San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Well, if nobody minds, I can start planning to make a Stonemaul Ogre megathread, though it might be a bit before I can get it up and running. Designing and maintaining a megathread takes a lot of work, but for Saurok and Ogres, I’m willing to take on the work of being a champion for both. :japanese_ogre: :crocodile:

If I do end up creating it, I’ll be sure to share the link here whenever I get it up and running, since I know there are a few Horde Ogre supporters here.


I’m pretty great, not gonna lie.

I’d be down to make a megathread for ogres, especially the Stonemaul, chiefly because of the OP but also because some parts of his post are lacking I believe, like not addressing the non-issue of height very well.

Maybe if the thread dies, but if I tried to make one now I imagine the first 5 posts would just try to direct me to the normal megathread for ogres.

Stonemaul are the best ogre clan, there is no changing my mind

There’s also been an influx of people who just go “ogres are stupid they shouldn’t be playable” recently. I’ve been able to shoot them down pretty easily but the feeling of it is meh, it’s not like absolutely shredding someone who tries to make actual arguments against ogres being playable, which is very enjoyable, and the one time I did it I still remember. TBH though, I’d rather they do that instead of just giving “me no like, me opinion best”.

If anyone else does make a better one though, I’d be willing to design it or help with any part, especially regarding height, because that’s the most common misconception.

If you’re into megathreads, I made one for forest trolls, so head over there if you’d like


i find this thread to be insane. 6586 posts. countless views.
a plethora of hate but also a ton of support. 10/10


Good question! I’m still figuring it out for each character, but I’ll admit, I’m going with aesthetics more for many of my characters. For example, my main, Lady Fallynn:

(Art by )

She would fit best in Ardenwald, but the Revendreth aesthetic matches her look the best, if that makes sense. In character wise, though, she’d dedicate her time to Ardenwald, though that won’t be seen in game itself as you can’t use the other covenant’s aesthetics.

Meanwhile, this guy, Elias:

(Art credit to )

He would story-wise and aesthetic-wise fit into Maldraxxas 100%. He’s the main male character I play, and is my most powerful Blood Prince. A beserker in combat, as you can see by the scars–and he LOVES combat/battle. However, he would view the skills he learns from Maldraxxas as a way to better protect his new family, the “City of Monsters” he defends (my guild :relaxed: )

Those are my two main San’layn, and I have many more, but those two I’ve thought about the most in this context for sure. It all comes down to aesthetics versus story, because while roleplayers will be able to “in character” Shadowlands, you don’t have to be in your covenant IC if that makes sense.

Yeah trust me, we get those here too. The “Stupid” argument isn’t valid. Ogres had an entire empire. And two-headed ogres are highly intelligent, I believe. You guys already prolly use those arguments though :stuck_out_tongue: Ogres have been asked for a long while by Horde players, so I think it’s long overdue. Even before San’layn, I would say, though of course my hat’s in with the vampyr for obvious reasons. The only shame is there’s no thematic that work this expansion–but isn’t that the case for Dark Irons? They seemed sorta out of the blue (in a good way!). Like, they gave them to the community because they were well wanted. Mah’gar too.

So, in my opinion? The expansion doesn’t have to ‘match’ what we desire. Like we’ve seen AU forces escape into Azeroth via the Mah’gar questline too. There’s always side stories that could easily bring these races in.

Thanks, appreciate it! And yeah true, we try to keep things lively and engaging. I try my best to be respectful even if someone has the opposite views, though if they’re rude to me I’ll admittedly be less nice. I think we try to have positive ideas for the story if that makes sense ^^


Most of them are, there’s been a few “dumb” ones, like Glubtok in Deadmines, if speech is to be used as a marker of stupidity.

There’s several ogres who speak English just fine, and some are a part of the Stonemaul Clan no less.

He speaks coherently in the same quest where we find out he’s a Stonemaul ogre.

Another example

Example of speech

He’s a warlock too, so the intelligence isn’t mage only. I’m not sure if Gim’hila is anything, as far as I know he’s just an ogre.

Oh and that’s not even considering this

A continent spanning empire built on arcane magic, which makes its users extremely intelligent.

Well, they say they’re stupid intelligence wise, and stupid as in no one likes them, despite them easily being one of, if not the largest, Horde requests ever.

Not all ogres are dumb is a fact, and them being a dumb race is subjective and plenty of people disagree with that.

Right yeah, because the ones in Outland weren’t enough for some reason.

Already a part of the Horde? Pop up very frequently for a non-playable group? Literally gave us a warchief?

Nah, we need more definitely not confusing time travelling™ and going back to that one expansion everyone wants to forget.

Iron Horde are cool and all, don’t get me wrong, but they’re not the ones that have been with us for all this time. Only one of my Mag’har is headcannoned as an AU orc, all my others are MU Mag’har.


I was excited when the eye colors and skin colors for BE’s first came out and it looked like we’d be able to make Dark Rangers due to red eyes and white skin tone. Unfortunately that was only for the NPC’s. :frowning:

I’m not an elf fan but I do have 1 or 2 BE’s and I like the goatee option for one of them. I don’t like the eyes, though I know HE’s fanbois do. The hairstyles aren’t anything great imo. Not elegant enough for an elf imo. I like the necklaces for the females but I don’t see them being visible above armor so it’s a waste while on orcs we tend to go more tribal/primitive looks sometimes and it goes great.

Speaking of orcs, I LOVE the new skin colors. The tats, war paints and eyes are crazy fun imo. The female hair styles look rather good, one in particular, but the male hair styles are not that good. And no male Grom style, though one looks a little similar, so big fail there. The piercings for tooth, nose and ears are good. They could be better and hopefully in the future they add more but for now they’ll do.

As far as transmog changes I am so excited for the one shoulder showing option. I normally transmog this toon to look like Grom but am extremely limited (2?) to one shoulder looks as of right now. This would open up a crap ton of options for me though I’ll probably just use the Warsong heritage armor or the Honorbound set.

And the trolls tats, paints and piercings I’m looking forward to. The undead hairtyles, decay level, and eyes are what I’m interested in. I don’t play tauren but like the war paints and feathers/totems in hair. I don’t play panda’s but like the hair styles. And I have a goblin or two but nothing jumps out at me for them except maybe hair color (?).

To each their own. :slight_smile:

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The necklaces and armbands actually are visible above armor. The bracelets however are not. The problem I have with them is that they won’t often match my transmog. Gold or Silver with green gems don’t necessarily work with everything, or even most things.

More color options for the metal and actual options for the gem color (like the Draenei got) might help in this regard. Especially if we get Darkfallen options. I could see using the jewelry in silver dark bronze or gun metal black with blood red gemstones on a character portraying a San’layn.

Of course that still does nothing for males :frowning:


Nah I get you entirely. Plus… we saw Outlands is still there in the Thrall cinematic, so like… come on? Clearly it’s not that difficult to travel there. I think many Mah’gar fans would have been far happy with main universe. (Though I don’t want to speak for people, of course.)

Yeah I have no interest in the eyes either myself. There might be a purple-ish option I might use, but I forgot if that was kept. And haha, see I have the opposite opinion! Night elves got half-mohawks for example, something I would LOVE on my blood elves (for reasons I’m sure people in this thread know, I’ve shared the character many times now x3) More variety, if you get what I mean.

Haha, this is what I wish we got for blood elves! It seems like some races get so many themes whereas these guys are stuck as cookie cutter and boring. Not every elf is going to be the same, and I wish there was representation for those that branch off and are actually fierce. It annoys me that people are stuck to “we need to all be the same theme with no variety or variation”. This is customization we’re talking about! So the jewelry for elves I’m just like “Awesome, well I’m not using what, in my personal opinion, is utter trash.” And I love jewelry and piercings on men, too, which they’re not getting -.-. Plus no blood elf chokers! But the blood elf from the cinematic has one!

Eh people in this thread have seen me ramble on… and on… and on. And sometimes I’ll be in other threads (Though I avoid that now usually). I think, if Blizzard does ever visit here, they get the point that I’m not a happy camper, same with some others.


I got a commission of my lovely Falls :smiley: By one of my favorite artists.

Love how this came out so much. Figured I’d share some awesome San’layn band leader art. There’s several bands with forsaken or led by them, so I figured: Why not? :smiley: Plus, the ripper (which she has) was dropped by a San’layn.

Art Credit:


Just wanted to wish everyone a happy October. If there is one month fitting for San’layn, it would be this one. October is also one of my favorite months, mostly because of Halloween stuff. :ghost:

Still pledging my support for the San’layn cause as well! :bat:


Oh my gosh guys, look at this!


Sooooo gorgeous and cool!


So some news has popped up with Shadowlands.

The pre-patch is set for Oct. 13th:

However, the expansion has been delayed to some time later this year:

Honestly, I’m fine with it being delayed. A lot of work still needs to be done in it, and I’m actually having fun doing older content and stuff.

Will keep an eye out for any other news. :bat:


I’ll admit, I’m drinking the tears of those throwing a tantrum about the delay. Look at how they rampage, it’s pretty sad.

If Blizzard doesn’t think it’s finished and isn’t polished? Good for them for delaying it. I know it’s not a priority, but I hope they add more customization too :pleading_face: (BEFORE SOMEONE YELLS AT ME, ONCE AGAIN, YES I KNOW THAT ISN’T A PRIORITY)

Even if not, hopefully more for 9.1.



Well that makes me look dumb to a whole bunch of people because of how sure I was that it’d be the 6th

I was really hoping for the 6th

I can’t wait to enjoy my class again, this expansion made it so bad I got tired of it and evacuated to another class, and that class I had to move to another spec because they obliterated my favorite spec for that too

Which is luckily coming back in terms of fun in SLs

For the love of god give me Dragonmaw please

My main is literally not even changing without those skin tones, besides maybe making my eye color red if it gets changed

I’ll also have to redo the beard since orc beards are changing

But he’ll look pretty much identical, especially since I wear a hood all the time

If I got those skins I’d show them off and actually look different

Not to mention, it’s literally pre-existing assets that don’t desire any new lore

An orc can dream


Honestly, I’m perfectly fine with the delay. I’m not that much in a hurry to play Shadowlands, especially since it does need a lot more work, and right now I’ve gotten into doing old content, achievements, and also grinding out some reps.

I’m actually use to grinding reps in MMO’s since Everquest 1, where I would gain as much faction with different groups in the game. Was really fun to walk around the human city of Freeport as a Troll Beastlord or Ogre Berserker and have easier access to the boat. Even the Paladins there loved me and let me duck crawl into the bank despite being an evil race.

Course, I’m not expecting to be able to get rep with the Alliance and totally chill out in Stormwind whenever I jolly well please, though I totally would if it didn’t harm my Horde faction. Though, you never know if it might involve future playable races in some fashion. Not to mention that it feels good being liked. <- <;

Also gives me a bit of room to work with Sauroktober stuff this month, assuming my college classes don’t bog me down. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Oh, I just realized

It’s not just the prepatch being announced a week later than most thought, the whole expansion is being delayed.

Considering what I’ve heard of its current state that does make me happy.

I’m more than willing to wait, but I am very tired of not enjoying my main character.


I’m kind of glad they delayed it. There are a lot of problems for them to fix and these issues won’t be fixed before the 26th of this month. And as Fallynn said, maybe this will give them time to add additional much requested customization after they have the main priorities straightened out.


Is your artwork digital or hand drawn? I’m not talking about the commissions you get I’m talking about your own personal stuff. I kept thinking you were hand drawing them and was thinking that’s not bad but then I thought they might be digital and if that’s the case they are pretty good.

I hand draw my stuff but recently started to try digital and it is far harder for me. My hand drawn stuff it far superior to anything I can do digitally not to mention it takes about 15 mins to a half hour to sketch something hand drawn but if I try to do the same thing digitally it would take over an hour probably.

:clap: To your art work Fallynn

Here are two images of my ogre. Unfortunately I took the pictures a while ago with, of all things, a tablet camera which sucks. I made the mistake of drawing on graph paper and I had to attempt to burn the pics which made them look smudgy.


If they don’t show here is the hidden link: ~

*Side Note: If I ever had someone else draw my toons it would probably be ` especially if it was a female character. Here drawings are so nice imo.


Fingers crossed for you! I hope they listen to the orc player base too, and perhaps give you some lore as well.

Oh that fixes that then ^^

Yeah true! Gives me time for roleplay events that are Halloween related, and to grind out some more Legion caches. Ugh… 2 more mounts left x.x

My art is digital! As a background, I started with 0 prior knowledge at all. Sure, I maybe drew on paper every like 6 months, and probably looked like I really wanted to do well and just… never advanced.

But last year, when I became obsessed with getting commissions because I simply LOVE seeing my characters brought to life (along with the fact that I’m writing a book series), I couldn’t stop really loving art.

Plus… to be honest… I kinda felt bad, like I haven’t been doing enough for the San’layn community. Sure, I put this thread together and contribute ideas. But what if I could actually create some of these concepts I enjoy so much, via my characters? I didn’t make the models in the first video. I’m just a spokesperson, and wanted to do something more.

Along with, of course, being able to actually draw my characters. So! My journey commenced, and that last piece I did was day 74 of learning art (I ONLY count days I’ve done art. Meaning I’ve had a lot of time between them where I was not. I think I started trying to learn in March 2020, with help of my art friends. Actually, here’s a picture of progress so far:

I have a LONG way to go. I won’t be very good until a few years from now, it’s something I understand. And yes–I become very frustrated with myself. But, well. I just need to keep drawing.

That’s very fair. It takes a lot to learn the programs for sure, and new mediums in general. I started on absolutely nothing, so as a blank slate likely adjusted easier. I knew I wanted to be a digital artist, as that medium is a place where I feel I can progress the most, since I make a lot of mistakes and don’t grasp things well in terms of art.



Here you go! Yeah you have a great grasp on facial anatomy, far ahead of me. at the moment. I think those sketches are awesome! And cool artist choice, looks like they’re really excellent! I think I’m set with like four artists I’ll always return to now once I get the funds. Art is expensive but worth it.


Yeah this one seems like a no brainer idk why they haven’t.

I love Horde races but I enjoyed questing in Twilight Highlands, if I’m not mistaken those are the Dragonmaw? I’d like to see people get the options if I played Orcs I’d want one. Though I’m strictly Elf no offense maybe a sprinkle of Vulpera.

Dragonmaw, Zandalari, San’layn.

(Also possible Undead Elf DR tied into a San’layn AR or customization)

Those 3 though I’ve always wanted to see and yes I know BFA brought Zandalari, but I was so happy to see them just thought I’d mention them, I would have hoped the customizations brought Dragonmaw Orcs in, I just like the idea of a complete Horde too as far as player options.