Yeah not to mention we can collect off-pieces of other classes in different colors. But I can mogrify my death knight to look exactly like other classes right now.
There is no class fantasy. Restrictions are pointless.
Survival hunter.
Rogue. (This one was difficult, 2 handers are not for rogues but like… I’m arguing armor, not weapons )
Demon hunter ()
Warlock. (This one might not be as convincing, but DK + lock aesthetics kinda do mix so?)
Entire point being (for those in the back that try and fail to twist things): Once again. There is no class fantasy, having mog restrictions is entirely pointless. Keep sets locked. Otherwise, remove restrictions. If I can already make myself look entirely like something else, then we should have more options to customize our character and far less restrictions.
We can mog a fish and pajamas. Enough with the ‘but fantasy’ excuse.