San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I don’t think I’m waaaaay ahead of you in shading tbh. Your shading just wasn’t dark enough in your earlier stuff but when I zoomed in I could see it and it looked good. I was thinking you had better shading then me.

And for shading I take into account the shape of the features. If areas are roundish then they will kind of have a C looking shadow on the shaded side. Straight features obviously get a straight shadow. Muscles and facial features have different crevices that hide light it is just a matter of knowing them or, like I do, reference a picture with the feature your drawing and hopefully with the light source in the right direction. Been bending my hand this way and that trying to get the lighting right but might have to take pics as references.

My next piece will be close to a 3/4 view of a Frostwolf Orc Shaman with his wolf and the clan banner behind them while they are in a battle. The orc is going to be my attempt at one of my own toons and even took some screen shots for references. The wolf will probably be the hardest part with all that hair and not sure what to reference on it since it is a dire wolf and not some normal wolf. Don’t want my wolf to look like a normal wolf just larger tbh.

Anyone that uses Twilight as a vampire reference or as the core of vampire movies NEEDS to watch some other vampire movies and totally disregard that pile of crap. I understand there are fans of it but it is not even what I call a vampire flick it is more of a teenage love flick then anything, BLAH. Pass!

I didn’t want to delete any version because if the San’layn community liked one version over another I would have to go back and redraw it. Wasted time imo. Plus, as you can see, I am changing it quite often so if I messed up the newest version or didn’t like it I’m up sh!@s creek without a paddle, lol. And I will be changing it again. I think I’m going to try her holding an orb and the bat’s wings opened. We’ll see if that works.

If you saw my 1st attempt at digital art it was just a scan of my ogre drawing that I cleaned up and quickly tried out some things. It took maybe 4 hrs and was just to get my feet wet.

Fast forward and this vampire elf was suppose to be the next step on my trip to learning digital art. I was expecting to spend maybe double that amount of time just trying to draw what I’ve drawn. But the more I worked on it and changed it the more I wanted to make it better.

If I had stuck with the original idea of that female elf in male San’layn armor I probably would’ve just done 4 - 8 hours of work and moved on. It is because I changed her look and because it turned out so well that I kept going and now look at how long this trip has been. It’s been 40+ hours and I’m changing it again, lol, and it isn’t even into the detail stages.

After this piece is finished I have to learn how to use masks in Krita because that could’ve saved me about half the time I’ve spent on it. Allows me to select certain areas and I can color the whole thing and even if I go outside that area it does not color anything else. That is very handy and better then zooming in like I do so I don’t go outside the lines.

I also would like to learn how to make my art look good without lines. I draw black outlines but I keep those and though it doesn’t look bad I really like the art style where the different shades of color create your outlines and shapes.

As always, thanks for the very kind words and encouragement. The San’layn community is a rather enjoyable one to be apart of. Wait . . . . who said that? Lol, JK. I support San’layn and I am “not an elf fan”. :stuck_out_tongue:


I love working in layers like this. One of the reasons I prefer working digitally, and hope to one day get one of those tablets you can draw right on the screen of.

Well, I know you’re both way ahead of me in shading. I never really got past line art haha.


Up until about 2 weeks ago I use to just draw on paper but since trying my hand at digital I have to say I prefer it. One of the main reasons is that I can delete stuff or add separate layers to try something out and if it doesn’t work it doesn’t mess with my picture. On paper it always starts to turn a darker color due to erasing if I mess up or want to change something.

Those tablets are cool. I’d love to get one of those tablets but the cheap ones I think are $400 - $500 and I’m doing O.K. with my $50 - $75 pad for right now. I could not do a majority of the stuff I’m doing right now with only a mouse though. Pen > mouse.

I actually prefer just line work now that I’ve added basic color, shading and highlights. There is something clean about it imo and adding colors, shading and highlights starts to take away from the original look.

Start simple on your shading. Wherever you know something is blocking the light, like under and arm, add shading. Just that little bit will add something. Then when you feel more comfortable try it out on another part.

For instance the hand. I took my hand and stuck it near my lamp and rotated it and looked at where the shadows fell, unfortunately it was after I had already added them to my pic. DOH! But if I moved my hand so my lamp is where the light is suppose to be in my pic I can now see a basic representation of where I should shade.

Also, I’m going to start messing with shapes in real sun light and in my 3D program to see how light and shadow plays on them from different angles. After all everything is made up of shapes you just have to find them in whatever it is you’re looking at. When I catch a show on T.V now I look at the lighting and how the shadows and highlights work and at what angle the light source is at. Weird.

If you ever feel like sharing your art that’d be cool imo. I think it would be alright to post it here even if it wasn’t San’layn specific. Maybe mention something about San’layn to start your post and then post your pic, lol. Sneaky. :wink:


Got art of my OC, also apparently it’s international vampire day so this came at the PERFECT time :smiley:
This piece of Ares is by the amazing (not all content is rated G, online experience varies. :stuck_out_tongue: )

I play him as one of my San’layn in game, but he’s my OC in other content too. Very punkish. Has somewhat of a Brujah theme to him ^^

As for the art matters, looking forward to seeing more pieces like the one of the orc Warsnarl mentioned! And yeah if anyone ever feels an urge to share art, never be shy. Heck I’m a beginner and not that great yet, we all help each other out here. Or try to. I use Clip Studio Paint myself.


This is something I need help with some clarification: The Blood Elves that got turned into San’layn, this was during the Frozen Throne expansion in Warcraft III, right? That’s what Wowpedia says:'layn

During that time period, it was before Kael’thas went coo-coo for fel puffs, so they likely didn’t see what he turned into. At the time, it seemed like every Blood Elf supported him for the most part, granted not all of them traveled with him. There are still statues of Kael’thas around Silvermoon, so that must have meant that he was respected at that time.

Now, the other thing is to know whether Arthas managed to get more San’layn overtime, or if this was just during this time period or not. It seems like the San’layn are low in numbers during BfA, so I’m assuming Arthas managed to create them during his reign and not many new San’layn came afterwards.

Thus, my question would be, assuming the above is true, would the San’layn, upon gaining their free will again, be against what Kael’thas did when they learned about him and his antics?

It seems like the majority would be disgusted at what Kael’thas did, which is what the majority of the Blood Elves felt. Some San’layn may not believe it at first, but others I could see being not very amused at what Kael’thas did.

It’s an interesting thought, especially if Kael’thas becomes a San’layn somehow to get out of the Shadowlands, but it’s something I need some clarification on.

I mean, it likely isn’t fun to die a horrible death, become a slave to the Lick King, then wake up, find you’re undead, have a thirst for blood, hunted by everyone who thinks you’re a monster, and find out your leader went insane with power and turned his back on you and your living brethren. I’m not sure how loyal the San’layn would still be to Kael’thas for the most part after the fact.

As I said, I just need some clarification here just to get a better understanding. :bat:


That artist has the shading and highlights pretty much down. Nice job. :+1: And they draw like I hope to and that is without black outlines or with as little as possible. Right now all my stuff is outlined. I also need to find my style. Plus, that background is probably my favorite color besides black, which some people say is not a color.

On a separate note I decided to stop working on my vampire elf for about a week. I’ve been going at it every day for 2 weeks and need a break. Even when I wasn’t planning on working on it I did. So I took today off from drawing because I needed it.

Will work on my favorite toon, a Mag’har orc shaman, which was suppose to be a Frostwolf but his skin color and paint says he isn’t. Plus his armor is more Warsong and absolutely no Frostwolf at all in it.

The plan is to have him stormsrike to the right while his dire wolf defends him from the left. The frostwolf banner will be in between the both of them. I will change his skin color and his armor to match a Frostwolf. Hoping to have a basic outline finished by the time I come back to the vampire elf, which I am changing her pose and the bats wings. And I might also make her face thinner and more chiseled.

Till next time. :bat:

SPECIAL EDIT: Appears that Blood Queen Lana’thel, Prince Kelesth and Prince Taldaram are killable in pre-event. Maybe they have some new voices lines. Would be cool if Blizz threw in a cookie or two about San’layn and the possibility of where the rest are.


Where’s Blood Prince Valanar? I only see two blood princes here…


Glad the prepatch events are starting today. I need something to take my mind off the stress of my Business Finance class. x- x

As I said before, I’ll keep an eye out for anything San’layn related. Interesting to hear that only two of the three Blood Princes from Northrend show up again as returning bosses. :bat:


Valanar is getting a retcon so he can lead the playable San’layn. :crossed_fingers:


i can only hope


There is also the other missing Blood Princes: Atherann and Theraldus. Hearthstone also has Blood Prince Vorath. We might even run into some of Blood Princes, even Dreven, in the Shadowlands also.

Lots of possibilities if they want to do something with an existing Blood Prince. :bat:


I forgot about seeing them in Shadowlands though I am thinking that most of the characters I’ve known went to the Maw and are probably gone. I think of the Maw as a garbage disposal and always think nothing ever returns from there but I’m probably wrong on that.

Maybe the never seen Blood King’s soul is there and that is how we start the quest chain. Maybe even ending with us rez’ing him. I wouldn’t mind if the San’layn only ever have a Queen and Princes and no King but would also be cool to meet a new San’layn from the hierarchy.

Nice catch as always lore master Bagzak. :bowing_man:


I’m just saying, right now or soon would be the PERFECT time to introduce San’layn to the Horde. And I might be bias (gods know I am) HOWEVER think about it. Think.

The San’layn are master tacticians. They were among the highest ranks in the scourge, and would know it inside and out.

We SAW in BfA they were looking for a home. This is a chance to prove themselves, at least a section of them, and join the Horde. And not even all of them have to do it.

Unlike what people spout on a regular basis, we 100% do not know the number of San’layn out there. “LESS THAN VOID ELVES” was never bloody confirmed and you all know it. Where did Dreven come from, and the neophytes (meaning… they’ve been making more).

So, I’m just saying, I hope we get more lore on them too. This is too perfect of an opportunity to just shove them aside and forget about them. I’m doing pre-patch now and seeing Cult of the Damned is back too. I just… really hope this all continues.

And? It seems like the scourge threat will not be ended completely after prepatch. Just a feeling I get. So perhaps we return to mainland Azeroth to continue dealing with it. San’layn would be such a valuable asset for insight as to the inner workings of the scourge, and would be key, like Death Knights, to better defeating it.

Please Blizzard.

Edit: Also I feel like a good leader would be any of the now THREE missing Blood Princes. Like, a Blood Prince ascending to Blood King.

Time to put the tinfoil hat on folks.


Blood Prince Valanar is missing because he was the one to bring back Dreven. He wasn’t fully slain in ICC, or was brought back by Bolvar in secret and converted to the Ebon Blade cause. The San’layn have been working in secret, and an offshoot (Dreven) legit wanted a home, but failed in BfA.

There’s San’layn in Bolvar’s ranks working in secret due to the disdain toward them, but Valanar is the new Blood King, and will be coming out of the shadows soon to better deal with the scourge threat. He will be looking for a home for his people in the Horde.


The literal death expansion :weary: can Blizzard please take note of this request


There are a number of things Blizzard could do to introduce friendly San’layn that join the Horde during Shadowlands. Whether we see something happen in the Shadowlands or something back on Azeroth while we’re off in the Shadowlands, there should be plenty of opportunities to do something for them.

It’s also worth keeping an eye on Kael’thas also. Him becoming a San’layn is a possible way for him to escape the Shadowlands, though I wouldn’t really want him to become the next Sylvanas in wanting to utilize everything in his power to avoid dying again. Still, it’s worth keeping track of what happens to him in the Shadowlands story.

As I said before, we have plenty of patches during Shadowlands to see what happens, so hopefully we’ll see the San’layn somehow continue their quest to join the Horde and actually become members while becoming playable. :bat:


I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to report you to the proper authorities.


Yeah, sorry, brain is fried from Business Finance work. I’m surprised I didn’t make much more errors than that. x- x;


Blood King Kael’thas for the win. I’m more for the idea now than before, especially when I started the thread.


No no no, the reason is because Kael’thas was in “The Eye”, it took me a good second too :stuck_out_tongue: Get it? Keep an “eye” on Kael… yeah

Edit: So not an error, but punny


If Blizz continues with giving us reskins of the core races then we have Forsaken/undead left. San’layn can be considered undead so I see them as a possible fill in. I am hoping they are not giving Horde LF Forsaken tbh. Such a terrible idea especially after Forsaken got to cover up the bones.

LF Forsaken = fail :-1:

San’layn = WIN! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

EDIT: I forgot to add this. After reading Fallynn’s post about San’layn being in Bolvar’s ranks in secret I was wondering if anyone mentioned a disguise as a racial? Vampires can disguise themselves as human and have illusion magic so couldn’t we get a racial that allows us to maybe target a race and, after a short channel, copy their look? Would be very cool imo.