San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

This has a ton of merit too, as Prince Valanar canonically disguised himself for a very long while.

As per this link:

" All this time he was disguised as Counselor Talbot, ready to lead the Alliance forces in the hands of the Lich King. He was stopped by Thassarian."

Which is fascinating! We saw the end result of this during the questline in Borean Tundra, where we kill him for the first time.

Fun Fact: Valanar, as I said, is still not anywhere around to be rezzed by the ‘dark forces’. He could very well be a missing blood prince now. Or it could mean nothing. But I hope it leads to something.

As for Lightforged Undead, I genuinely hate the concept quite a bit. I will never put down someone for liking it, but me, personally, I just cannot stand it and do not support it. Quite like Venthyr. I think if either of those were added with no sign of San’layn, I’d be done. I feel like I sound kind of petty, but I’d never start an anti-thread on either or even bother going on either pro-thread to say “I don’t think these should be added” even though I genuinely dislike both. (These days. I used to express my disdain toward the ideas. Nowadays I stick to this thread. Though, as every forum goer is allowed to do and do so in THIS thread, I’m also allowed to express distaste for an idea.)

With Venthyr, it’s the post I wrote above. With Lightforged undead, I wrote a long post as to why I do not like them on one of my alts (comically, in that thread, someone called me a human paladin which I corrected by swapping to Falls). Same thing on Hordeside, it simply is a terrible concept (to me, again this is my personal opinion).

I just had to look up on search: Fallynn “Lightforged undead” and it’s not hard to see my opinion on it. Lately I’ve kept my mouth shut and just rolled my eyes, because it’s not worth arguing. But yes, I think I’ve made my thoughts on this clear.

Edit: Also, I wanted to share this piece by my guildie for another one of my guildies :slight_smile:

Credit to:


Didn’t know all that back story and stuff. Nice to know. I appreciate those of you that know the lore of the races in the game. I don’t really get that involved with any of the races really. If there was a race that I knew best it would be orcs but I don’t know all that much just more then the normal player.

As for LF Forsaken, eh, I think they should go Alliance if they are ever introduced. Personally I don’t care for them. And seeing as you would be done if LF Forsaken or Venthyr got introduced I actually did leave when Pandaren got introduced instead of ogres. Wasn’t happy BE’s came before ogres but to have Pandaren before them just chapped my hide. That was back in 2011 but finally came back about 2 years ago because Wildstar shut down. :frowning:

And nice art piece. I really like the colors in that and the transition background. Not really wild about skeletal San’layn but it could always be an option during character creation. I did think about making my vampire elf thinner since she is suppose to be undead. I’ll play around with that next week.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I am kind of working on a scenario from start to finish of how we get San’layn and possible racials that we kind of use, thanks to potions and such, during our unlock quest chain to give us a taste of them. Just jotting down ideas so far haven’t put them in order or made sense of them yet but hopefully next week I’ll have something.

ART EDIT: Here is what I’ve been working on this week though haven’t spent as many hours on it and not as into it as that vampire elf for some reason. Might be because I’m not going to do anything except an outline/basic sketch and next week I’m working on my vamp elf again.


  • #1 was the original sketch idea. Pose is good if he was a warrior with a shield slam but he’s a enhancement shaman so pose doesn’t work.
  • #2 was the same idea but with weapons. Didn’t work plus pose was bugging me.
  • #3 was a change in pose but it was too stiff looking.
  • #4 is a better pose for an enhancement shaman but I have to rotate his left hip because it is too far in front of him and should be out to side like his right hip is. Also tried making abs like a pic online but it didn’t look good so kept my version of abs.

As much as I want to make a Frostwolf art piece it is not happening with this pic. I decided on no wolf or banner but probably keep the totem. :frowning: Going to try to gear him like he is in-game now and add his body paint. Probably try to add an enemy also.


My internet HAD to go out on the first days of the prepatch.


I’ve stated my disdain with the idea of Lightforged/Lightbound/Lightrisen/Redeemed/Whatever Undead several times throughout this thread, and I don’t have much more to say regarding it that other people haven’t said. I really don’t like the idea of it at all and feel that it both destroys a lot of what make the Forsaken…well, the Forsaken. It also makes the Alliance seem more pretentious and just seems like a lazy waste to fill an arbitrary quota of “we have to have a race variant of all playable races in some fashion!”

I seem to recall some “leaks” of allied races, one or two of which had everything that we got playable in addition to Lightforge Undead on the Alliance and some cursed Trolls stuck in some sort of cat form, possibly similar to the Tigons here:

Whether it was something actually planned or not is unknown and could very well have been false. Also, with the new character creation screen, it seems less likely that the “each race must have a related allied race!” theme would apply here since slots are more or less gone.

As for the Venthyr, my current belief is that the Shadowlands covenants have a really low chance of becoming playable, mostly because of the nature of Shadowlands. I can’t see beings that are in the afterlife that deal with the souls of people that died in our world, judge and condemn them, and have their own things going on would be concerned with the living world’s politics and wars. Had these covenants resided in another world, like Outlands, or somewhere on Azeroth I might see it…but it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me to make any of the covenants playable, even if they are capable of visiting our world. It also just causes a lot of story problems, like someone dying and then coming back still dead via one of the covenants. It just makes a mess of everything, in my opinion.

As I also stated before, despite my opinions, I would never insult/attack/troll/harass anyone for races they want playable. We all have races we want playable, and it’s not fun to get insulted or harassed for showing support for those races. Even if I disagree with others, I prefer to maintain respect as best as I can.

That said, we have a long time of Shadowlands and several patches. It has been hard, given all the time waiting for Shadowlands to actually launch, to not worry about the treatment of San’layn and we likely have a long way to go during Shadowlands.

The best thing we can really do at this point is continue to show support for playable San’layn and keep an open mind as we see what awaits us in Shadowlands. It’s still a good time to continue their quest to join the Horde in the current storyline, and showing support is better than silently hoping. Speaking for myself, I’d rather focus on the positive of showing that support than be in despair for a potential boogeyman to take their “playable slot” instead.

Just how I honestly feel is all. :bat:


Here you go! Think your poses look great myself :slight_smile: Love the early detail too, you have an eye for detail for sure. Think, if I have time this weekend, after I draw my two book OCs, I’ll attempt an ogre. We shall see! But yeah you have a very solid grasp of anatomical shapes whereas I’m still in the very basics of learning such. Looking forward to see where you go with that and the San’layn picture ^^

Fair! I do a lot of research for roleplay, so I know most San’layn lore like the back of my hand (also makes sense for thread-building this one in that case).

Oof sorry to hear that x.x hope you can still get all that you were hoping for if you’re out there farming. I’m trying to get the darn momento, but it’s such a low drop that I doubt I’ll be able to nab one. sigh

Yeah that makes perfect sense for sure. It’s just something we have to keep in mind, ‘have patience’ and all. I do hope we see some trace of them soon, like in 9.1. I’m not sure when beta content details start coming out after expansion launch of the first patch. I know we likely will get info in February, but prior to that, who knows. For now I’ll be working on collecting when it comes to the new expansion.


Those cat people would be cool if they resemble the druid talent claws of shirvallah, which I miss. :frowning: Plus, each of the 4 druid races at the time had a different look so that is a possibility though I would think they would alter all that so as to not appear to be just a cut an paste. Plus, they are cursed and not undead so I see it as another pass on the undead San’layn that would work perfectly with Shadowlands.

Come on, a return to Northrend, the Lich King, the scourge returning, etc. etc… I’m going to keep saying that they are hold up in an underground Nerubian city, possibly one that we have never seen before, and we haven’t seen them till now because they are in a struggle with the Nerubians, which could be the Alliance AR.

And all the battles after WotLK brought us further away from Northrend so it was highly unlikely that we would’ve run across them. Now that we are back we get a chance meeting with possibly one of their familiars. Having a familiar could be a possible racial btw maybe one of those pale orcs that we can name Smeagol. :laughing: Yes my precious. Yessss. :rofl:

Now that you mention the covenants and the after life it makes sense that they wouldn’t be able to leave it. Never really gave it any thought really I just liked the Venthyr look being that I like how Nosferatu looks.

But if Alliance got LF Forsaken and Horde got cat people I see another “Horde favoritism” thread spam. That pops up almost every time and I am tired of it. What they should do is just take the top 3 - 5 races wanted by both sides, maybe have poll, and make them. Be done with this favoritism crap as far as races go.

Thanks for the link. Always appreciated. :smile: I use to be a massage therapist, but not the sleazy type, and so we had to know muscles and bones. Don’t remember most of that crap, since it was many years ago, but I think I kept some of the anatomical knowledge. Still have the muscles/bones visual guide too. :wink:

And if you attempt an ogre then as far as I see it ogres are kind of fair game as far as looks go. The model in-game is alright imo so I’d say make one that looks the way you think it should. Maybe you’ll give Blizz some ideas. :wink: Female is much rarer btw since I’ve only ever seen maybe one pic.


Yeah I love this idea. Imagine the neat stuff that could be done with an underground city, with a gothic-like theme. I like the idea of either this or a necropolis, like Naxxanar. Nerubian would be an interesting Allied Race too, yeah.

I didn’t know there was such a thing (second part of that sentence) and wouldn’t judge even if so to be honest. And that’s good that you kept a lot of that knowledge.
Looks like he’s giving my character a snide look here.

“In time, you will join us too, Lady Fallynn.” – Prince Taladram

“I will never be a puppet to the scourge again!” --Fallynn

Oh and here’s one of my male San’layn facing off against Lana’thel.


I got the bag and the memento on my first way round. Yay!

Friday the 13th appears to be lucky for me. (I played after midnight.)


Oh wow congrats! Still farming my butt off for the momento. I’m ripping my hair out over it, can’t say I’m having fun x.x Ah well. Got some neat screenshots so there’s that.

Someone used the bees toy on Lanathel, apparently it works and makes her cower o.o
Screenshot of her staring at my toon (though it’s a bit crowded I will admit)


Doing the questline for the pre-expansion event felt pretty good, even if I’m not that excited for Shadowlands. It was nice to see an update to the game and have a lead-in to an expansion. It’s something I generally liked as WoW kept getting expansions. I haven’t really been able to do much with the daily quests, since I’ve been exhausted with my Business Finance class to do much of anything in my free time…or what little of it I get.

I actually would like to see Saberon become playable, myself, since I’d love to recreate my Vah Shir and Kerran character from Everquest 1 and 2. It would be more interesting than random cursed Trolls out of nowhere, as well as explaining where the Saberon went when they came from Draenor. I personally see them as Alliance, if only because the AU Laughing Skull Clan, part of the Horde, actively hunted them for their hearts.

I’d be doing my best to try to get Ogres, Saurok, and San’layn on that list for the Horde side. <- <;


I did that too, lol. I was bored and going through my toy box while waiting that awful 20 mins between spawns. I was actually looking for an Alliance player to hit with Aqir Egg Cluster, since my realm is mainly Horde, but couldn’t find any so tossed the little suckers at the boss and it worked, lol. Looked like they were cowering. It was awesome.

No bag, no mount and no memento on my Lock. :frowning: I need Drede to run my toons through the rare rotation so I get that memento. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Only things Keleseth said during my encounter were:

  • “Blood will flow.”
  • [Demonic] “Az az az az Az Az Az Az”
  • “Truth is found in death”

Demonic can’t be good, lol. But the “Truth is found in death.” is actually part of my scenario to unlock the San’layn. I came up with it after he said that.

To keep my explanation short you have to die during the quest chain in order to either see the San’layn in their true forms or to get into a secret place that you can’t get into while alive.


I hear ya but apply this to my job & writing/art I’m trying to get done too. I honestly don’t know how much time I’ll have to set aside for the expansion, aaaand I plan on both roleplaying and raiding. My mind is breaking just considering this.

Would be super neat to see those!

I imagine, though, if they did some sort of poll, the forums would turn pretty bloody real fast. Especially if there was a race on there that didn’t make it. San’layn would have less of a chance because people only see them as another elf. And then they’d also have more of a chance because people like elves.

So it’s a paradox…

I have to try this on a Blood Prince now and snap a screenshot, hahaha.

I… looks at lore book Don’t remember this one. Does he say this in the raid too? Or his dungeon? That’s pretty… offputting. I dunno. That could mean something. I mean the scourge is connected to demons (would not exist without the Legion creating them in a way) but didn’t work with demons either. Big “Whaaaaaa?” moment. o.o

Oooo this sounds super neat!


I also have a bunch of branches to help clear in my parents’ yard, as well as a lot of raking I need to get done. Both of those are a result of that out of season ice storm I had awhile ago. On the bright side, I should be finished with classes no later than summer of next year, though I will hopefully have a job to be busy with afterwards (Accounting and Bookkeeping, weeee!).

Once the expansion launches, aside from keeping an eye out for San’layn stuff, my priority will be:

  1. Do the storyline quests.
  2. Get exalted with reps.
  3. Do whatever needs to be done to unlock flying.

I’ll be focusing on this character (my main and favorite character), and eventually I do have three other characters to check out other covenant stuff, though it may only relate to Reknown for each covenant. Honestly, though, when I get that stuff done on this character, I’m likely going back to farming older content until major patches happen. This is mostly because Shadowlands really doesn’t interest me a lot, given its setting, and I could play around with it more when more expansions come out and I can solo stuff more easily in it.

Also been meaning to work on my video game backlog, so I may take a break from the game (not the forums, of course) when I get to a point in Shadowlands where I’m waiting for the next patch.

If they were just collecting feedback for internal purposes and not sharing the results, I could see it being alright, though with skirmishes here and there on the forums. If it’s a marketing thing where they guarantee that the most popular races would be considered to become playable…yeah, this place would likely become a warzone, both during and after the poll. It wouldn’t be fun at all.

At the very least, we do have different ways of showing support for races becoming playable, so an official poll, while it could be helpful for marketing purposes, may not be as needed compared to seeing different web sites that have such fan support. :bat:


The first races I could see getting the nod of most popular are the ones players actually made threads about. And the only ones I can remember seeing and that had any popularity are San’layn, Ogres and HE’s, oh, and the Saurok thread. After those four I can’t remember seeing any other wanted race threads. And even though others and I have mentioned Mok’nathal and Sethrak I don’t see a big following for them so at least 2 - 6 other races could be considered.

Other less popular races I’ve seen, though not a lot of, are Furbolg, Murloc (I’d LOVE to play a Murloc), Naga, Vrykul and those rats with candles on their head. I think I’ve seen Tuskarr mentioned a couple times too. I don’t see too many races mentioned that a large portion of the player base would be upset if they didn’t get included.

On a side note, here is my newest art piece update. #1 was the piece before I tried a slightly differnt pose which is #2. Can’t get his legs to look right. I fix one and the other looks off. I fix the other and the first one is off. :angry: Done for now.


This coming week I’m going to change a lot of my vampire elf. I need to change the bat into a female version. Its wings might get opened up a little. The elf is going to become a little thinner and probably going to try a different color for her skin tone and the bats. Going to change her pose to be holding an orb and possibly change her other arm/hand also. Will have to look at her outfit after all that is changed to see if she needs an update.

I will also try to get out my San"layn unlock scenario and the racials I think they should have and how we get a little taste of them by using potions and such as we explore their unlock quest chain.

Stay thirsty :drop_of_blood: my vampire :vampire: friends.


I’ll link that image for you:

I really should look into learning to draw sometime. Currently, my skill is on the level of drawing stick people.

I wanted to mention that Sethrak actually have a really big following. They were one of the big megathreads when megathreads starting being a thing, still have a lot of support on the forums and outside of the forums (artists, their own discord, etc), and I’d say they’re one of the biggest race request communities currently.

I for one think we need some playable reptiles on that new character creation screen, so I say the more the better. :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


I assure you Sethrak fans are many and varied.

While mok’nathal fans are much quieter they are still around for sure.


Yeah I have like a crazy number of alts to juggle, and their stories, so I don’t know what I’ll do but it’s going to be a circus for sure. x.x And not in a fun way, although leveling with “world quests” or whatever it is they do for alts looks really interesting and a change I’m very happy about. I’m going to try that out. It looks nice.

Yeah true that! It would be interesting to see the results. People would definitely assume they’re using it for marketing though–although someone said they could do a poll for order of release rather than whether or not they will be, that way they’d be guaranteed but some might take longer than others. Warzone! But less of one.

Looking forward to seeing what you bring forth! Your art looks awesome, and so does what you have there so far for your orc. I’m drawing today myself, but my half-dragon (not WoW) and one of my vampires. I’ll share a bit later. My lines are coming out pretty well which I’m happy about!

That’s exactly where I started–with no experience. I’m on day 81 of my own art journey now. It’s never too late to start!

I think Sethrak have a larger following than San’layn to be honest! They’re definitely among the largest. I’d roll one of those in a heartbeat, along with Arakkoa & Saurok. Beast races are pretty neat.


Thanks for the link Bagzak. I appreciate it.

And you should at least try out digital if you’ve ever drawn or wanted to draw. I would suggest getting a cheap pen/pad set because a mouse doesn’t even compare to the control you get. Plus, I think it’s easier then drawing on paper because you can draw in layers, erase/delete without darkening your picture and there a free programs so you don’t have to invest too much at first. I use the free program Krita and like it but still a noob with it.

Didn’t know that about the Sethrak. Every time I look at the general threads it is nowhere to be seen. I’ll just take your guys/gals word for it.

I just fought Prince Taldaram and his lines are:

  • I will feast on your remains
  • [Demonic] Daz Tiros kaRaman
  • Still I hunger. Still…I…thirst.

So it appears demonic is a thing with them. Does Blood Queen Lana’thel spout out any demonic? Maybe one of their racials should be something darker and/or demonic. Grab a critter and suck out its blood?

And the Temple City of En’Kilah is looking like a decent city idea. With the floating Naxxanar above and I read its on the grounds of a Nerubian archaeology site. And I still think the San’layn and Nerubians should be at war/paired together. Also read they have spires of blood, decay and pain. Plus, the entrance to Naxxanar looks like a sacrificial alter. :smile:

I also read that it could possible be a surface settlement that is part of Azjol-Nerub which is vast underground Nerubian nation. This just feeds even more into my idea of them battling the Nerubians underground. Although it says the Lich King destroyed it maybe the San’layn were in a battle when he did that and have been trapped down there all this time and must be rescued.


Demon Hunters can speak/understand Demonic, right? If so, I wonder what could be said here.

Probably nothing relating to “Let San’layn become playable please!” but still worth investigating just out of curiosity. Not sure why he would be speaking Demonic, come to think of it, so it is an interesting find. :bat:


Yea, the other Prince spoke demonic also. Do DH’s get to understand demonic? I’m not talking lore wise I’m talking about the player character. If so I might have to take mine to one of the fights. Nice catch.