,though it is darker then I want it, plus it’s on its own layer so I can move it anywhere and not ruin the picture.


Oooo, I like this story. You’re a great writer as well, I enjoy the ideas you have. I’m tempted to draw this blood king based on any description that’d be given. I’ve improved slightly with my skill, at least.

Oh dear! Treachery indeed. Reminds me of how Arthas betrayed the Death Knights.

Hopefully they had the spider blood to dine on while down there for so long.

Sounds like some fun roleplay implications as well.

Love this, sounds really neat to me!

This is true! It’s a dungeon mechanic in the Temple itself.

I want this so badly you don’t even understand.

This works, but could be reworded to have the curse itself be created by this bat loa, and therefore meaning all vampyr are from this curse and by extension, the bat, since San’layn aren’t born but created from the curse. Kinda like how worgen are from that frenzy wolf form, I think.

I think a good model would be a modified felbat, for this idea:

Or even the gargoyles from Shadowlands:

Should it be those gargoyles, they would also have a connection to this curse and the loa idea you had, it’d be interconnected like a web I reckon.

Here you go! Looks really neat! WOW this is coming together very well. That orb effect looks super cool too. You have such an eye for detail it’s unreal. I wish my linework was half as good as yours. How long have you been doing art? And hah I’ll have to study your hands because man, they’re so good. That honestly is something I should be focusing on myself too.

Speaking of art, I did some today :slight_smile:
One of my San’layn, Elias
Anabelle Keepwalker, one of my Blood Elves (she does have two ears, the other one is ripped because I sorta forgot to draw the other one so… yep, ripped.

Edit: Also the trailer was pretty neat!


Arthas destroying the tunnel I think was on WoWpedia so not my invention I just used it to help explain some things.

I was writing for so long yesterday I forgot that it’s a curse. :frowning_face: Very nice catch. Probably won’t change it but we’ll mark it here as changed to a curse.

Thanks for posting a link. Your art is getting better. My lines aren’t straight I just draw either a thicker line and erase till straight or I draw multiple lines and erase all but the straightest, lol. Maybe 25% - 50% of my lines are straight while drawing. Much harder to draw straight lines in digital for me.

I use to draw back in grade school and a little in high school. Even took art for one year in high school but wasn’t wild about it. I mainly just did what I call free hand tracing. I always drew other peoples stuff and rarely my own ideas.

What free hand tracing is is I look at a picture and draw what I see. I use to be pretty good at it too. It would look like I traced it to some degree. I still have my art from back then. I’ll have to take pics and post, lol. I did a demon from one of my shirts in the 80’s, a skull and crossbones from a buddies hat in 8th grade, a VHS/DVD cover of Batman, the cover of an old game I loved called Golden Axe and even drew some MAD comics superheroes like Spiderman.

It wasn’t until this year, so 20+ years of no drawing, that I really started to draw again but it was off and on stuff. And it was my own ideas for a change. And up until I drew my first digital art piece, which was an ogre, I never spent more then 30 mins - 1 hr on a piece. That ogre was 4 hrs work and my vampire elf is 60+ (stopped keeping track it’s been so much time). Hmm, it appears that digital art takes longer for me.

I say to anyone that wants to draw, do it. It may not look great at first but keep trying. It gets better the more time you put in. Plus, learn from other artist. Ask questions that might help you out. How do you draw this? How did you come up with that idea? How do you get your lines to look so nice? Anything and everything can help if you listen.

I’m still learning. I will always be learning as far as art goes. There are always things to learn because art is always changing. Your style will change, others art styles will change.

And as you get better at drawing start to change those ways of drawing into your own. Your stick figure now can look like a non-proportional figure which after some work/time can look like a cartoon figure. Then that cartoon figure can start to take on a more lifelike look with work on anatomy and how real people look at different angles.

And mistakes can make a drawing better. I’ve found that out when I use to play guitar that the mistakes actually lead to better music in my instance. In art it is the mistakes that make the piece more original. My vampire elf has what looks like a scar over her right eye but that is a line I didn’t erase and left because it looked like a scar. As Bob Ross use to say “We don’t make mistakes, we just have happy accidents.” Loved his show. :frowning:

Time. It all just takes time. Be patient.


Yeah that’s fair. Like there’s many ways to explain how that’d work, so it’s not that big of a deal. I always just emphasize that since they’re not a naturally occurring species and can’t reproduce (Well, technically. Biologically.)

I use “Clip Studio Paint” and used to set stabilization to 100%. I kinda broke from that so I could better do hair (work in progress). Breaking from it helped a lot–but turning it on, should you have something like that in the program you use, could help with line straightness. I personally don’t see it as a problem.

Fair. I drew like bare minimum but had no skill built up whatsoever so was dead in the water until I was brought back as a vampyr (had to XD)

It’ll probably get shorter as you advance! I take longer now as I do, but that’s because I’m still building up the proper skills.

So much this. It’s how I’ve been able to advance. I have a long way to go, but without advice from artists, many things I wouldn’t be able to correct and improve.

Such a good human being. :slight_smile:

So much this. Also applies to writing.


I know you don’t like the Venthyr Fallyn but you have to admit the atmosphere that is coming with Revendreth is going to be a wonderful place for RP! xD

Little bit more was seen in this launch cinematic.

When I was writing yesterday I started to forget I was writing and you’ll see that as the scenario explanation goes on. I start out kind of giving you step by step “you do this”, you do that" type but by the end it turns into an excerpt from a book.

Not sure WTF happened there except that when I read books I picture what is going on and create what I think things look like and have a sort of movie going in my head as I read. Well, I must’ve started to do that as I was writing and it came out in it, lol. Hope people that read it don’t get confused. Might write Part #3 sometime this week.

On my vampire elf, I might take some time off from it. I was screwing with the wings today, trying out ethereal looking ones and spreading them out. Ethereal bombed big time and the wing spread is iffy. When I draw there comes a point where I start to do more harm then good because I am always trying to make something better and it will end up worse. Best to put it on pause and hit it up again when I am inspired.

Fun fact about me. I grew up in a graveyard and we had a mausoleum on the old side that was called Draculas Tomb. True story. We had people break into it and do satanic crap and seances.

And on the mother hill, named that because of the metal woman the color of the Statue of Liberty on top of said hill outside another mausoleum, you would sometimes feel her watching you. Very creepy.

Was so fun to grow up there. Imagine a huge, as in miles, playground that was all to you and any friends you invited. It had sour apples, mulberry’s and water spigots every where. We’d ride our bikes all day threw there climbing trees, eating the apples and mulberry’s and drinking from the spigots. Feel bad for normal folks. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

EDIT: Changed descendent to curse in Part #2. A mistake on my part. Thanks for the catch Fallynn.

Here’s what it was:

  • “… are descendants of the bat God and no, not that crazy Loa Hir’eek. They come from Karmazots, the elegant bat God. With the ability to be beautiful or monstrous.”

Here’s what it is changed too:

  • “…were normal BE’s that were cursed. Somehow Arthas was able to modify a poison from a bat God named Karmazots to turn anyone bit into a cross between a bat and undead creature. It was an eternal hell meant to chain us to Arthas’ beck and call.
    Little did he know that my people are stronger of will then normal races are. We are far harder to control and the older we are the less his power has a hold on us. Most can brush off his mental demands with little trouble. I’m sure he just loves communicating with us.” chuckle

I enjoyed the launch cinematic, yeah.

I followed along very easily myself, you wrote it in a strong way, I feel.

Makes sense and sounds like a good idea! Breaks are always good. I should do it more myself, taking pauses between entire pieces. I figured out one of my problems–eye shape in 3/4 view. I asked an artist friend what seemed off about one of my pieces, and they explained the eyes look too flat, not in the same direction as the nose and mouth. So I’ll be doing more 3/4 busts specifically focused on getting facial features more correct.

That’s pretty neat! Not about the satanic crap though. People need to cool it with that nonsense. You’d think I, as a vampire lover, would be all over that. But I like antihero and goodness themes. Revenge against the deserving and all. Punishment for the wicked. (So… some sort of dark paladin, I guess. Ironically. Hah!) That sorta thing just tends to be a homage to evil. I could be misguided though, who knows.

That sounds amazing! I remember when I ate peaches off of a tree. One of the best tastes I’ve ever experienced.

Ah nice change, I like that quite a bit! Sounds pretty neat, yeah. Like I said, I’d love if the bat monsters looked like a modified fel bat (or even unmodified, but armor on that would be hard I reckon) or the gargoyle people.


I’m compelled to share this bit as well:

" * Despite all the psychological conditioning and trauma they went through, some knights are able to act mostly like they were before their death. This includes Thassarian, who served among the Alliance and saved his own sister even as a death knight."

The short story shared here:

is an interesting read, something that I am right now. But the mention of shattered emotions is variant based on Death Knight, so I want no one using this story as a way to discourage people from giving DK personalities. The lines here specifically apply to the horsemen. DKs aren’t mindless and cookie cutter, the trait they share is that they’re highly violent and need to sate needs via battle and torment, but it’s up to them how that happens. Thanks.

Edit: Also, this line from the story:
“We’ll need allies, as many as many as we can find. And then we’ll charge into the dark heart of Death itself.”–Bolvar

Give us San’layn, they’d be awesome allies :smiley:


The launch cinematic was decent. I wish it was longer and showed more of each covenant. It was a little too quick on each for my liking. One thing Blizz always delivers on is the new xpacs cinematic. They have all been good though in Legion I find it hard to believe that on two floating ships only Sylvanas and Varian can be seen. Where was the crew?

But did you see the floating Necropolis’? Could it be San’layn? I don’t think they are in the Shadowlands, the realm not the xpac, but it would be cool to tie them in with those. Blizz will have dropped the ball if San’layn aren’t introduced in Shadowlands imo. And if the Dragon Isles is the next xpac then Ogres make more sense to be introduced then. Blizz will have dropped the ball if Ogres aren’t in that.

As far as your art goes I was going to say some things I think you could improve on and possibly give some advice or links but didn’t want it taken the wrong way. So I made sure to tell you what I really liked. BTW I like they way you do hair. :smile: Glad you asked another artist. Hope they helped you. I would suggest you look at faces from different angles and try to draw them that way. Or take pics of yourself at the angle you want to draw. Practice makes perfect.

Thanks for the link to We Ride Forth. I always forget about those short stories unless they are linked by Blizz or community. I think I haven’t read the last 7, lol.

San’layn in Shadowlands = :+1:

Ogres in Dragon Isles = :+1:


Yeah I agree. Like they put a ton into the Saurfail (I really don’t like that character, sorry folks if you do!) cinematics, which was pretty art-wise, but I hated story-wise. I wish they would do that for other things too, even an Alliance story, which yeah felt like they were neglected when it came to that particular subject (the realism cinematics.)

Sadly I think that’s Acherus, as the necropolis, according to the short story, has moved to Icecrown. Or if it was in Shadowlands, Mald has those floating around for their own purpose. I don’t think the San’layn would be there.

Yeah dragon isles sounds like a blast–and honestly, I doubt we’ll be in shadowlands the entire expansion. Like I feel there will be a patch where we return to Azeroth, it’s clear the mindless scourge is still an issue, and perhaps we can visit different parts of it then. Which gives ogres and many other races a chance too.

Honestly… it’s kind of disappointing that is seems like allied races have just sorta been abandoned. No word on them, and continued ‘nope’ when asked whether they’ll be adding some anytime soon. It’s very disheartening.

You can feel free to do so, because I don’t see things myself much of the time, like the issue with eye shape. I can see something off, but I can’t see what. As long as it’s constructive criticism, I’m fine with it. My art friends will do that, which is how I’ve been able to improve. Bear in mind, too, that I’ve only been working on art for 82 days now (days of art, rather, since March 2020) with absolutely 0 grasp of concepts or anatomy prior. I started as a blank slate. So I’m still extremely new, and I need to be open to adapting and taking advice as much as possible, otherwise I will never improve. Skilled artists offering advice or kind critique is how I’ve been able to improve. (If we compare my current stuff to stuff from a few months ago, for example, there is improvement seen.)

Yeah I’ll be doing that soon, and also studying other people’s art. I saw eye shape on a different piece via art twitter, which will help me learn as well. I’m still getting a grasp on mouths, which I struggle with, especially open mouths. Adding shading to the teeth has helped significantly though.


I would very much love to wear different armor types. I try to go as a battle mage on some of my warriors and shamans. : / It would be nice to heave leather cloth body pieces and plate shoulders to play with.


Those are the dudes from Maldraxxus. Next week you will learn how the undead we summon are tied to them! And the different houses.

As for the short story. It was a good read. It explains why the four horsemen/ebonblade will follow Bolvar and usher us into the shadowlands! Greatly appreciated the lore for why Bolvar made new dks, and his motivations thus far.

As far as San’layn goes I think we will learn the minutia of blood magics in Revendreth. And why Arthas/the lich king/ dominating force behind the helmet tried to replicate what the Venthyr did, and the Dreadlords to a certain degree. As their is a theory going around with Dreadlords/Nathrezim and Castle Nathria. Similar names for example. We have a few days to get a bunch of lore in! I will be going Venthyr for the lore, and the cool tombstone cloak. Can’t wait!


I think this has been mentioned before but can’t remember. But didn’t someone (Fallynn?) mention that it could be like the Night Warrior customization for NE’s?

For some reason today I was thinking that the blood curse is connected to BE’s and that it wouldn’t necessarily be a new race but a customization unlock. And that if you wanted it on one of your max lvl BE’s you’d have to do the quest chain each time per toon. Maybe throw in some variance like different outcomes to a choice selection you get so it isn’t a complete replay.

Maybe three choices of who to kill from a noble down to a wretch. Another could be who to save. Yet another could be you get the choice to sneak into the San’layn society in a masquerade, sneak in through the sewers or just walk through the front gate, fighting along the way.

They could add quite a bit of story and choice selection and variant outcome that would personalize it for each and every BE you decided to take through. I’m sure some like Fallynn would try out each and every outcome/choice for the complete story. Maybe even have an achievement if you saw all the outcomes and get the title Count/Countess.

Unfortunately, those titles are taken in Shadowlands by the Venthyr covenant but I am loving the titles, hearthstones and mounts you get for advancing your covenant.


Now I have to choose the covenant I want by the transmog, title, mount and hearthstone, lol. Guess what I’m doing Sunday?


Yep! I bring it up all the time to be honest, as a good alternative for if we’re not meant to be an allied race. I have a tiny blurb of a thread here:


“Anima is drawn from souls after their mortal lives have ended, not from living creatures.”

Venthyr are not true vampires. San’layn draw energy from living beings, particularly blood. Venthyr do not, they draw upon anima, which are dead. This confirms they are inherently different, and I like them even less now. :stuck_out_tongue: They’re even less relevant to mainland Azeroth. How the heck would they eat if they were allowed to go to Azeoth for longer than temporarily? I think it’s even less realistic to think, therefore, that they should be an allied race. Just my personal opinion, of course. When we have a vampyr race right here that’s been perfectly operational on Azeroth and can survive on it.

They can call 'em “Vampire” all they want, but it’s the WoW VAMPYR I want.


I really want all 7 Elf races playable and in their own third faction. We’re almost there:

Night Elves :ballot_box_with_check:
Blood Elves :ballot_box_with_check:
Void Elves :ballot_box_with_check:
Nightborne :ballot_box_with_check:
High Born
Felblood Elves

Coming back from the Shadowlands seems the perfect opportunity, would freshen up the game in a great way, and be a Neutral faction as long as Alliance and Horde followed strict protocol when dealing with them.