San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Thanks for posting those. Much appreciated. :smile:

I wish I had a grasp of facial anatomy, lol. I actually am a lot better because of a little trick I learned online, after drawing those ogres unfortunately, that has greatly improved my facial drawings as far as humanoids go.

Here’s what you do:

  1. Draw a circle. The left and right edges are the outer edges of the ears ; 5 eye lengths should fit in between both ears. I normally divide it by 5 and then remove the two outer eye lengths and the center eye length and then I have where both eyes should be. Normally I use the bottom of the circle as the mouth area.
  2. Draw a cross in the middle that touches the top and bottom and both sides. Now you have your center line and the horizontal line, the left to right line, is your brow line and top of ears.
  3. Draw a box inside the circle. Top line of the box is your hair line and the bottom line is the nose line and bottom of ears.
  4. Measure the distance from the brow line to the nose line and add that same length to the bottom of the box line. I normally make it kind of oval/circular shaped because it’s going to be more or less one of those shapes anyways.
  5. Draw in the eyes under the brow line, the center of your eyes are the outside of your mouth and the inside of the eyes are the outside of the nose. Draw in the nose, which is an eye length across, normally between both eyes. Erase unused lines and there is the start of your face. Hope this helps.

I will try to post the orc I made using that technique and you’ll see the difference between my ogres face and my orc face.

Couple of vids that helped me with the digital concept and what to avoid. Main thing is forget about tiny details and worry about the bigger picture (view).


This also helped regarding color theory.


I love language construction! I’m not very good at it myself, but I just find the whole idea of it so cool.

That was me. :slight_smile:

Yes, that would be awesome!

The wings as a barber shop option could be locked and tied to the unlock of the heritage armor, which would let them keep that heritage feel while giving you more control over how you use them.

I don’t like this idea. If it’s a toy, it technically isn’t part of your character’s appearance and therefore won’t display on the login screen or in the armory.


I like how Lana’thel/Thal’ena does not care someone is chewing on her arm.


I had not considered that! You’re right! Barbershop it is then!


I hope we’ll get Darkfallen/San’layn, and/or Dark Ranger options for Blood Elves, some day in the future! Void Elves can already pull of the Dark Ranger theme very well, if I may add to that effect.


I very much agree with this, as well as for the Alliance also. There are many different members of both that are completely unrepresented and forgotten about for the most part that could be given some love either as customization options for existing races or as full fledged core/allied races.

Doing so makes both factions feel complete, offers storyline opportunities when applicable in expansions, and also allows roleplaying opportunities while adding to the immersion and attachment to player characters. It also helps to give members of those factions at least some semblance of being there, as opposed to appearing once as NPC’s and then disappearing with no trace and not assisting with many world-ending threats or wars with the other faction.

For customization races, I still firmly believe that they need an identity in-game so that you’re feeling like you’re the actual tribe of a race as opposed to said race just cos-playing and larping. It doesn’t have to be a huge thing, either.

For example, Void Elves can talk to their leader in BfA to get some extra dialogue regarding their race’s predicament. It doesn’t affect the story or so, but it’s an interesting read to have some things unique to the race you’re playing. Imagine if you’re in a Horde base somewhere, and a Horde commander gives a quest to fight off some drakes or drake-riders attacking the base. For any race, he just gives orders and tells you to get out there, but if you’re a Dragonmaw Orc through customization, the text changes to something like “A Dragonmaw Orc! How fortuitous that you are here! I’ve heard stories of how your tribe fights against the dragons! With you on our side, we’ll be sure to fend off those drakes quickly!” Or even some NPC’s who just mention that they’re happy to see a fellow kinsman from their tribe in the area. Stuff like that is pretty awesome for immersion and feels pretty good to see as you’re passing by.

There are all sorts of fun ideas I could go into with this line of thinking, but that would make this post a bit long. Maybe I’ll share more later on. Right now, my brain is frazzled from studying for final exams of the 8 week course I have. x- x


I’ve been pre-occupied with school but I have a new one I’ve been “starting on” by concepting the alphabet, though I haven’t started with anything serious yet.

I’m taking quite a bit of inspiration from Manchurian’s alphabet, which I found stunning when I first saw

My handwriting is good, but it’s neither that good (or even remotely close) nor do I have the utensils to write something like that, so whatever I make will be much simpler and less artistic.


Yeah it’s amusing :stuck_out_tongue: Can’t say I blame her. (That’ll be used against me later I’m sure.) Also yeah I forgot, that could indeed be Tha’lena. It’d be nice if we eventually got more lore on that Blood Princess, but most say she was just a ‘flavor’ boss, unfortunately.


I’d love Mok 'nathal tbh. Could be either an ogre or orc or both customization. Wanted them since I saw Batman Rexxar in Outland back in TBC. And as much as I’d like them to have some story, they are a little to rare and Blizz would just give us AU version which don’t cut it imo, so customization would actually work for them in this instance. MU Mag’har > AU Mag’har as an example.

Ogres on the other hand need to be a core race and not an AR imo. I wanted them since we were getting new races added. Was upset we got BE’s instead of Ogres and a little miffed that we got goblins instead of ogres though I’d put goblins with ogres for the first two Horde new races as long as we got both and not just one like we did. I could actually go for an AU ogre clan as long as it isn’t anything we’ve seen in the MU. Maybe they got wiped or went extinct in MU.

But I think that anyone that is a fan of a specific race, or subrace, would like to have some story go along with it and that won’t happen if they are just customizations. Core race > AR > customization.

To each their own.


Core races are probably a little more likely to happen in the future now that Blizzard no longer needs to design starting zones for them, thanks to Exile’s Reach. Kinda sucks to lose out on the starting zone, but making it easier for Blizzard to make new core races is nice.


It’s possible that they would just be released as an expansion feature in the beginning, possibly even in a prepatch for a future expansion. I still think having events leading up to new Horde and Alliance races right before an expansion would be really awesome, exciting, and fun. Though, I’d be fine with them being an allied race. I will immediately focus on any Stonemaul Ogre rep that ever pops up. ← <;

I was new to Warcraft in general when I first started playing during BC. I can’t say whether it was best for Blood Elves to join the Horde or not, but I’m happy they’re apart of it to be honest. As for Goblins, I was really excited for them when I saw Cataclysm, and was hoping that Ogres wouldn’t be too far behind. Was really happy with Pandaren, but then WoD happened… x- x

Funnily enough, I wonder a different universe where they did go with Ogres instead of Goblins. I can imagine a lot of kerfuffle in the Goblin megathread that would’ve been created during BfA and all sorts of arguments about them. I’d be for them, of course, but likely not be a front-runner for them, instead being a small supporter.

And this is the biggest worry I have with customization races. Not having any in-game presence or storylines at all, and just being treated as their parent race playing pretend. It’s a huge reason why I worry about San’layn being a customization race instead of being their own thing, when they would have some difference between them and Blood Elves. Believe me, I want playable San’layn, but I don’t just want to see a still image of them as customization options and then never having any presence or recognition in game of how the Horde let them join.

I actually made a thread about this subject some time ago if anyone wants to read my thoughts more in depth:

The only thing I would add at the moment is having their own unique pets to the hunter class. Some customization race possibilities would not make sense with the starting pet of their parent race.

Anyway, I view player characters as being very important to the player. San’layn and other races deserve better treatment than just being a customization option announced in a still image with flat fanfare and nothing in-game to explain it at all. Just my opinion, of course. :bat:


I’ve always thought the san’layn were cool, and they did TRY to join the horde. But I think the alliance killed them.

Covered the killing issue in my FAQ post! Those that are curious can read more on that as well!

Edit: Would also like to add, in pre-patch Lana’thel and the Blood Princes get ressurected. They’re killed off again as loot fodder (not very good loot either) but it does have lore implications, that there’s clearly an indefinite amount of times that they can be brought back, same with the Legion war campaign for Death Knights, as we saw!

Dreven’s origin is the most important in this, as we still don’t know where he came from at all, so there’s a very real potential that there’s another blood king or queen walking about.


In my opinion if we get Vampires they should be Venthyr, we have enough elves.

I respect your opinion, however completely disagree, but best of luck with promoting Venthyr. It’s not a race I’m even remotely interested in, nor would I play.

San’layn are what I believe would be a far better Allied Race, and I will stick to that, elf or not.


I just thought of something while reading this. What if instead of adding more to Azeroth they have us go to another world and help the races there. Maybe there are ogres there. Maybe one of the many void lords is wrecking havoc there and some two-headed ogre mage opened a portal to Azeroth. Who knows?

I played WC 1 and 2 and was use to ogres and goblins from those games. I am not an elf fan but I’ve excepted the BE’s. I just wish ogres came before them tbh. Was expecting them before goblins. Pandarens though, pfffft, was part of the reason I quite back in 2011. Pandas before ogres? No f^@#ing way!

As for WoD, which I wasn’t around for, I wish that came out instead of MoP tbh. I know it was terrible according to many but I prefer orcs and that was an orc xpac. Unfortunately Blizz screwed that up. Not sure what everyone didn’t like except maybe because it was orc focused and orcs get a lot of hate. The garrison should of been a community one instead of a solo one imo. If they wanted something solo centered it could’ve been individual housing. Mag’har would’ve been awesome to unlock for that xpac imo.

They would’ve gotten those unimpressive, trying to be nice here, gilgoblins and they would’ve complained. I don’t like those water goblins tbh. I want those zombie goblins from WoD. :slight_smile:

There are players for every race in Azeroth, some with more of a following and some with less, but each should be treated as unique and as such get equal treatment (Meaning story, customizations, etc.).

For me personally, I think each race should have it’s own starting zone, though the new starting area seems like it’s a one size fits all type scenario. Haven’t played it but appears to be where new recruits go to learn the ropes and start the fight. Generic but it works for all future races.

I just think each race should have a racial story quest line, kind of like GW2 does, along with the overall story. More content and each race now feels that much more unique instead of a “race playing pretend” as you put it. And any new version/subrace of a current one will still feel different because they would get an entirely new racial quest chain to complete.

I’d also love to have class questlines like in Legion but they start at lvl 1 all the way up to max lvl. As with the racial and story questlines you would get something new every so many levels. Leveling would feel so full just from those 3 questlines alone imo. Way too much work for Blizz but one can dream.

@Fallynn I wanted to post the youtube vid that helped me with my eyes but couldn’t find it. Here it is. ` it may not help you but if it does then great.


I forgot to respond to this oops

Dragonmaw all being dead or no longer a part of the Horde is a common misconception but it’s not quite true.

At least one Dragonmaw orc never sided with Garrosh, Koak, so it’s almost unreasonable to assume there weren’t at least a few others that did the same. Koak hasn’t done anything since MoP, but it’s never said he’s dead so he’s still around and a part of the Horde.

But more importantly, Gorfax Angerfang, a Dragonmaw orc appeared at the prestige 2 ceremony for Horde in Legion, meaning there’s more than one Dragonmaw still around, at least him and Koak, so the Dragonmaw are still around, just dimished (likely extremely heavily, at that).

If I remember correctly, there were some Dragonmaw in the vulpera unlock, not sure tho.

I headcannon my current main, Zuro here, as Mok’nathal. Orginally Rexxar was just a beige orc, but that changed during his model update. I was really hoping we’d get a beige skin for orcs alongide Dragonmaw and Blackrock skins (and possibly fel orc skins, since some fel orcs are a part of the Horde), still disappointed we didn’t. Blizzard did it once, they can do it again.

Yup, still a bit salty we got AU Mag’har instead of MU Mag’har.

Ogres were the fourth race to join the current Horde. 4 races were playable in Classic.

Getting Forsaken I think was awesome, but really ogres should have at least been made playable at the same time, considering they were a part of the Horde before Forsaken.

And literally every race that joined after WC3.

There’s this plate armor ogres wear very frequently, I want to play one as a warrior every time I see it

Likewise, ogre mages are frequently seen wearing this, and that also makes me want to play an ogre mage

And to top it off, Blizzard added a quintessentially looking ogre weapon in BfA

In an effort I believe was to specifically taunt me


Personally I have no interest in Venthyr.

San’layn already exist and I don’t feel we needed another competing vampire.

Luck to your interests though.


Not to be rude but were are getting a little big on the Ogre convo here.


Not rude, not really wrong either tbh.