San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

This thread is about people who want that for blood elves though?

So you’re going to get pushback.


If it makes baby happy here you go!

There you go, though you could have done so once again without the insults. But that’s a reflection upon you, not me. Best of luck even if I disagree.

And now such a thread can get farther and more to the point of what the suggestion is, which is what I was trying to say in the first place, since it’s one of a different nature.


Been a rash of folk doing this again. Seen it in several threads.

Even had folk defending them for some reason.

I don’t get it.

You go into a thread about a thing saying you don’t want it and expect what?

Everyone to agree? Be happy? Move on?

It’s a discussion thread, folk will comment.


Yeah exactly. Plus with something like that suggestion, is overarching, for Dark Rangers, San’layn, and undead elves in general. It’s a specific sort of mechanic that would do far better in its own thread. I wasn’t trying to be malicious, my suggestions to ‘start new threads’ are legit so the person with the idea/suggestion can get farther rather than it being buried in here, especially if the majority will disagree. That way they can get a more solid audience.

Edit: Also why I say that about the Venthyr. Once again, it’ll get buried here and isn’t the point or target of this thread, meaning its own thread would be where it would not die.


Sidenote: I’m really happy I decided to start playing again a bit more. I’m a mount collector and have been getting soooo lucky lately :smiley:

Midnight makes for a great San’layn mount too.

Hoping I get this luck for the new saber bats! I think one drops off of a mob in Shadowlands.


So jealous about that cloud serpent.

That midnight one I need to start trying for.


Huge grats, those are two of my favorites

I just wish I’d use midnight more
halfway useless as a ground mount


Dark Rangers I’m fine with Blood Elves or Undead getting the customizations as they have ties to both races, but the San’layn are decidedly a Blood Elf thing.

They took the name Sin’dorei and and died as Blood Elves, amongst Kael’thas’s best and brightest, and never became part of the Forsaken culture, they even rival the Forsaken in this regard. So they have to be a Blood Elf addition if they are to be made a customization as opposed to their own AR.

I’d support both San’layn Paladins and Forsaken Paladins of any kind.

San’layn themselves are a stronger variant of Undead that can regenerate through blood consumption, paired with drawing on the Sunwells Holy energy and you’d have something of a return to BC era Blood Knights. We also see them as Paladins in Icecrown Citadel.

Forsaken themselves could also pull off Paladins as we see them amongst the Scourge and the Undead Scarlet Crusaders.


I just got that stormdrake last night lol


Hey, congrats! It’s one of the most awesome models in my personal opinion. I grinded like CRAZY for the Valajar stormwing–I think it took me like over 50 caches. Maybe the blue one will make it into the game someday. Also wonder how Island Expedition farming will be in the next expansion… especially with the AoE nerf .-.

Yeah exactly, very good point! Plus this very important thing gives more insight to how the light works, which people really should consider:

"When undead use or are healed by the Holy Light, does it cause them any actual damage or harm, or does it only cause them pain (in addition to the intended effects of the spell)?

Channeling the Light in any way, or receiving healing from the Light, only causes pain. Forsaken priests do not disintegrate or explode from channeling the Light for an extended period of time… though they may wish they would."

"Can you please explain how “light” works? The lore states that undead are physically incapable of using the light, much like the Broken, but then we have Forsaken players casting healing spells, and Sir Zeliek in Naxxramas using pseudo-paladin abilities.

Without spoiling too much, we can tell you that wielding the Light is a matter of having willpower or faith in one’s own ability to do it. That’s why there are evil paladins (for example, the Scarlet Crusade and Arthas before he took up Frostmourne). For the undead (and Forsaken), this requires such a great deal of willpower that it is exceedingly rare, especially since it is self-destructive. When undead channel the Light, it feels (to them) as if their entire bodies are being consumed in righteous fire. Forsaken healed by the Light (whether the healer is Forsaken or not) are effectively cauterized by the effect: sure, the wound is healed, but the healing effect is cripplingly painful. Thus, Forsaken priests are beings of unwavering willpower; Forsaken (and death knight) tanks suffer nobly when they have priest and paladin healers in the group; and Sir Zeliek REALLY hates himself."


We don’t need the ridiculous concept that is “lightforged undead” which I see as mary-sue cop-out nonsense. Forsaken can and do cast light right here, and paladins would be in a lot of pain when casting, but here’s the thing–that’s noble. You’re causing yourself a ton of pain by using the magic for the cause you believe in, which is actually admirable. It’s sacrifice, and far more interesting than this new nonsense they are shoving down our throats.


I got that on my second chest <.<

Ironically it led to me quitting the game for 8 months because I had nothing I wanted to do because the RNG of legion sucked the enjoyment out of everything.

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I’m so jealous, but then again I have the sha of anger mount and less than 300 kills on him, so I suppose I can’t complain too much :stuck_out_tongue:



Yea, they should be a Blood Elf option. Forsaken are humans, not elves, and elves aren’t from Lordaeron. Willpower is a Forsaken theme, magic is elven. No elf would ever get down on the ground to cannabilize, and even the San’layn themselves just suck blood (and that theme could be accomplished with a blood DK and San’layn Blood Elf options).


Didn’t even think of it this way, but it completely shatters any “forsaken should get DR options” I’ve seen, flat out. Very good point and completely correct.


Dark Ranger elves are Forsaken.

Our leader, Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, originally hails from these lands, and in fact used to be an elf.

Though I do agree this would be weird.


Mixing 2 skeletons like that just seems too weird, especially over human and elf. I feel like Dark Rangers would fit way more on Blood Elves, personally. However, I’m not really planning on playing Dark Rangers.

San’layn though, definitely not for Forsaken. It’d make more sense for all of those options to be on blood elves as a whole as opposed to shoving them onto forsaken, to keep elves as elves. (Also if Alliance really want San’layn, because I’m not sure if Dark Rangers would fit on them but perhaps San’'layn as well, the void elves could get them. I see some heavily against that though and I understand why.)


San’layn make the most sense as their own race, but if they have to make them customization options, they definitely fit more on Blood Elves I agree.

As for Dark Rangers, I’d prefer them as a model toggle option, but I’m fine with them as skins on Blood Elves too. Whatever gets them playable honestly.

Yes, if Dark Rangers and San’layn both are added as customization options, it would be nice if we could mix and match the pieces.

I am one of those against this. San’layn definitely fit more with the Horde. I mean, I guess they could be neutral, but I’d prefer them Horde, and they definitely shouldn’t be Alliance only. That would be awful.


100% agreed, I have to keep my eyes on the truth here :stuck_out_tongue: I started this with the intent of yes–I would want them, 100%, as their own race. I really, really hope that’s still on the table.

Yeah that’s fair, I wonder if this could be applied in general for… I don’t know. Hm. Various races.

Oh yeah, 100% against alliance only. They should be on Horde, and maybe alliance, but eh I’m kinda not for them on Alliance, but I’m not crazy against it. Though people are a bit annoyed with blood elves losing uniqueness (which I don’t mind as much but understand entirely). I think if we’re fated to be customization, it being Horde only would keep it a bit more unique for this faction.